
Today Durant was asked why Harden left, and Durant said: Harden has not yet won the championship.

The one who understands the third brother must be the eldest brother!

Today Durant was asked why Harden left, and Durant said: "I think you have to look at this from Harden's point of view, Irving doesn't play, I'm injured again, and Harden hasn't won the championship yet." ”

"Harden seems to be 32 this year, he decided to join a competitive team with a good record (very normal), you have to think differently, look at the problem from his point of view, this is the situation, we can't control the feelings of others."

"Hopefully he can stay healthy, hopefully his team is healthy and we want to be healthy too. Hopefully our team will have a good year, they have a good year, and we each move on. ”

Today Durant was asked why Harden left, and Durant said: Harden has not yet won the championship.
Today Durant was asked why Harden left, and Durant said: Harden has not yet won the championship.
Today Durant was asked why Harden left, and Durant said: Harden has not yet won the championship.
Today Durant was asked why Harden left, and Durant said: Harden has not yet won the championship.

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