
In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

author:I am Yang Xiaobu

In 1993, at the Tsinghua University Games, a girl with a good figure, a pure face and a swimsuit attracted the admiring eyes of many male classmates in the stands, and the girls were also envious of her.

This girl was the hero of Tsinghua University that year, the goddess Zhu Ling of the second year of the Department of Chemistry.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

If you want to use a word to describe Zhu Ling at that time, only the word "perfect" is worthy.

Zhu Ling, born in 1973, was born in Beijing to a Kochi family, his father was Wu Chengzhi, and his mother was Zhu Mingxin. Wu Chengzhi and Zhu Mingxin were both graduate students and senior engineers in the 60s. The two met and fell in love on the college campus, formed a small family after graduation, and had two smart and beautiful daughters.

The eldest daughter follows her father's surname, wu jin, and the younger daughter follows her mother's surname, zhu ling. Since both parents are Kochi, they attach great importance to the education of their two daughters.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

Her sister Wu Jin not only had good academic performance, but also danced ballet, played the piano, and spoke fluent English, and was admitted to Peking University with excellent results in 1987.

And the younger sister is not far behind, the academic performance is equally excellent, can also play a beautiful guqin, and is also very talented in sports, at a young age is a second-class swimmer in Beijing.

As a parent, how gratifying it is to have two such wonderful daughters. They used to be the most enviable parents in the eyes of others, and they were also the happiest parents. But later, they became the most unfortunate parents.

On April 1, 1989, her sister Wu Jin mysteriously disappeared on the way to the spring tour with her classmates. Three days later, Wu Jin's body was found on a cliff, which the police judged to be an accidental death.

The unexpected death of his sister brought a heavy blow to the family, and the couple did not even dare to hear the four words "Peking University", and Zhu Jin, who was originally going to take the Peking University like his sister, finally changed to Tsinghua University.

In 1992, Zhu Ling was admitted to the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua University. If nothing else, she will be like her other classmates at Tsinghua University, or go to work or start a business or go abroad, and after a few years become the backbone of society, the backbone of the unit, with her own small family and children.

But maybe even heaven is jealous of such a happy family, such a perfect child. On the evening of December 11, 1994, the perfect curtain came to an abrupt end on the stage of the Beijing Concert Hall.

Today, Zhu Ling is paralyzed, mentally inferior, bloated, almost blind, sluggish, salivating, and can't find a bit of the appearance of the "goddess" of that year.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

The Perfect Goddess suddenly fell seriously ill

On November 24, 1994, Zhu Ling's 21st birthday, Wu Chengzhi came to Tsinghua to find his daughter and said that he would invite her to eat at a restaurant outside to celebrate her birthday. Due to the rehearsal of the school performance, the father and son found a restaurant near the school.

But when the dish came up, Zhu Ling began to have stomach pains, and he couldn't eat it without taking a few bites. Wu Chengzhi thought that her daughter was heavy on her studies, plus she was too tired because of the rehearsal of the activity, so she didn't think much about it, so she took a few bills to her and asked her to go to the hospital the next day to see it.

A few days later, on December 5, Zhu Ling began to feel very uncomfortable in his stomach, and on December 8, he began to lose a lot of hair. On December 11, Zhu Ling, as a member of the Tsinghua University Folk Band, performed on the stage of the Beijing Concert Hall and performed a guqin solo, although her whole body was in pain, she insisted on completing the performance perfectly.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

The day after the performance, the severe abdominal pain made Zhu Ling have to ask for leave from school to go home, and her mother Zhu Mingxin quickly took her to Tongren Hospital for treatment. After more than a month of treatment at Tongren Hospital, the cause has never been diagnosed, but fortunately the condition has improved. Worried about leaving the school exams and homework, and the hospital could not find out the cause, Zhu Ling insisted on being discharged.

On February 20, 1995, the new semester began, Zhu Ling insisted on returning to school, preparing for the homework that missed the exam last semester because of hospitalization, due to physical weakness, Zhu Ling basically lay in the dormitory every day, and before the recurrence of the disease, she only went to the department to take an experimental class.

On March 5, Zhu Ling called her mother to tell her that she was in pain all over her body, especially her feet, and her hands were numb and she could not hold the pen. Zhu Ling's parents quickly sent their daughter to Xiehe Hospital for examination.

Li Shunwei, director of the Department of Neurology at Union Hospital, told Mother Zhu that Zhu Ling's symptoms were too similar to a case of thallium salt poisoning at Tsinghua University in the 1960s, and suggested that they go to the experts of the institute for identification.

But because Zhu Ling was still awake at the time, she said she had not been exposed to thallium salt in the laboratory. Chemistry faculty at Tsinghua University also showed a list of students exposed to chemicals to determine that Zhu Ling had no history of exposure to thallium salts. The teacher also said that Tsinghua's management of chemical agents is very strict, and the cabinet of chemical agents generally has two keys, which must be opened by two people at the same time to take them out.

Coupled with the fact that there was no thallium poisoning related testing equipment in Xiehe Hospital at that time, Zhu Ling's parents did not do thallium poisoning identification. Later, Director Li Shunwei regretted it and said that he should have insisted on it at that time.

Due to the uncertainty of the etiology, Union Hospital diagnosed and treated acute disseminated cerebrospinal radiculopathitis, but Zhu Ling's symptoms became more severe, and symptoms such as facial muscle paralysis, eye muscle paralysis, and loss of spontaneous breathing began to appear.

On March 23, Zhu Ling suffered from central respiratory failure. The next day, the hospital began to take plasma exchange therapy, that is, blood exchange, 8 times before and after, each time more than 1000 ml. But during the blood exchange, Zhu Ling became infected with hepatitis C.

On March 26, Zhu Ling was sent to the ICU to maintain his life on a ventilator.

On March 28, Zhu Ling fell into a two-month coma.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

Classmates turned to the Internet to confirm the poisoning

The last person to wake zhu Ling up was his junior high school classmate Pei Zhicheng. Pei Zhicheng had a good relationship with Zhu Ling when he was in junior high school, but later because of Zhu Ling's sister's unexpected relationship, Zhu Ling's personality began to become isolated, and the two had less to deal with. After that, Zhu Ling went to Tsinghua, he went to Peking University, and there was no contact.

Later, he heard from his classmates that Zhu Ling might be dying, and on April 8, he and several junior high school classmates went to visit her.

Seeing the beautiful, lively and versatile classmate lying almost naked on the bed of the ICU, full of tubes and unconscious, he was very touched inside and determined to do something for his classmates.

He thought that since he could not be diagnosed in China, he would ask the world for help. But how do you call the world for help? He thought that Peking University was conducting an Internet experiment at that time, and perhaps it could use the Internet to send distress emails overseas.

He told Zhu Ling's parents about this idea, asked them to tell him Zhu Ling's medical records and related information, he then found a friend in the United States to translate into English, and then found a classmate in the Peking University Internet Lab to send a distress email overseas.

Within ten days, they had received more than 3,000 emails from 18 countries, and more than 60 percent of those with diagnostic opinions were diagnosed with thallium poisoning.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

Pei Zhicheng asked a friend to help translate the emails into Chinese and send them to Zhu Ling's parents and attending doctors. But the doctors did not read the information at all, believing that this behavior was putting pressure on the hospital's treatment and refusing Pei Zhicheng's proposal to test Zhu Ling for thallium poisoning.

At first, Zhu Ling's parents, because they knew nothing about the Internet, did not hope for Pei Zhicheng's request for help from the Internet. But when he saw the information given by Pei Zhicheng, he began to believe in this possibility.

Because the attending doctor refused to do thallium poisoning testing, Zhu Ling's parents secretly sought out another doctor, and with the secret help of that doctor, Zhu Ling's parents obtained Zhu Ling's cerebral effusion, blood, urine, nails and hair and went to Chen Zhenyang, an expert at the Beijing Occupational Disease Health Prevention and Control Institute, and asked him to help make an appraisal.

When Chen Zhenyang saw the results printed by the instrument, he could hardly believe that the thallium content in Zhu Ling's body exceeded the standard by more than 1,000 times, and this content far exceeded the lethal dose, and he must immediately take Prussian blue for detoxification.

In a later interview, Chen Zhenyang said: "When I wrote the report, my heart was very heavy, this is a poisoning case! This acute thallium poisoning is only possible if swallowed in large doses at one time. ”

But there was no Prussian blue in Union Hospital, and Wu Chengzhi finally found Prussian blue through the relationship between all parties. When Wu Chengzhi carried more than 2,000 pieces to the Beijing Municipal Labor Health Institute to buy, he learned that prussian blue only needed 3 cents, and he bought 10 bottles to spend more than 40 pieces.

He said: "The real life-saving money is only more than 40 yuan, but we only knew that he could save his life for 50 days after Zhu Ling's illness, and before that, we had spent more than 500,000 yuan on Concord treatment!" ”

A month later, the thallium content in Zhu Ling's body dropped to 0, and the symptoms of poisoning disappeared, but due to the delay in treatment and the irreversibility of thallium poisoning, Zhu Ling's brain nerves, optic nerves, and limb nerves have all been destroyed, resulting in her being paralyzed after waking up, losing basic language function, nearly blinding both eyes, and mental retardation.

The case was filed and investigated, and the only suspect was locked but there was no evidence

After learning that it was thallium poisoning, and most likely deliberately poisoned by others, on April 28, Zhu Ling's parents, through Zhu Ling's aunt, approached the head of the department in charge of student work in the chemistry department of Tsinghua University and asked for a report. After asking the president, the head of the department reported the case to the police station of Tsinghua University.

Zhu Ling's aunt proposed to the school authorities that the students who immediately moved out of the same dormitory to protect the scene, and at the same time, Zhu Ling's belongings at the school were seized and further tested.

However, the school authorities said it was difficult to move out of the students.

Because the time to report the case was just stuck on May Day, the police did not protect the scene and did not immediately file a case (a month later), a very strange thing happened at this time, Zhu Ling's dormitory was stolen, the money was spilled on the ground, the other students' things were not lost, the only thing that was missing was some toiletries that Zhu Ling had used.

When such a thing happens, no matter who believes it, it is the murderer who is eliminating the evidence of poisoning.

A month later, the police formally filed a case for investigation, because thallium is a highly toxic chemical, the average person can not touch, the police ruled out Zhu Ling himself and relatives and friends have been in contact with thallium salt. In the end, roommate Sun Wei was listed as the only suspect.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

Zhu Ling's dormitory has four people, Zhu Ling and Sun Wei from Beijing, Wang Qi from Xinjiang and Jin Ya from Shaanxi. The police listed Sun Wei as the only suspect, mainly on the basis of:

1. Sun Wei and Zhu Ling are classmates and are the only students who have the opportunity to contact thallium

2. Zhu Ling has been poisoned twice, and the second poisoning site is in the dormitory. Because she was weak at the time, except for two days on weekends, her parents took her home, went to an experimental class and reviewed her homework in the dormitory. According to experts, Zhu Ling is an acute thallium poisoning, that is, swallowing a large amount of thallium salt at one time may cause it.

3. In the bizarre theft case that occurred during the May Day period, all the things were not lost, only Zhu Ling's toiletries were lost. In ordinary theft cases, no one will steal these worthless things, so it is basically certain that Zhu Ling was poisoned in the dormitory.

4, Sun Wei and Zhu Ling are good friends, when Zhu Ling is ill, Sun Wei will also help her fetch water and so on. But it seems that when the two joined the folk band, there was friction.

Once, the folk band invited the teacher of the conservatory to start a class, Zhu Ling went home and told his mother, Sun Wei told the teacher that Zhu Ling's musical level was already very high, don't click too much, he squeezed Zhu Ling to the back row, Zhu Ling was very unhappy. There are many more such frictions.

Now that the suspect has been locked, the investigation of the case should be smooth.

But this is not the case, as of the 27 years since the case occurred, this case has not only become one of the "three major unsolved cases" on Chinese campuses, but also suspicious along with the investigation process, which has made many netizens unconvinced.

In the summer of 1995, the police told Zhu Ling's parents that "there is only one layer of window paper left";

At the end of 1995, the director of the Police Station of Tsinghua University told Zhu Ling's parents that "there are suspicious objects, and after the approval of the above, a short handover of soldiers begins";

However, from February 1996 onwards, the police's statements began to be ambiguous, first saying that "the case is very difficult and still working on", but in 1997, the police said that "although Zhu Ling's personal belongings were destroyed, resulting in less than 1% of the hardware evidence being missing, the police will never give up and have the confidence to convict the suspect in open court".

However, for 11 years, from the beginning of the investigation in May 1995 to 2006, the case did not go to trial, and the police did not disclose any relevant details and reasons.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

When Zhu Ling's parents asked the police about the progress of the police many times during this period, the police said that they were "under investigation", but when the reporter interviewed, the police said that "this matter is very sensitive" and "there have been certain conclusions in the investigation work".

Because they could not wait for the news, the police also prevaricated for various reasons that there was no public information, Zhu Ling's parents could only entrust someone to find a member of the political X committee to propose to the police to solve the case, but the police replied that the case had been closed on August 25, 1998, and properly replied to the family of the person concerned.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

But apparently, Zhu Ling's parents had no idea that the case had been closed.

Also because the case was closed, the suspect Sun Wei dismissed the suspect, changed his name to Sun Shiyan and went to the United States, married an American, obtained a green card and stayed in the United States.

In the past 11 years, with the development of the Internet, the Zhu Ling case has been discussed on the forum. Many people believe that the reason why this case is open is because it has been interfered with by "power".

Sun Wei's family background is not ordinary, her grandfather is one of the chinese industrial and mining giants, the founder and founder of China's energy industry, has a high reputation in China, and her father, uncle and aunt are also people with great status.

Relevant media newspapers also reported on the "Zhu Ling case" and the discussion on the Internet, and the lawyer representing the Zhu family also sent a letter calling on the police to make a clear response: Why is this case outstanding? What evidence does the police have and where is the card? Why do family members request information disclosure but do not inform them? Has the case been unjustly interfered with by power?

The Beijing Municipal Police subsequently responded publicly, saying that it was because of objective factors such as the loss of evidence, which led to the inability to detect the case, and hoped that the public would look at it rationally and that the investigation of the case had not been improperly interfered with by power.

What happened to Zhu Ling, who is now 48 years old?

Since the poisoning in 1994, although after more than two decades of rehabilitation, due to the irreversibility of thallium poisoning damage, Zhu Ling's intellectual, visual, body and language functions have not been restored, and her life cannot be managed, relying on her parents' care.

Every morning, the couple had to laboriously lift Zhu Ling out of the wheelchair and move him little by little into the living room for simple standing training, 4 times a day.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

Due to long-term bed rest and weak metabolic function, Zhu Ling's weight has grown to 100 kilograms, and it is not easy to set up Zhu Ling and move to the living room for training.

For Zhu Ling, it is even more difficult, because he has been hospitalized and operated on his stomach before, and every time he goes to the rehabilitation machine, he will touch the wound. But there was no way, if she didn't train, she could only lie in bed for the rest of her life.

Fortunately, there are many caring people who care about Zhu Ling, and they launched the "Help Zhu Ling Foundation" in March 2004 to establish and maintain a website about Zhu Ling and raise overseas donations for her rehabilitation.

In 2013, with the help of the foundation, Zhu Ling and her parents were admitted to a nursing home.

Zhu Ling's parents' daily life revolves around Zhu Ling, who will feed, who will assist in rehabilitation training, who will help her take a bath, and the husband and wife have a clear division of labor.

Every night the two would also take shifts to turn Zhu Ling over. At three o'clock in the morning, he woke up the nurse, who was selected by the foundation from the housekeeping company for Zhu Ling.

Because of the careful care, although Zhu Ling was paralyzed and could not move, he never had a pressure sore.

For Zhu Ling's parents, being able to maintain this kind of daily normalcy is already the greatest comfort for them, because Zhu Ling is now nearly 50 years old, and her parents are more than 70 years old, and they don't know how long they can take care of her.

However, the doctor said that Zhu Ling may not survive her parents.

In 1994, Tsinghua's talented daughter was paralyzed by poisoning twice, and the truth was still far away after 27 years

But such expectations have also been lowered little by little in the 27 years of suffering.

When Zhu Ling first woke up from poisoning in 1994, they were looking forward to her daughter being able to stand up through 2 years of rehabilitation training, at least to take care of herself. However, with the rapid rescue of the ICU after 3 times of illness, all the training results were in vain, and the daughter's health became worse.

As for the pursuit of the truth, at first they thought that in 2 years at most, the real murderer would be punished. Later, they thought it might take 8 or 10 years, and then later, 27 years later, the truth is still far away.

In the past 27 years, they have tried all the efforts they can make, petitioning, applying for information disclosure, accepting media interviews, finding political members to propose proposals to the police, trusting the SPC the most, and even sending letters to high-level trustees many times.

In their hearts, the true murderer had already been identified, but it had not been able to prosecute the law.

Will there still be the truth?

Zhu Ling's parents said we may not be able to wait.