
Peace Elite: Haiyuan Tribal Quartermaster Official Announcement! There is only one piece of skin! Are you krypton?

The new servicing of the Peace Elite finally changed the update rate at the end of February, and players rated the change relatively high! The speed of 2 Mondays reduces kryptonite desire in essence! Now that the new military supply has been officially announced, it is highly consistent with the specifications of the exposed news, are you Krypton?

As we all know, the peace elite has launched a number of sets of marine theme military supplies, the same theme of the Haiyuan tribal military supplies are now officially announced, of which the real can carry the whole set of military supplies beam of the skin is only this one, let's take a look at it together!

Peace Elite: Haiyuan Tribal Quartermaster Official Announcement! There is only one piece of skin! Are you krypton?

Friends who often pay attention to the new military information know that there are 3 sets of costumes for the Haiyuan tribe quartermaster! The first time it was exposed in the form of a poster, and now the shape of the main suit has not changed in the official poster! It is worth mentioning that the peace elite has always had a "fine" tradition of picturesque posters and real costumes like big mothers, and this set of military supplies is also doomed!

At this stage, the new military supplies of the peace elite will produce about 3 sets of fashions, so the speed of replacement is very fast! Under this trend, the skin retention rate of fashion is very low, and it is easy to be replaced by new products after the freshness, and individuals do not recommend them as the first choice for kryptonite!

Peace Elite: Haiyuan Tribal Quartermaster Official Announcement! There is only one piece of skin! Are you krypton?

As a Medal of Honor military materiel, the Haiyuan Tribe does not have a flying machine skin! Instead, the first S12K special effects skin, which is also the only one of the military munitions to carry the skin, although the positioning of the gun in the game is very awkward, but the special effects part is still worth our collection!

Over time, there are only two of the most kryptonites in the peace elite, and apart from the vehicle skin, it is an increasingly popular special effects gun! The special effects gun of the Lord of the Sea Abyss has the blessing of the first label, which is suitable for heavy krypton players to start! After all, whether this unpopular gun will have new special effect skins in the future is still unknown!

Peace Elite: Haiyuan Tribal Quartermaster Official Announcement! There is only one piece of skin! Are you krypton?

The design of the Helmet and Backpack skin of the Abyss Tribe is not careful, although it has a pink color scheme, it is still not worth our Kryptonite, after all, there are many beautiful accessory skins in the current version, and this uncreative skin is just an accessory to the lottery process!

Whenever a new military supply appears, the most important thing for the friends is their krypton! Judging from the specifications of this set of military supplies, if you want to take down a full set of skins, you must start at least 1K, after all, the Medal of Glory military supplies have a mechanism of repeated shipment, and the special effect gun generally needs more than 8,000 coupons to ship!

Peace Elite: Haiyuan Tribal Quartermaster Official Announcement! There is only one piece of skin! Are you krypton?

All in all, the new Quartermaster Haiyuan Tribe has been officially announced! The skin with the bearer attribute in the whole set of military quartermasters is only the special effect gun! Whether it's a powder outfit with an entry action or a different form of accessory skin, it's not worth our kryptonite, after all, they are too fast to be replaced!

Personal opinion: Although the special effects gun with the first label is worth collecting, it is also necessary to refer to its practicality! Spending the same coupon to get a special effect skin for an unpopular firearm is not the wisest choice! In the eyes of most smart players, kryptonite will never lose!

Peace Elite: Haiyuan Tribal Quartermaster Official Announcement! There is only one piece of skin! Are you krypton?

The above is all the content of this issue, will the small partners wait until the first time in the morning to start this new military supply? Welcome to leave a message to share! Thanks for reading, looking forward to the encouragement of the "thumbs up" and "little rockets" at the end of the article, our comment area is gone! #和平精英 #

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