
Europe left the United States at a critical moment and extended an olive branch to China, and China and Europe may reach an important agreement

author:Cool News

According to the Global Network, the Chinese vice foreign minister and the secretary-general of the European Union External Action Agency launched a video call a few days ago, and the Chinese side said: China will always look at and develop China-EU relations from a long-term and strategic perspective, China-EU international relations will also have global influence, and China will also maintain a positive and stable diplomatic attitude towards Europe. The European side said: China and the EU should uphold the spirit of mutual respect and mutual concern to jointly safeguard world stability, and the European side will look forward to the positive results of this year's meeting between the leaders of China and the EU and greater development of China-EU relations.

Europe left the United States at a critical moment and extended an olive branch to China, and China and Europe may reach an important agreement

Against the backdrop of international turmoil, the EU extended an olive branch to China, and the leaders of the two sides made video calls and promoted China-EU diplomatic relations, and China and the EU may reach an important agreement. As a result, the wind direction of the international situation has changed.

Europe extends an olive branch to China

Due to the influence of many factors, the Russo-Ukrainian War began, and Europe and other regions were deeply affected by it. The United States, as the malicious archer behind the whole thing, has left the responsibility aside, and instead of assuming the responsibility of mediating the emotions of all parties and persuading peace, it has stood on the moral high ground to win allies to sanction Russia. The conspiracy and purpose of the United States have long been seen through by the outside world, and Europe has become extremely disappointed in the United States.

At the critical moment, the EU suddenly extended an olive branch to China and launched a video dialogue with the Chinese vice minister of foreign affairs, during which both sides put forward their opinions and wishes, and judging from the results of the negotiations, China and the EU may reach an important agreement.

Europe left the United States at a critical moment and extended an olive branch to China, and China and Europe may reach an important agreement

The EU and the United States have maintained close cooperation for many years, but the EU's decision at a critical moment has made the United States helpless and puzzled China. It is worth noting that the EU can leave the United States and China to carry out a separate video call, which is to send a friendly signal to China and intend to carry out relevant cooperative relations with China. In response to the EU's actions, the mainland has long been in the forefront. The EU's friendly and cooperative relations with China are essentially mutually beneficial and win-win situations, and the EU should put aside its prejudices and let China see the hope of cooperation.

Europe left the United States at a critical moment and extended an olive branch to China, and China and Europe may reach an important agreement

As we all know, in the past two years, the international community has suffered many "disasters" and the economies of many countries in the world have also suffered serious damage. At present, Europe is facing great economic pressure due to negative factors such as the new crown epidemic and climate change. The United States, which had good relations with Europe in previous years, has also taken care of itself, and coupled with the negative factors such as the Russo-Ukrainian War, Europe needs to cooperate with China if it wants to achieve economic recovery.

Against the backdrop of global crises, China was able to take the lead in escaping hardship and taking the lead in achieving economic recovery and market stabilization. China is constantly using its strength to prove to the world that China has the ability, sense of responsibility and responsibility, and the reputation of China's development has long been spread throughout the world. Nowadays, it is reasonable for European countries to pin their hopes for development and economic recovery on China.

Europe left the United States at a critical moment and extended an olive branch to China, and China and Europe may reach an important agreement

But to the surprise of the United States, Europe directly threw an olive branch to China. In fact, China-EU international relations are no longer as stable as in the past, and coupled with the malicious arch of the United States, it is difficult for both China and the EU to abandon their prejudices. Today, Europe can gradually get rid of its dependence on the United States and turn to China for its own interests and development.

Obviously, Europe's choice is correct, and China will not only lead Europe to a better development path, but also achieve a mutually beneficial and win-win situation, which is a concept that China has always upheld in the international political arena. With the development of the times, some countries should abandon stereotypes as soon as possible and actively go to the road of positive development!

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