
The Paralympic Alpine Skiing Men's Big Slalom - Stand Final was held

The Paralympic Alpine Skiing Men's Big Slalom - Stand Final was held

Finland's Santry Kiweri celebrates his victory on March 10. On the same day, the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Paralympic Alpine Skiing Men's Giant Slalom - Standing Final was held at the Yanqing National Alpine Ski Center, and Finland's Santry Kiweri won the gold medal with a time of 1:55.40.

The Paralympic Alpine Skiing Men's Big Slalom - Stand Final was held

China's Liang Jingyi in the competition.

The Paralympic Alpine Skiing Men's Big Slalom - Stand Final was held

China's Niu Shaojie in the competition.

The Paralympic Alpine Skiing Men's Big Slalom - Stand Final was held

Italy's Davide Bendotti in the competition.

The Paralympic Alpine Skiing Men's Big Slalom - Stand Final was held

The ceremony guide guides the bronze medal-winning French player Arthur Bochet (third from left) to the stage. (Photo by Yang Huafeng, reporter of China News Service)

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