
Japanese actress Tsuchiya Taiho publishes family photos

author:Featured in daily entertainment news

On the 20th, actress Tsuchiya Taiho updated her Instagram. Family photos were made public, which caused a lot of repercussions.

"The photo was taken when I went to see a musical on my mother's birthday, and I couldn't do anything because of the epidemic prevention policy, so I thought it was enough to be happy, but this year I was able to meet well, so it took two days to prepare." Photos of family members gathering together on their mother's birthday were made public and showed that it took 2 days to prepare for the event. In addition, "I picked out gifts with my sister and brother for a long time".

Japanese actress Tsuchiya Taiho publishes family photos
Japanese actress Tsuchiya Taiho publishes family photos
Japanese actress Tsuchiya Taiho publishes family photos

"The gift was two bouquets of flowers and bags. Why two bouquets of flowers, the younger brother wanted to give them to the big cosmos that he had seen with his mother on the nearby road when he was a child, but my father and sister and I both recommended roses, and there was disagreement, so there were two bouquets." The family seemed to enjoy hand-rolled sushi and champagne, Tsuchiya recounted, "It's great to be able to celebrate together."

After receiving this submission, fans said" What a great family! "I look forward to such a family", "Very happy", etc., have received a lot of responses.

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