
Does functional uterine bleeding affect fertility?

No ovulation, no ovulation is naturally affecting fertility, how can you conceive a child without ovulation, so it must be affected.

Does functional uterine bleeding affect fertility?

Of course, the so-called anovulatory blood, generally occur in puberty and menopause, these two stages are also very few people still want to have children, so the impact is not too big, after puberty is naturally good.

If there is no ovulation after puberty, it is often manifested as amenorrhea, rather than blood, just like the disease of polycystic ovary syndrome, and the old do not ovulate and do not menstruate.

Does functional uterine bleeding affect fertility?

There is ovulation work blood it is after all ovulation, the impact on fertility is not large, if the patient is not required to use contraceptives, can be used for a long time, if the patient is the kind of want to have children, bleeding during the menstrual cycle, we can use some ovulation induction drugs, like this luteal gland function is not good and ovulation bleeding, often or follicle development is not good, with some ovulation induction drugs, follicle development is good, it can also improve the bleeding situation.

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