
Yu Wei Lu Also bead roll Jade Sheng Smoke Thirty-five, sprinkling beans into the soldiers of the Taoist

author:The snow is full of floating

Thirty-five, a Taoist monk who sprinkles beans into soldiers

The sky is leisurely, bright as spring water, quietly sprinkled in the cracking of the dawn chicken.

The moon sets and the sun rises, yesterday goes, today comes, this plain and almost cookie-cutter change of the sun, quietly out of the ancient and modern.

In the Li Mansion, Li Moxuan, who had solved his worries because of the serendipity of yesterday, woke up early in the morning, did not covet the warm and warm jade in his arms, got up and washed, his spirit was greatly invigorated, and he was ready to go to the Imperial Ink Hall to supervise the progress of making imperial ink. When I went outside, I saw that the great swan who had made great achievements was still sleeping in a dream, smiled lightly, filled its food bowl with grain, and placed it next to it, and then quietly left.

Inside the guest room, after some tossing and turning, the student who bumped into the demon and the ghost last night returned to the inn before dawn, and under the doubtful and disgusted gaze of the dozing guy, he topped a mess of grass and rubbed a body of chicken dung, and Qi Yu, who was embarrassed and dying, hurriedly ran back to his messy room, washed up and fell into a deep sleep, and still has not woken up.

In Shezhou City, there are also sparse pedestrians, scattered between the streets and alleys.

In the midst of the shouting and selling, a Taoist monk strolled leisurely on the bluestone road, looking east and west. The Daoist priest was as thin as wood, and the ordinary Daoist robe looked very loose on the body. As soon as the morning wind blew, the bulging clothes seemed to be able to take this thin Daoist priest up into the sky, which made people look very worried, and even the dogs on the side of the road couldn't help but bark at him twice.

The Taoist priest did not pay attention to the eyes of the people, and walked all the way with no expression on his face, turning three times and walking into a wide street. He looked up and carefully at the green brick wall beside the street, and the cornice arches that were faintly visible inside the wall, as if he had determined the direction, stood up for a moment, and walked forward towards the door of a deep mansion compound in the alley.

The place where the high gate is deep is the Li Mansion.

When the skinny Daoist came to the bottom of the stone steps, two soap-clad servants poured water to clean the place in front of the door.

Looking at the Daoist priest who had stepped forward, an older domestic servant stood up straight, greeted him, and asked, "What noble purpose does this Daoist chief have here?" ”

The Daoist priest waved the dust and said, "Is the master of your house available?" I came to him for a talk. ”

The servant was stunned and asked, "I don't know what you are looking for my master?" ”

The thin Daoist priest said proudly, "I saw that the demons in your house were soaring, and in the near future there will be a great disaster at the door, and I have come to cast spells to exorcise demons." ”

The two domestic servants looked at each other, shook their heads, and decided to ignore this crazy Daoist leader who had come out of nowhere and continue to work in his hands.

The Daoist waited for a while, and when he saw that no one was paying attention to him, nor did he enter the house to report the news, as if he did not expect this, his expression was slightly annoyed, his tone turned cold, and he shouted:

"Hey, you two, don't you hurry into the house to report the news?"

"Uh-huh..." He was answered by a rush of broom sweeps.

The two domestic servants did not look up, ignored the man, and worked hard to clean up. Two bamboo brooms shook the wind, sweeping the dust, fallen flowers, and dead leaves accumulated on the stone steps towards the street, and in a few clicks, the smoke and dust that rose up obscured the two people's vision.

The Daoist priest did not expect that he would suffer this kind of treatment, and he was choked by the fly ash without paying attention, and in a series of "coughing" sounds, he hurriedly retreated to the middle of the street and hid away.

Without waiting for the Daoist to get angry, the two soap-clad servants laughed and carried brooms back to the palace, and the vermilion lacquered gate, "squeaking", slowly closed under the gaze of the Daoist priest.

"The master of the house is not here, please come back to you."

Across the wooden door, a teasing voice floated out, and the angry and thin Daoist wanted to jump to his feet, but he was helpless in the face of the closed door.

As the sun grew, the whole city was slowly waking up. More and more people are going out and moving, starting the day.

The Daoist monk who had eaten the fly ash, for some reason, did not leave in anger because of this, but still stood outside the door of the Li Mansion, staring at the zhu lacquer gate, stubbornly waiting for it to open again.

Perhaps his attachment had worked, and after a while a noisy voice came over, from near and far, becoming clearer and clearer, as if there were many people walking towards this gate. Seeing the vermilion lacquered door, it slowly opened again.

Around the door, more than a dozen miscellaneous servants and servants came out of the Li Mansion surrounded by a woman in bright clothes. Looking at that posture, it must be an important person in the palace.

The skinny Daoist priest sorted out his Daoist clothes, stepped forward again, came to the door of Li Mansion, blocked in front of everyone, and then gave a long salute to the woman in the beautiful costume.

The woman in the costume was none other than M Moser.

Today is his mother's birthday, Mu Shi is ready to buy some birthday gifts back to his mother's house to wish the old mother a happy birthday, by the way, he wants to discuss things with his father again, begging him to change his mind and not to pinch his husband in something.

I didn't expect to just go out, but I was stopped in front of the house. She resisted, returned the salute, and then asked, "This Daoist chief, you are blocking my way, but is there anything wrong?" ”

The Daoist priest swung the dust again, and the beard under his chin was also windless, but it looked a bit like a bone fairy wind. After twisting his beard, he said slowly: "Good Fortune Shou, poor Taoist temple, your house is full of demons, I am afraid that your house is not peaceful, and there will be a great disaster at the door in the near future, so it is better to let the poor Dao go to your house to cast a spell, lower the demon and exorcise the demon, and return your house to a clear, how?" ”

Mu Shi saw this thin Daoist monk talking in front of everyone, his words were chiseled, and somehow his heart suddenly drifted past a figure he had once encountered, and that person had also spoken like a hanging river and a lotus flower in front of him, but what was the result? Which one has become as he says it has become?

At the thought of this, Mu Shi looked at the Daoist monk who was still gushing, and his heart rose up for no reason, and without waiting for the Daoist to finish speaking, he commanded the two stout servants next to him: "Fork out, throw away!" In the future, when I see such a person in front of the house, I will see it once and throw it once! ”

The thin Daoist who was still talking didn't understand what the situation was, and he felt his feet leave the ground and involuntarily float backwards. Startled, he yelled at the two strong men who were holding his arms to the left and the right, "What are you going to do?" ”

The two strong servants ignored the Daoist monk's roar and questioning, and directly threw him out more than ten feet away, and then threw the old Daoist out with a shake of his arm, like a sack. At the end, he also pointed at his nose and threatened: "Old fellow, go farther, and then dare to go to the door of The Li Mansion to deceive the public, Grandpa's fist is not a vegetarian." ”

Thrown away a stumbling skinny Daoist monk for the angry knot. However, when he stood firmly, when he looked up to the other side, he only saw the crowd of people who had gone away, and they had gradually gone away.

The Daoist priest looked at the crowd that was about to disappear, and then at the closed door of the palace, and stomped his feet with hatred.

What was thought to be easy to achieve, why is this the case now?

Daoists who didn't understand what was going on couldn't think of the reason for this, and they didn't want to stop there. He circled around the large mansion, and suddenly reached out and took out a small bag in his arms, opened the mouth of the bag, and poured out something that seemed to be like a soybean.

The Daoist priest swept the bean in his hand, then pinched his finger and recited it softly, and then walked around the outer wall of the Li Mansion, and after each few steps, he threw down a soybean, stepped on the ground, sprinkled the whole handful of beans clean, and then looked at it for a while before leaving.

At noon, the warm sunlight seems to have a hypnotic function.

Leaning on the thick trunk of the Gongsun tree, there were two concierges that did not have a chat, and in this slightly dull heat, I sighed the dry heat of late spring, and after a while, I felt sleepy, nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and from time to time shrugged it up, and then quickly lifted it.

The sound of people fell, the cooking smoke did not rise; everything was temporarily suspended, the house was quiet, and even the wind that blew into the courtyard seemed to become quiet, and slowly flipped the leaves twice, and then fell silent.

In such a peaceful and serene atmosphere, everything is so lazy. Until, a few dog barks, like stones breaking through the surface of the water, broke the original tranquility in an instant.

These few dogs barked, but they couldn't stop anymore, they kept barking, and they didn't know what the earth dogs outside were frantically biting.

In the endless barking of dogs, the two concierges suddenly woke up, and one of them stretched out and said annoyedly: "What's wrong with these dead dogs, why are they so fierce?" Crazy? ”

The other man got up and walked outside, saying, "I'll go and have a look." ”

The younger concierge pushed the door out, only to see a few dirt dogs on the street outside the door, screaming at the wall of his own courtyard. Curious, I looked back at the courtyard wall, but I saw a man dressed in yellow clothes standing on the side of the wall, facing the dogs, committing evil deeds and all kinds of provocations.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The awakened concierge found the source of the riot, was so angry that he yelled at the man in yellow. The dogs barked even more fiercely as if they had found strong support.

The man in yellow seemed to be startled by this sudden roar, and turned to look to this side.

The concierge looked out and saw that the yellow-clad man was thin and looked like a weed swaying in the wind. The strangest part is that his head is small and round, and his eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips are small and thin, like a few dotted lines on the painting, which is not real. It feels like a tall, thin body with a slightly larger body and a few folds... soybean.

"Huh?" The concierge was surprised, squeezed his eyes for a moment and prepared to take a closer look at this strange-looking person, but he did not expect this blink of an eye, and then looked at it, and the person actually disappeared in this instant!

At this moment, the tails of several dogs that had been shaking fiercely and fiercely seemed to be cast, and they froze for a moment, and those suspicious earth dogs and the concierge with their mouths wide opened looked at the corner of the wall that suddenly disappeared, and they were all stunned.

"What a great change of life!" The concierge sighed and walked toward the place where the strange man in the yellow robe had just stood, and circled around the neighborhood a few times.

There is no shelter around, and there is no place for people to hide and hide. No matter how you look at it, in this position, a person cannot disappear without a trace in an instant.

"Weird!" The concierge's brain door was twisted into a knot, and after scratching his head, he really couldn't understand what was going on, and finally he had to shake his head and go to the house.

He had just walked up the stone steps in front of the mansion when he suddenly heard the dogs behind him began to bark wildly again, and his voice was tense and intense. He looked back in shock, but as if expected, behind him, he once again saw the strange tall and thin yellow-clad man, evil deeds, but he could not see his face clearly, and provoked the dogs in the same place.

"Oh..." After a soft clap, he pulled out his leg and rushed to the strange man, trying to see the strange man clearly.

However, just after running a few steps, the strange man suddenly blurred in his line of sight, like a yang flame rising, and disappeared in an instant.

This time, the experience was so real under his gaze that he involuntarily stopped, his face turned pale, his body trembled slightly, and finally, the concierge, who could not accept this strange fact, suddenly turned back and ran back to the palace.

"Ghosts..." A terrible scream reverberated over Li Mansion for a long time.