
Yuanyang County Power Supply Company: Shoulder the responsibility to ensure people's livelihood and the normal production and operation of electricity by enterprises

author:Dahe Newspaper Xinxiang News

Dahe News Yu video reporter Zhang Bo correspondent Guo Kun Dong Penglei

In recent years, the State Grid Yuanyang County Power Supply Company has unswervingly taken the guarantee of electricity supply as its primary responsibility, deeply understood that doing a good job in power supply is the company's original intention, mission and value, and has taken multiple measures to do a good job in ensuring power supply and ensuring the people's livelihood and the normal production and operation of electricity consumption of enterprises.

Yuanyang County Power Supply Company: Shoulder the responsibility to ensure people's livelihood and the normal production and operation of electricity by enterprises

Serve to the field to ensure the supply of important agricultural products such as grain

"We have no use of these equipment in the winter, and we used to worry about problems in the use of time, afraid of delaying the spring irrigation of wheat." Now, when the wheat returns to greening, you will come to check and repair the drainage and irrigation lines and equipment, and we can use it with confidence. On March 3, Wang Shanhu, a farmer living in Heishi Village, Qijie Town, Yuanyang County, saw the Jiao Yulu Communist Party Member Service Team of the Yuanyang County Power Supply Company who came to check the use of electricity and said happily.

Since entering February, agricultural production work such as spring ploughing and spring irrigation in Yuanyang County has been fully launched, and the demand for electricity for agricultural production has also heated up. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid and the reliable supply of electricity during the spring irrigation period, the Yuanyang County Power Supply Company takes the strong power grid, service improvement and fine management as the starting point, implements various spring irrigation and power preservation measures, and "zero distance" serves the spring irrigation and electricity consumption of the masses in the power supply area.

Yuanyang County Power Supply Company: Shoulder the responsibility to ensure people's livelihood and the normal production and operation of electricity by enterprises

In order to accurately serve the "three rural areas", the company closely combines rural production and life, uses "grid" management to establish a spring ploughing agricultural production user list ledger and service file, combines the actual use of spring ploughing electricity, reasonably adjusts the load distribution, establishes an on-site inspection mechanism, carries out inspection and inspection of each distribution station area and distribution line, does a solid job of operation analysis, and clarifies the responsible person of each line, each transformer, and each well, so that the service has no blind spots and full coverage. At the same time, we strictly implement the 24-hour duty system, prepare and prepare enough materials and vehicles for emergency repair, so as to eliminate hidden dangers and leave no dead ends.

In order to avoid delays in the operation of agricultural drainage equipment due to power failures, the company organized party member service teams and young volunteers to go into the fields and vegetable greenhouses to provide farmers with safe electricity inspections, focusing on inspecting the electrical facilities such as switches, wires, and sockets of agriculture-related power supply equipment, timely rectifying potential safety hazards such as users' "ground climbing lines" and "spider web lines", helping farmers debug wells and pumps to use electricity, and distributing safe electricity leaflets to guide farmers to use agricultural electricity equipment correctly and safely, and to ensure that spring ploughing and spring irrigation are "uninterrupted".

In addition, the company has also opened a "green channel" for spring ploughing and spring irrigation, giving priority to business repair, spring irrigation and electricity, and online electricity, simplifying the procedures for discharging and irrigation customers, actively promoting the "online state grid" APP online electricity application business, smoothing the service "through train", and accurately "taking the pulse" to escort spring irrigation with safe electricity and rest assured electricity. At the same time, the members of the company's leadership team went deep into the field to inspect and supervise the full coverage of the townships to ensure that the spring irrigation and power preservation measures were fully implemented, and to ensure that the farmers used electricity for spring ploughing and spring irrigation to help the grain harvest.

Optimize the business environment and ensure the normal production and operation of electricity by enterprises

"The temperature of each joint of the transformer is normal, and the oil level and pressure of the equipment in the station are normal." On February 28, at the 110 kV Shuangyan substation in Yuanyang County, the inspectors of the substation operation and maintenance team of the Yuanyang County Power Supply Company conducted a comprehensive "physical examination" of each equipment in the station. At present, it is a critical period for enterprises to fully resume work and production after the holiday, and the task of power supply guarantee is significant. In order to ensure the safety and reliability of power supply on the power grid, the company continues to optimize the operation mode of the power grid, adjust the operation plan in time according to the load change, and organize the operation and maintenance personnel to carry out a comprehensive inspection of the equipment in the station in accordance with the requirements of early prevention and early elimination of the shortage in the operation and maintenance of substation equipment, eliminate the hidden dangers of accidents in the bud, and provide power guarantee for local economic development.

"Don't be busy as soon as you come, first look at the delicious taste on the tip of our tongue..." At The Henan Xikang Food Co., Ltd., the person in charge, Li Ming, saw the arrival of the Jiao Yulu Communist Party member service team of the Yuanyang County Power Supply Company and rushed to greet it. Through the glass window of the production workshop, you can see that the machine "eats" the potatoes that are "eaten" into it, and after high-temperature peeling processing, it "spits out" the crystal clear potato flour.

Henan Xikang Food Co., Ltd. covers a total area of more than 30 acres, the company around the Ministry of Agriculture proposed four staple grain strategy, the product with potatoes as the core for deep processing production, with modern, standardized food assembly line, annual output of 10,000 tons of frozen food chain catering enterprises. "The potato flour we produce every day seems to be inseparable from the intimate service of our power supply company. Thank you for conducting monthly power checks on your equipment. Only when the machinery and equipment are running can the entire production chain of food processing function normally. "Li Ming is deeply grateful." Manager Li, at present, what else does our company need in terms of electricity consumption? We will do our best to help. During the visit, Lin Changning, a member of the service team, said.

Yuanyang County Power Supply Company adheres to customer-centric, continuously optimizes the power business environment, organizes Jiao Yulu Communist Party member service team to provide door-to-door service from time to time, focusing on the production and operation of the enterprise to talk with the person in charge of the enterprise, solicit opinions, and grasp the electricity demand of the enterprise. Starting from the actual needs of enterprise production and operation, on the basis of in-depth analysis of monthly electricity consumption and electricity load, we provide personalized services, formulate proposals for optimizing electricity consumption, and ensure that production benefits are maximized. In addition, it also actively carries out the publicity of safe electricity use, explains the knowledge of power facility protection to enterprises, distributes leaflets for safe electricity use, and carefully serves as a caring "electric nanny" of enterprises.

Yuanyang County Power Supply Company: Shoulder the responsibility to ensure people's livelihood and the normal production and operation of electricity by enterprises

To help rural revitalization, I do practical things for the masses and serve the people's livelihood

Since the study and education of party history was launched, the Yuanyang County Power Supply Company has deeply studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, connected "learning" and "doing", organically combined with "I do practical things for the masses", regarded mass affairs as its own affairs, benefited the people's livelihood, solved problems, and fully served the revitalization of the countryside and the high-quality development of the county economy.

Be a good farmer "electric nanny". "We do electricity fast and intimate, I really did not expect, two days to connect the electricity to us, even if the feed processing, pumping water, ventilation, cleaning chicken manure these equipment are all open, do not have to worry about electricity problems." Recently, Li Mingjun, head of the xinglanzhuang layer farm in FuningJi Town, Yuanyang County, saw the arrival of Liu Yongchao, Wang Xingqi, and other 3 returning visitors from the Funing Ji Power Supply Station.

With the acceleration of the pace of rural revitalization, coupled with the support of the national policy of benefiting farmers, Li Mingjun expanded the scale of breeding, the number of breeding layer chickens has developed from more than 7,000 to 15,000 now, and a number of ventilation equipment and automatic shovelers have been newly installed. He soon found that the original meter "did not move" and was ready to invest in an 80 kVA transformer to meet the development of aquaculture. After Liu Yongchao received the business needs, he went to the door on the same day to investigate and found that the farm belonged to small and micro enterprises and could be connected to the power grid at low voltage. Subsequently, the factory applied for electricity procedures online, and on the second day, it used sufficient three-phase electricity.

Yuanyang County Power Supply Company: Shoulder the responsibility to ensure people's livelihood and the normal production and operation of electricity by enterprises

Hold up the "protective umbrella" of shiitake mushrooms to get rich. Walking in Malanzhuangtou, Funing Market Town, Yuanyang County, at a glance, I saw the agricultural planting base of Shiitake mushrooms in Malanzhuang, Yuanyang County, surrounded by green wheat fields. Inside the greenhouse, rows of mushroom sticks are neatly arranged, and clusters of shiitake mushrooms break out of the sticks, growing happily. The 3 growers got busy, only to see them skillfully pinch the roots of the shiitake mushrooms with their hands, twist them, and the shiitake mushrooms were picked off and then put into a foam box. Not long after, the box was piled high with shiitake mushrooms. Once stacked, stacked in a plastic box on the outside and ready for transport. At the other end of the greenhouse, the Jiao Yulu Communist Party Member Service Team of the Former Yang County Power Supply Company was conducting a safety inspection of electricity use. The agricultural planting base of Shiitake mushrooms in Malanzhuang includes a total of 26 greenhouses, including mushroom sheds and mushroom sheds, covering an area of 35 acres. "This year's production of shiitake mushrooms exceeded expectations, and it is busy picking during this time!" The base planted 160,000 sticks of shiitake mushrooms, each stick out of the mushroom weight of more than 1 and a half pounds, according to the recent shiitake mushroom sales market per kilogram wholesale price of 5 yuan, in addition to 10% of the shiitake mushroom loss rate and labor costs, it is estimated that there are more than 200,000 harvests. Usually thanks to the power support of our power supply company, let us catch the 'hitchhiking' of getting rich! Sun Xiaopu, the head of the base, said happily.

"We have any problems with electricity, we are available." The staff of the Yuanyang County Power Supply Company said. It is reported that in order to do a good job for the masses, the company will further ensure the power supply, tailor-made high-quality service packages that are compatible with the development of rural characteristic industries, and help the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.