
She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

I just want to fall in love with rich people and don't want to waste half of my time on ordinary people.

This is a vow made by a Ukrainian girl from an early age.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

Life dictates

Tymoshenko was born in the east of Ukraine, the family is not rich and the parents' feelings are extremely poor, Tymoshenko grew up in the scolding of his parents, and later even abandoned by his father.

My mother raised Tymoshenko on a meager salary from working in a factory. Looking at his mother's tired figure, Tymoshenko secretly swore that he would only fall in love with rich people.

It is also because of the experience of childhood that men are only tools in the eyes of Tymoshenko.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

A phone call changes fate

The change of fate began with a wrong phone call.

On this day, Tymoshenko received a wrong phone call, during which Tymoshenko found out that it was the son of a local official, so she did not hang up the phone, but talked to the other party and even agreed to have dinner.

Tymoshenko grew up very beautiful and had many suitors.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

Of course, the man fell in love with Tymoshenko at first sight. The two have known each other for just one year and then entered the palace of marriage.

It was also during this marriage that Tymoshenko's fate began to take a turn.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

Tymoshenko's father-in-law also liked and trusted the daughter-in-law, and entrusted the family's property to Tymoshenko to take care of.

While taking care of the family property, Tymoshenko also went on to complete his studies, earning a doctorate in economics.

With his education and insight, Tymoshenko acted more boldly and began to invest in the oil industry, and the profits were very profitable.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

Tymoshenko with her husband

She rose to the position of Prime Minister by virtue of her beauty

With his wealth, Tymoshenko was not satisfied, but began to face the political arena.

Governor Lazarenko was her first target.

With her long hair, the governor fell under her pomegranate skirt, and from then on she became the governor's female companion for various meetings.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

Later, the governor was promoted all the way to deputy prime minister, and Tymoshenko also monopolized the ukrainian gas industry under his protection, even known as the gas princess.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

After standing on a higher platform, the deputy prime minister is no longer in the eyes of Tymoshenko, not to mention the unfortunate step down of the old lover in the political struggle.

Prime Minister became Tymoshenko's next step.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics


One has absolute wealth, one has absolute power. So the two hit it off. With the help of the Prime Minister, Tymoshenko was elected Deputy Prime Minister.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a vice prime minister who doesn't want to be president is not a good vice premier. The Prime Minister also sensed Tymoshenko's ambitions and began to be wary and sanction Tymoshenko.

Tymoshenko was imprisoned for smuggling less than two years after his position as deputy prime minister.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

After his release from prison, Tymoshenko pointed the finger of the struggle at the president, and the two were completely opposed, and eventually the president was forced to step down, and Tymoshenko was elected president.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

Flirting with Putin

Ukraine has both pro-American and pro-Russian factions. The former president's wife is an American, and naturally stands firmly on the pro-American faction, and Tymoshenko has an unspeakable relationship with Putin, so during Tymoshenko's reign, Ukraine's relations with Russia were unprecedentedly good.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

No one is smooth sailing, and revenge never stops.

In the next presidential race, Tymoshenko was not elected and was indicted by the new president's side and sentenced to 7 years in prison for corruption.

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

It was not until the current president stepped down that Tymoshenko was released from prison.

After being released from prison, Tymoshenko once again ran for president, only this time she had no one to rely on. Her political stance has also changed a lot, and in today's Russian-Ukrainian campaign, Tymoshenko said that he would fight With Russia to the end.

If you hadn't been in jail. If Tymoshenko and Putin had been friends, would there still be the situation they have now?

She is a Ukrainian oligarch: a monopoly on domestic oil and gas, relying on beauty to play in business and politics

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