
Five-color glass panels are available, and Tesla wall-mounted charging cradles are more stylish

Following the launch of the "third-generation wall-mounted charging cradle" with OTA software update last year, tesla electric vehicles are officially listed on the online store of some regional official websites today. The multi-color glass panels that can be replaced by car owners add a personal color to the home charging space of Tesla owners, and can be matched according to the body color or home style to create the most fashionable household essential accessories.

Five-color glass panels are available, and Tesla wall-mounted charging cradles are more stylish

The new "Third Generation Wall-Mounted Charging Cradle Glass Panel" is made of tempered glass and perfectly matches five Tesla electric vehicle colors. In addition to the white panel standard for charging seats, owners can freely choose glass panels containing colors such as "bright red, deep blue, night silver, and pure black". And according to the official website online instructions, install and replace yourself, you can easily have a personalized home charging cradle, enjoy the perfect charging life every morning, full power out of the door.

Five-color glass panels are available, and Tesla wall-mounted charging cradles are more stylish

In addition, you will also find that the Tesla online store has launched a number of new life style boutiques that are more surprising, including the long-awaited "limited mini Tesla model" of the owner, providing Model 3, Model S, Model X, Roadster and Semi and other car models, all of which are built in the scale of the original car, truly restoring the details of Tesla vehicles, which is of great collectible value.

Five-color glass panels are available, and Tesla wall-mounted charging cradles are more stylish

But there is a saying that no matter what the product is, no matter what the field, as long as it has fame, it will start to launch peripheral products around the core products. Finally, it spreads to various fields to create its own brand of Internet of Things, or smart home. To put it ugly, it is to cut leeks in echelons and grow a little to cut a little, is there such a feeling?

Five-color glass panels are available, and Tesla wall-mounted charging cradles are more stylish

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