
Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, called Xiao Su Shen

author:Ai Xiaobei parenting class
From the handwriting, you can see what kind of personality this person is, and it is not unreasonable to say that "words are like its people", if you write a good hand, you can leave a good impression in the hearts of others, and even attract others to imitate.

During the study period, students not only have to learn knowledge, but also write a good hand, so that students in the exam, will not bring unfavorable factors, and even get extra points, that is, paper scores, do not look at only a few points, but it is the key score of students more than other students, even if it is a point difference in the college entrance examination, it will surpass many students, so this point is crucial.

Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, called Xiao Su Shen

Now students can know a lot of things through the Network, they have unique insights, different ideas, often will make many people feel amazed, what they pursue is more innovative, hope that they can become the most special person, now primary school students have their favorite people in their hearts, they will take them as the goal, continue to move forward, make themselves more excellent.

In this Winter Olympics, there were many young players, who fought bravely, were not afraid of everything, and made a lot of excellent results on the field of competition, which stimulated the enthusiasm of many students, and students also wanted to become so good when they grew up and shine in their own fields.

Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, called Xiao Su Shen

The power of idols is huge, they can guide students to a positive learning attitude, let them be full of positive energy, harvest more beneficial things, so the Winter Olympics snowboarder Su Yiming, became the idol of the current students, only because he gave himself the best birthday gift for eighteen years old at the best age, that is, the gold medal of the Winter Olympics.

Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, which attracted the students to imitate the handwriting

After seeing Su Yiming's performance at the Winter Olympics, it won a lot of people's attention, and a junior high school student from the experimental middle school affiliated to Beijing Normal University wrote a letter to Su Yiming, in which the junior high school students expressed their love for Su Yiming and also expressed their love for veneer, for which the junior high school student took him as an example and let himself continue to approach him.

Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, called Xiao Su Shen

This made Su Yiming very moved, and then wrote back to the junior high school student, in which he gave the student unlimited blessings, hoping that he could enjoy the happiness brought by snowboarding, for which the student posted Su Yiming's letter, which got a lot of people's attention.

Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, called Xiao Su Shen

Only to see that Su Yiming's letter did not have too many words, from the handwriting of his writing, it is very free, but it does not lose its neatness, which makes people shine, so some netizens said: Show the style of a champion, and many people praise Su Yiming and praise his handwriting for being good-

Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, called Xiao Su Shen

Even many students have imitated the words he wrote after seeing them, although this handwriting looks very good, but it is very unsuitable for students who are in the learning stage, so students still do not imitate this handwriting, or they must use a neat and excellent font, so that they will be beneficial to themselves in the exam.

What fonts are suitable for students to write?

Students are suitable for writing in italics fonts

The most suitable for students to practice font is the letter, the characteristics of the letter is to standardize, the handwriting is clear, neat, very good to identify the handwriting, so the students in the exam plays a very good help, and the overall sense of the letter is very strong, the word and line between the arrangement of the same distance, giving people a sense of stability.

Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, called Xiao Su Shen

When students are writing, they can not only get exercise, but also improve their handwriting, so that the pen is clear, solid and powerful, orderly, natural and smooth, and the strokes are more echoed, which can help students play a very solid foundation role when practicing fonts.

Students are suitable for writing in line fonts

As long as you learn the calligraphy well, then students will naturally write the calligraphy, compared to the writing, the font is more mature, so if the students want to further improve the calligraphy, you can choose to learn the calligraphy, is a good choice.

Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, called Xiao Su Shen

Students are suitable for writing in Lishu fonts

If students are interested in calligraphy, they can also practice learning Lishu fonts, and the calligraphy with a long history in the mainland has a large seal. Xiaozhu and Lishu are the first standardized calligraphy in the history of Chinese calligraphy, but Lishu is the most representative calligraphy after Xiaozhuo, which has changed the way of writing and aesthetics, so Lishu is more suitable for current students to practice.

Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, called Xiao Su Shen

The author would like to say: if students can write beautiful and neat handwriting, they will leave a good impression in the minds of the grading teachers, and at the same time, calligraphy can not only exercise students' ability to write, but also cultivate their personality, cultivate their sentiments, and hone the perseverance of students, so students must practice words early.

Now the handwriting is equivalent to a person's façade, but also the most basic standard to measure a person's cultural literacy, so even in the heavy school time, why not find time to learn other interests and hobbies, so as to release the pressure of learning, add more advantages to yourself.

Su Yiming's handwritten letter to the students was on fire, and the handwriting showed the champion style, called Xiao Su Shen

Today's topic: What internet celebrity fonts do you think are suitable for students to imitate? What do you think of Su Yiming's font?

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