
A 30-year-old woman in the United States was diagnosed with two sets of reproductive systems and had two children normally

According to foreign media reports on March 9, Caroline Wortman of Georgia, USA, is 30 years old, and she was diagnosed with uterine limb deformity, that is, she has two sets of reproductive systems from birth. Because of the disease, the doctor told Caroline that she basically had no chance to become a mother, and unexpectedly 2021 became Caroline's lucky year. In January 2021, Caroline welcomed josie, her husband Nate's first child, and good luck has come. Six months later, Caroline was pregnant with her second child. When she learns that she is pregnant again, both Caroline and Nate are overjoyed. After 33 weeks and 5 days, his son Brooks also came into this world.

A 30-year-old woman in the United States was diagnosed with two sets of reproductive systems and had two children normally

In fact, as early as when Caroline was 18 years old, her first visit to a gynecologist was diagnosed with two cervixes. "I didn't take it seriously at that time, I didn't understand what the doctor meant, I remember she said I might not be able to have children, even if I was really pregnant, I would face a very complicated situation, the risk was very high." 」 A few months later, Caroline did further examinations and found that she still had two uterus and uterine wings, this time completely declaring that she was really difficult to conceive.

A 30-year-old woman in the United States was diagnosed with two sets of reproductive systems and had two children normally

In September 2019, Caroline and Nate entered the halls of marriage. Soon, in April 2020, Caroline found herself late in her period and often felt chest tightness. Before going to the hospital, she tested herself at home – yes, pregnant! As the baby in the belly got bigger, the empty womb was also squeezed aside. Little Josie was born on January 2, 2021, weighs 2.7 kg and is very healthy. Six months later, in June of the same year, Caroline went out to dinner with her parents and did not expect to feel sick again.

A 30-year-old woman in the United States was diagnosed with two sets of reproductive systems and had two children normally

At first, she thought she was motion sickness, but then she got another pregnancy test. It all came too suddenly, and Caroline became pregnant again, this time the child grew in another womb. Although the pregnancy was normal, Caroline chose to give birth at 33 weeks. Brooks was born under 2.5 kg and spent 9 days in the neonatal intensive care unit.

A 30-year-old woman in the United States was diagnosed with two sets of reproductive systems and had two children normally

Now, Caroline is talking about her unique pregnancy online, garnering 930,000 views and 39,000 likes. Caroline said: "There are many things in pregnancy that I don't actually remember. But 'infertility' and 'thinking you can't conceive' are two completely different things. I just want to encourage women who aspire to be mothers, and never give up anyway. For women like me with special medical conditions, I hope that my story will give them strength. ”

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