
Why didn't Putin take "beheading action" against Ukrainian President Zelenskiy?

author:Mud-legged spectators

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has been going on for 12 days, during which russia and Ukraine have negotiated, but Ukraine is not sincere, Russian military operations have also stopped humanitarian access for a few days, and then because Ukraine is not honest, Russia has resumed military strikes again.

The Russian army has always been called a powerful army by the outside world, and it also has the title of "fighting nation", and the Russian army has many advanced weapons. The outside world thinks that Russia will fight a quick decision, because the international situation does not allow Russia to fall into this war for a long time. But the Russians still methodically advanced military operations. There is also the big V who believes that the war launched by the Russian army does not have the appearance of a modern war. War is about achieving its goals, and there is no need to be harsh on the form of war. As soon as Russia's goal is achieved, the war will be over.

Why didn't Putin take "beheading action" against Ukrainian President Zelenskiy?

In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, President Zelenskiy, an actor who studied acting, often jumped out and played recorded videos, begged the United States to send troops to aid weapons, and then asked NATO to demarcate a no-fly zone, and also issued weapons to the people, so that the people can be cannon fodder, without a bottom line.

For Zelenskiy's performance, when the audience is bored, some people wonder why Putin tolerates him so much, why does not "behead him", lest he disturb the audiovisual situation?

1. It is impossible to be beheaded

"Decapitation" is no longer a new topic. In recent years, the United States has often used this method, such as "beheading" bin Laden, using drones to behead Iran's famous General Sulaimani, etc. The US beheading action has made the people of hostile countries panic and played a deterrent role to a certain extent.

Why didn't Putin take "beheading action" against Ukrainian President Zelenskiy?

In the Chechen war, Russia used precision-guided weapons to carry out "decapitation operations" against Chechen leader Dudayev. So Russia is familiar with "decapitation operations", but why not use "decapitation operations" against Zelenskiy to end military operations early?

A "beheading action" by a State against another head of State is in fact a violation of international law, and a "beheading action" is, to put it bluntly, an assassination operation, an action taken without the knowledge of the head of State.

Both the United States and Russia's "beheading operations" are aimed at specific targets of non-heads of state, such as terrorist leaders bin Laden, Dudayev and others, who are not heads of state but terrorist leaders. When the United States bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and launched the Iraq War and the Syrian War, it did not carry out a "beheading operation" against the country's fuehrers, but only through the war, they were finally captured. For example, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi and others were finally arrested by their own people, and it was the Iraqi court that sentenced Saddam Hussein to hanging.

The United States certainly knows that killing a head of state is simple and will provoke more popular discontent. And the country will also fall into disorderly war, and it will be difficult for the United States to achieve its goals.

Why didn't Putin take "beheading action" against Ukrainian President Zelenskiy?

Russia also understands that it is easy to kill Zelenskiy, but morally speaking, if Russia takes "decapitation action", it will lose moral support. Originally, Western countries imposed sanctions on Russia, and if they take "decapitation actions" that violate international law, those countries that do not have sanctions will also join the sanctions team. In that case, Russia would be outraged.

From a strategic point of view, the beheading of Zelenskiy is not Russia's goal. So whether Zelenskiy is alive or dead, Russia will first achieve its strategic goals. Even if Zelenskiy had been wounded by a stray bullet, it would have nothing to do with Russia.

Therefore, Russia will not take beheading of Zelensky, but will let Zelensky continue to live, as for Zelensky's future fate is not easy to say, except for the road, it is to eat prison food.

2. Cause more chaos

For example, after the leader of a terrorist organization is beheaded, although the terrorist organization still exists, its strength will inevitably be damaged and it will be divided into several forces.

If Russia carries out "decapitation operation" against Zelenskiy, it will inevitably cause panic among Ukrainians, and the West can take the opportunity to support other Ukrainian forces, then Ukraine will be more chaotic, and the Russian army will face multiple rebel forces.

Now Russia has opened up humanitarian channels, one is to increase the public's good feelings for Russia, and the other is that Russia's follow-up military operations are smoother.

But if Zelenskiy is beheaded, the Ukrainian people will be encouraged by the provocateurs to take up arms and fight with the Russian army, which is not Russia's goal.

As long as Zelenskiy is kept alive, no matter how the war develops, the responsibility is Zelenskiy's. Now the Ukrainian people are dissatisfied with Zelenskiy, believing that he "resisted Russia according to the United States" and brought Ukraine to war.

Why didn't Putin take "beheading action" against Ukrainian President Zelenskiy?

Zelenskiy is very good at acting, and he is still a political white. Now with him on stage, at least Russia has direction and goals. If a head of state dies, the various forces in the country are leaderless, and the Russian army is in a dangerous situation.

Since the people were disgusted with Zelenskiy, the Russian army did not need to move him, and eventually he would be abandoned by the people. So there is no need to behead Zelenskiy.

Here are two more examples. For example, during World War I, Serbian youth assassinated the Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, suddenly igniting the flames of World War I.

In a second example, in 1994, the planes of the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi were shot down and both were killed. This triggered the Hutu-Tutsi genocide in Rwanda. Soon, Hutu soldiers assassinated Rwanda's female prime minister and three ministers, causing another ethnic vendetta in the country.

Therefore, the beheading of Zelenskiy is likely to cause a greater war, and it is not excluded that it will cause a third world war. This is contrary to the Russian goal, so Putin will not move Zelensky, he will let Zelenskiy continue to perform on stage, let the Ukrainians decide where he will stay and where he will go.

Why didn't Putin take "beheading action" against Ukrainian President Zelenskiy?

3. Future forecast

The beheading was not done by a great power, and if the nazi militant leaders in Ukraine were to be beheaded and no one objected, it would cause a lot of problems for the president. The United States will not do this either.

So what will Zelenskiy's future destination be?

In fact, if Zelenskiy blindly "resisted Russia according to the United States", the end would be very tragic. But he will not be beheaded by Russia, and he will be tried by Ukraine.

What is the cause of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict?

It was because Ukraine wanted to join NATO, which Zelenskiy pushed for. Zelenskiy was an agent of American support to power, and his regime was all about americans. Ukrainians have seen this clearly.

Why didn't Putin take "beheading action" against Ukrainian President Zelenskiy?

Zelenskiy was inhumane, let the people rush to the front as cannon fodder, and acted according to the intentions of the Americans, he was actually a traitor. What awaits him must be a sentence.

After Russia ends the war, a new regime will inevitably be born in Ukraine that will liquidate Zelenskiy and try him in absent absentia even if he is not in Ukraine. As for the news that the Chechen armed assassination of Zelenskiy was unsuccessful, it was only false news created by the Western media.

As a marionette of the United States, Zelenskiy may run to the United States and other Western countries, and may also be treated as an exiled president by the United States and other Western countries, but he will eventually be abandoned.

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