
The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

author:History is a bit cold

Do you know that the human body contains 70% water, where does this data come from?

The answer is what the Japanese said.

Do you know how they came to this accurate conclusion?

The answer is that the lives of the Chinese people have been bought.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

The image originates from the internet

In 1931, the Japanese army launched a war of aggression against China, and with thousands of soldiers arrived in China, there were more than 3,000 Japanese medical research troops.

They set up a biochemical laboratory in northeast China, and firmly tied innocent Chinese citizens to a board to push the laboratory into a high temperature and drying laboratory, and after fifteen hours of high temperature evaporation, the chinese citizens who had flesh and blood before entering had become a dry corpse.

But their evil deeds are far more than that: injecting bacteria, vivisection, human-animal hybridization, poison gas, and other perverted acts that are unimaginable to ordinary people, and Japan's Unit 731 has carried out practices on mainland compatriots.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

Japanese Unit 731

The Japanese Unit 731, which had lost its conscience, completed the study of germ warfare on Chinese citizens, and then threw the virus into the battlefield to continue to poison China's heroic revolutionary fighters and civilians.

However, the backbone leader of the 731 unit who committed the most heinous crimes was pardoned by the US side and became the secret weapon behind the US military, which has since opened the despicable war of us biological and chemical weapons.

Devastating sanctions

At 10:00 a.m. on February 24, 2022, then-US President Joe Biden publicly stressed that the United States and its allies would launch a devastating sanctions operation against the "aggressor" Russia.

Devastating sanctions may be an exaggerated gimmick for other countries, but they have never been empty for the United States, which has the greed of the Jackal.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers


11 days after Biden's declaration, Lieutenant General Kirillov of Russia's Defense Biological Weapons Force said at a news conference that the United States spent $200 million to deploy more than 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine to encourage Research on Biological Pathogens in Ukraine.

The dropping of biological and chemical weapons in war in violation of world regulations has become a common tactic of the United States, and his refusal to deny it is the same as that of previous times.

Later on March 7, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry issued a public declaration that "Ukraine has not developed biological and chemical weapons", and Biden said that what the Russian side said was pure nonsense, but was it really The Russian side spread rumors, and the previous "combat experience" of the United States may or will prove the real answer.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

In June 1950, a huge national civil war broke out on the Korean Peninsula, and the continuous intervention of the United States eventually led to the civil war for national independence and reunification, which became an international war of aggression and counter-aggression.

After the outbreak of the Korean Civil War, as a supporter of South Korea, the US military quickly sent reinforcements to Korea and quickly approached the 38th Line.

Premier Zhou immediately ordered people to relay to the US Government: If the US military crosses the 38th Line and invades Korea, China will never sit idly by. However, in the face of several warnings from the Chinese government, the United States has shown disdain.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

Premier Zhou

The U.S. government naively thought that Chiang Kai-shek had provoked a civil war at home, and that the newly formed new Chinese government would not send troops to aid North Korea in order to retain its strength, but their idea was very wrong.

Under the cover of the nest, Chairman Mao understood the reason why he came to settle the egg better than anyone.

In the long-term opposition to imperialist aggression, China and the DPRK have always supported each other, and China will not ignore the suffering of its neighbors; in order to defend China's territorial integrity and to enhance the national self-confidence of the Chinese people, China has resolutely sent troops to support Korea.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

Chinese People's Volunteer Army

Chinese the participation of the People's Volunteer Army, the situation in the Korean battlefield was reversed. The U.S. army began to fall into the ascendancy and retreated, but then they plotted to implement a conspiracy to use biological and chemical weapons on the Korean battlefield.

In 1952, a Chinese volunteer soldier found a large number of flies and spiders in the snow, and this anomalous phenomenon attracted his attention.

He knew that although flies are extremely adaptable to the environment, the low temperature below zero has long exceeded the suitable growth environment of flies, and these flies appear very suddenly.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

In times of war, any anomalous event should be taken seriously, not to mention that the opponent against it is the United States, which has always been known for its insidious cunning, so the volunteer soldier reported this abnormal phenomenon to his superiors.

The superiors immediately ordered the volunteer soldiers to conduct a search, but the results of the investigation made everyone nervous: only the Chinese volunteer camp found insects such as flies and spiders.

This is a special militarization operation launched by the US military against China, because the high density of insects is concentrated in the Chinese military garrisons where THE US military aircraft pass.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

In order to avoid further spread of the virus, the Volunteer Army Command began to require the anti-US and aid-Korea fighters to disinfect the contents of the camp with the highest epidemic prevention measures.

However, after the illegal act of the US military secretly releasing biological and chemical weapons was discovered by China, it not only did not restrain in the slightest, but even spread the release of biological and chemical weapons.

Refusal to admit that I can stand it

At the beginning of February 1952, the korean battlefield had entered a white-hot stage, in order to occupy the favorable situation in the war and cause panic in North Korea, the US military began to release insects carrying bacterial viruses on North Korean railways and more populous cities.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

When the epidemic began to rage in North Korea, the Chinese volunteers, who knew the inferior tactics of the US military, began to spontaneously help the North Korean government improve the epidemic prevention work, and organized and mobilized the North Korean people to bring masks sewn from cotton.

However, the virus was so strong that in a short period of time, nearly 50 North Koreans died from the epidemic, and more than 100 soldiers among the volunteer soldiers were infected.

The evil deeds of the United States have infuriated the North Korean and Chinese governments, which have protested to the United Nations, accusing the United States of maliciously dropping chemical and biological weapons in violation of the United Nations convention prohibiting the use of biological and chemical weapons by any country in the world.

But the arrogant United States, faced with the joint accusations of North Korea and the United States, only arrogantly replied with two words: No.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

Not only that, the US military even hit a rake upside down and bit China back. The U.S. government publicly complained to the International Committee of the Red Cross of China's inability to guarantee the health of its people, thereby asking the ICRC to investigate China.

The wolf ambitions of the United States were clearly revealed, but the Chinese government's tenacious will to oppose aggression was indomitable, and with the insistence of the Chinese volunteer army and the Korean people, it finally defeated the United States and made it sign the Korean military armistice agreement.

Tens of thousands of U.S. troops did not have to get involved in the battlefield, but they lost their lives to North Korea because of the greedy desires of the rulers. The defeated U.S. military returned to its country in disgrace, and everyone thought that the ailing U.S. army would cease to fight for a while, but two years later, it participated in a new battle, the Vietnam War.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

Vietnam War

Like the 38th Parallel dividing the Soviet Union and the United States, the 17th parallel cut Vietnam in two, with Vietnam in the north and south taking control of their own power, the South being a U.S.-backed puppet, and the North being ruled by communists.

In order to take Vietnam, in March 1965, then US President Johnson approved operation rolling mines against Vietnam, and like the Korean War, the US military chose to attack "light and dark" at the same time.

On the surface, the US army sent a team to land in Vietnam, and the North Vietnamese army engaged in a life-and-death struggle in the rain of bullets and bullets, but behind the scenes, they once again used biological and chemical weapons, changing the local fertility and genetic genes, and until now, there are still people suffering the consequences of the Atrocities of the US army.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

The brave and warlike North Vietnamese army made full use of the terrain advantage of the jungle, and did not fall into the inferior position in the face of the overwhelming superiority of the American army and the South Vietnamese army, and even successfully sneaked into the US army several times because of the unpredictable traces of the enemy, causing no small casualties of the enemy army.

In order to break the embarrassing war situation, the U.S. military began to drop a large amount of Agent Orange over North Vietnam.

Agent Orange is a destructive leaf litter that, in order to corrode leaves and expose the hiding places of the North Vietnamese army, the U.S. military sprayed more than 70 million liters of agent orange in North Vietnam through aircraft during the war.

The highly toxic Agent Orange not only shed all the leaves, but also left Vietnamese farmers with no harvest of crop particles, but the bad effects were far more than that. Toxic substances penetrated the ground, polluting water sources, and chronic toxin dioxins slowly invaded the soldiers.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

Agent Orange

People can observe the color and distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, but the virus is merciless, everyone is equal, and the American soldiers who fight in the air are still fighting for their own country on the front line of the war, but they are completely unaware that they have infected the drugs developed by their own country, and they have innocently become victims abandoned by the country.

The United States can, but other countries cannot

With the help of Agent Orange, the Vietnamese war situation began to tilt towards the United States and the South Vietnamese faction, in order to penetrate into the interior of North Vietnam and obtain the latest intelligence of the enemy, the U.S. army did nothing wrong, this time they extended their poisonous hands to the captured Vietnamese female soldiers.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

The devastated U.S. military injected Vietnamese women soldiers who had lost their ability to resist with a special agent, air force prolactin. This special injection contains excess chorionic hormone and posterior pituitary hormone, which allows pregnant women to produce a large amount of milk in a short period of time.

Although the professionally trained Vietnamese female soldiers felt ashamed in their hearts, they remained silent before the choice of self-esteem and national dignity, and rejected all inquiries from the US military.

The US military refused to spare this group of poor women, they not only tortured them, but also full of provocative bad taste in their words, vietnamese female soldiers could not bear humiliation, intended to bite their tongues and commit suicide, but they were discovered by the Americans and fell into a desperate situation of survival and death.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

As the potion continued to exert its power, the subjective consciousness of the Vietnamese female soldiers became weak, and in the midst of all kinds of painful humiliation and humiliation, they confided the information that the US military wanted.

However, because of the fear of China, the US military's campaign against Vietnam is still bumpy.

On the eve of the US military's invasion of Vietnam, the Chinese government publicly warned the US military not to cross the 17th parallel dividing line, and if the US military acted arbitrarily and ignored China's warning, the Chinese government would immediately send troops to support North Vietnam.

The fiasco on the Korean battlefield still haunts the hearts of countless American soldiers, and the heroic and fearless Chinese volunteers are the fierce enemies of all American soldiers who are reluctant to fight again. If china, which is strong enough, fights again, the disillusioned U.S. military will be vulnerable.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam

In order to avoid another conflict with China, the US military strictly abides by the law of the dividing line and does not dare to trespass by cent.

The North Vietnamese army found that every time it engaged near the demarcation line, the American army would lead the front south, so whenever the war was lost, the North Vietnamese army would retreat to the demarcation line and rest.

The Vietnam War was once again stalled, and in a protracted battle, the U.S. military sent more than 500,000 reinforcements, but no breakthrough was made.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

In the case of continuous loss of troops and material resources, the morale of the American army fell into a downturn, while the morale of North Vietnam was still high, in order to protect the national territory and drive out US imperialism, a steady stream of North Vietnamese soldiers were sent to the Vietnamese battlefield.

The United States realized that the general trend was gone, and in 1973, it completely withdrew its troops from Vietnam, and the South Vietnamese army that lost the support of the US military was in disarray, and the North Vietnamese army achieved reunification and won the self-defense counterattack war to defend the country.

The war was over, but the irreversible consequences of the war were still fermenting, and the chronic poison in Agent Orange began to take effect.

As a result of water pollution, up to half a million children with deformities and intellectual disabilities have emerged in Vietnam, and American and North Vietnamese soldiers who survived the Vietnamese battlefield have also suffered from various diseases.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

Countless infants and young children have been innocently infected with the crimes of the US military and have been unable to live a normal life for the rest of their lives, but the culprit of all this, the United States, has not even said a word of apology to this group of poor children.

The two uses of biological and chemical weapons have fallen behind, but the Yellow Liang Dream of the United States becoming the hegemon is still not sober, and the Chinese and American sides, which have strong national strength, do not dare to provoke, but their provocative acts against China have never stopped.

They have secretly set up four biological and chemical weapons laboratories in South Korea, china's neighbor, specializing in the study of the world's most dangerous biological weapon, anthrax, which is more lethal than the new crown virus that has ravaged the world.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

The ambitions of the US military are obvious to all the countries of the world, but the United States, which has been engaged in biological and chemical weapons research for many years, not only did not shy away from suspicion, but even played the business of thieves shouting and catching thieves in 2003.

The US military launched a war to invade Iraq on the grounds that Iraq illegally developed biological and chemical weapons and smuggled them with terrorists, and successively complained and asked the United Nations to trace the origin of the virus.

But when the United Nations WHO sent personnel to the United States to investigate, it was justifiably rejected by the United States.

Because the United States does not dare. The United States has more than 200 biological laboratories, and a military base has hidden nearly a hundred poison gas bombs, and the terrible lethality of poison gas bombs makes everyone feel frightened.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

In 1995, there was a poison gas bomb murder on the Tokyo subway that shocked the world.

In order to retaliate against society, members of the Japanese cult released sarin gas on three railways on the Tokyo subway, directly killing 13 people and poisoning nearly 6,000 people, causing serious chaos in the subway and hospitals.

The double standard behavior of the United States against biological and chemical weapons has been strongly condemned by the Russian side, and after the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine, the United States openly fought in Ukraine, which was mixed with some of the grievances of that year?

With regard to the better Sino-Russian relations, the US military has also vigorously instigated them. After Russia destroyed a large number of Ukrainian military facilities, the United States took the lead in launching a call to sanction Russia, and even wanted to manipulate China to follow the lead in condemning sanctions against Russia.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

Russian-Ukrainian conflict

However, china has the right not to express its position on the russian-Soviet war, which is a matter within China's responsibility and the United States has no right to interfere.

On the foreign ministry's podium, the US spokesperson even openly instigated China's intention to use Russia to reshape the world order in a Chinese way.

The United States should not rely on its own subjective will to speculate on China's behavior, China does not engage in small circles, and China has its own decisions in doing things.

The deployment of the Pathogen Research Institute by the US military in Ukraine is undoubtedly a harbinger of a repeat of history. While Chinese scientific and medical workers are fighting against disease, the U.S. military is cautiously cultivating diseases; while agronomists led by Yuan Longping are trying to increase crop yields, the U.S. military is trying to cause crop grains to be harvested.

The use of biological and chemical weapons twice in the history of the United States, the heavy casualties of the volunteer army, and the nightmare of Vietnamese female soldiers

Yuan Longping

The development of China's science and technology is a step forward in the future, but the United States is committed to painstakingly exploring the road of death, hegemonic status is only the wishful thinking of the United States after all, and justice will always favor the reasonable side.

The excessive arrogance of the United States will eventually damage its wings and repair its evil results, and all the countries that have suffered aggression by the US military are waiting for the arrival of the US judgment day.

This day will not be far away.

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