
The MVP of the regular season in the past 10 years: 7 people are in charge, the Thunder three young players play with the same team, and Zhan Kuzi completes two consecutive zhuangzhuang

Speaking of the most important honors of the NBA every year, then in addition to the championship and the Finals MVP, it is undoubtedly the regular season MVP. Getting the regular season MVP shows that you are the strongest player in 82 long games, the most "hard" honor in the league, and not one of them. So, today we will review the NBA's regular season MVP in the past 10 years!

The MVP of the regular season in the past 10 years: 7 people are in charge, the Thunder three young players play with the same team, and Zhan Kuzi completes two consecutive zhuangzhuang

The MVPs of the NBA in the past 10 years are: James in 2012, James in 2013, Durant in 2014, Curry in 2015, Curry in 2016, Westbrook in 2017, Harden in 2018, Alphabet in 2019, Alphabet in 2020, and Jokic in 2021. Among them, it is not difficult to find that the defender occupies 4 seats in it, namely Curry in 15 and 16 years, Westbrook in 17 years, and Harden in 18 years. The front line occupies 5 seats, namely James in 12 and 13 years, Durant in 14 years and Alphabet Brother in 19 and 20 years. The center position is only last year's Jokic to guard the last glory of the center, and only he has been crowned MVP in the past 10 years.

The MVP of the regular season in the past 10 years: 7 people are in charge, the Thunder three young players play with the same team, and Zhan Kuzi completes two consecutive zhuangzhuang

In addition, only 10 years of MVP were won by 7 people, of which James, Curry and Alphabet Brother were two consecutive zhuangs, which is enough to see the dominance of these three people at their peak. Among them, James has won the regular season MVP four times in 5 years; Curry won the unanimous MVP in 2016, and this dominance is difficult to see in the future.

The MVP of the regular season in the past 10 years: 7 people are in charge, the Thunder three young players play with the same team, and Zhan Kuzi completes two consecutive zhuangzhuang

Interestingly, three of these 7 MVPs were actually selected by the same team! Even played on the same team ever! This is known as the NBA Whampoa Military Academy thunder team, 2014 MVP Durant, 2017 MVP Wei Shao and 2018 MVP Harden, respectively, in 2007, 08 and 09 years by the Thunder selected, three consecutive years to select MVP, Thunder management this hand is also no one.

The MVP of the regular season in the past 10 years: 7 people are in charge, the Thunder three young players play with the same team, and Zhan Kuzi completes two consecutive zhuangzhuang

As for the MVP in the past 10 years, the highest average score per game is undoubtedly Durant. In 2014, Durant averaged 32 points, 7.4 rebounds and 5.5 assists per game, and was elected as the regular season MVP; and the most gorgeous MVP belonged to Durant's teammate Wei Shao, who averaged 31.6 points, 10.7 rebounds and 10.4 assists in the 16-17 season, which was amazing at the time.

The MVP of the regular season in the past 10 years: 7 people are in charge, the Thunder three young players play with the same team, and Zhan Kuzi completes two consecutive zhuangzhuang

The MVP with the worst basic data belongs to Curry in 2015, when Curry only scored 23.8 points, 4.3 rebounds and 7.7 assists, which is almost the worst basic data of all stars in the MVP season. Subsequently, the team's best MVP, needless to say, is the 73-win record played by Curry and the Warriors in 16 years. In the 16-17 season, the Thunder only played 47 wins and 35 losses, and the team ranked sixth in the West, but with Wei Shao's too explosive triple-double performance, he was still elected the regular season MVP. (ikuet)

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