
Representatives of many branches of the Burmese people's armed forces went to Thailand to meet with the Japanese envoy to discuss state affairs

author:Myanmar Chinese Jun

According to international news, in recent days, armed representatives of many ethnic groups in southern Myanmar have arrived in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The main purpose of the Burmese armed representative's visit to Chiang Mai was to meet with Japanese Envoy Sasakawa Yohei to discuss the current situation in Myanmar and the provision of humanitarian assistance to refugees.

Representatives of many branches of the Burmese people's armed forces went to Thailand to meet with the Japanese envoy to discuss state affairs
Representatives of many branches of the Burmese people's armed forces went to Thailand to meet with the Japanese envoy to discuss state affairs

Today (March 10) at 9:00 a.m., The President of the Karen National Union (KNU), Admiral Somudseibo and his party have met with the Japanese envoy. Also present with the Chairman of the KNU was Colonel Soajachin, a senior officer of the KNU Armed Defense Department.

Representatives of many branches of the Burmese people's armed forces went to Thailand to meet with the Japanese envoy to discuss state affairs
Representatives of many branches of the Burmese people's armed forces went to Thailand to meet with the Japanese envoy to discuss state affairs

It is reported that the Japanese envoy, including the KNU armed forces, will consult with the Delegation of the Red Karen National Progressive Party (KNPP), the Southern Shan State Army (RCSS), the Beau Wo National Liberation Organization (PNLO) and the New Mon State Party (NMSP) on the issue of a peaceful ceasefire in Myanmar. During the Visit of the Japanese Envoy to Myanmar, the Shan State Tiger Head Party called on the Envoy to pay attention to the armed conflict and refugee issues in Myanmar.

Representatives of many branches of the Burmese people's armed forces went to Thailand to meet with the Japanese envoy to discuss state affairs

The KNPP armed secretary-general, who is fighting with the military in Kayah State, responded to the Chiang Mai meeting. KNPP Armed Forces Secretary-General Kudeniya Gamu said the content of the Chiang Mai meeting was on humanitarian aid and refugees, and had nothing to do with current politics. Our delegation will meet only with the Special Envoy of Japan.

Representatives of many branches of the Burmese people's armed forces went to Thailand to meet with the Japanese envoy to discuss state affairs

It is reported that at the Chiang Mai meeting, the State Administration appointed Peace Commission advisers Wu La Mao Rui and Wu Ann Nai Wu, and this information has not been confirmed so far. The chairman of the KNU armed forces also said that the KNU armed forces have no intention of meeting with the military peace committee.

Representatives of many branches of the Burmese people's armed forces went to Thailand to meet with the Japanese envoy to discuss state affairs

In order to allow Myanmar's armed forces that have signed a ceasefire agreement to meet with the Japanese envoy, the PPST Peace Leadership Group, composed of 10 ceasefire armed forces, was already working three months ago.

PNLO Armed Forces Chairman Kun Yaga said that whether to participate in the Chiang Mai meeting depends on the various armed forces, after the chairman of the Japan Foundation has met with the ASEAN Myanmar envoy, they will judge the future situation in Myanmar based on the results of the meeting.

Representatives of many branches of the Burmese people's armed forces went to Thailand to meet with the Japanese envoy to discuss state affairs

On March 7, Japanese Special Envoy Yohei Sasagawa met with Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia, the rotating chairman of ASEAN, the new ASEAN Special Envoy for Myanmar, and Cambodian Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn, who is about to visit Myanmar.

Representatives of many branches of the Burmese people's armed forces went to Thailand to meet with the Japanese envoy to discuss state affairs

At the meeting, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged the Japanese special envoy to assist the ASEAN special envoy on Myanmar in carrying out Myanmar-related work. According to the scheduled plan, Cambodia's deputy prime minister Mr. Prak Sokhonn, who is the ASEAN special envoy for Myanmar, will visit Myanmar from March 20 to 23.

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