
Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

author:From the Northeast to Shandong


With regard to nuclear weapons, in today's world of divergent opinions, in Ukraine weeps like a bereaved dog over the loss of nuclear weapons, and at a time when the double-edged sword of nuclear weapons has become more and more realistic, let us revisit Chairman Mao's dialectical thinking of that year and still feel deafening:

On April 21, 1957, when talking with foreign guests about the atomic bomb issue, Mao Zedong dialectically pointed out from the perspective of balance of strength: "No one has an atomic bomb as the best policy, they have, we have the middle policy, and only one country has the next policy." ”

Great Love and Wisdom:

First: Chairman Mao opposed nuclear war and proposed that China was building atomic bombs to stop wars, especially nuclear wars – in a word: China built atomic bombs precisely for world peace.

Second: How to deal with nuclear blackmail? Take the middle strategy, for the best policy.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said in a public speech: There is now a very big sign of danger, that is, Ukraine is fighting for nuclear weapons... This is absolutely not allowed!

Understand, the current situation is chaotic enough, what role Ukraine is playing, the people of the earth know, this situation, and then let it have nuclear weapons again, it is really like the world war did not come fast enough.

Obviously, Ukraine's eagerness to embrace nuclear weapons makes at least two points:

1. They regret their self-destruct martial arts and deeply resent the signing of the Budapest Memorandum that year.

2, they have lost their sense of security, like a headless fly running around the wall, both to join NATO and rush to join the European Union, to do their best to send people under the fence - the purpose is very sad, is to seek protection.

But the process of hitting a wall made them realize that they must have bargaining hardware – nuclear weapons.

After going around in a circle and coming back, I felt it during the period, which was really sadistic.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

The United States opened Pandora's box

Now, it is not only Ukraine, but more countries trying to possess nuclear weapons.

The reason is simple, the whole world can see clearly: the United States continues to provoke war, Russia confronts NATO with a "nuclear button"; Ukraine loses its bargaining chip by destroying its martial arts... The lesson was profound, so the rhythm of the overt and dark nuclear races of various countries began...

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

Some are for self-preservation, some are to deter neighbors, some are to encroach on the interests of other countries like the United States, or try to take advantage of the "robbers to share the booty" when they are "robbing and sharing the booty"...

The United States opened Pandora's box — nuclear war seems to be in sight.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

Take a look at the current nuclear race:

North Korea launched another missile a few days ago...

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

Belarus has declared itself to develop nuclear weapons and become a nuclear-weapon State ...

South Korea has also started this rhythm...

Japan has been operating in secret for a long time.

What other countries? Pandora's box could no longer be closed.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

The situation that Chairman Mao had foreseen began to emerge ...

Chairman Mao made these remarks from the dialectical materialist principle that material forces can only be destroyed by material forces:

Imperialism may go mad - madmen who want to start a war may drop atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs everywhere, so we can also build a little atomic bomb to stop the war.

It can be understood that on the one hand, it is a disaster for the world that they have nuclear weapons in countries that are afraid of the world's chaos, and on the other hand, as a double-edged sword, it can play a huge role in the hands of peace-loving, just and righteous China - such as stopping nuclear war and crushing the conspirators' nuclear blackmail attempts.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

The atomic bomb can scare a lot of people... We have to too

Nuclear weapons are weapons in the final analysis, and the key to this double-edged sword depends on who will swing it.

From the day China developed its nuclear weapons, it declared: We are for defense, to stop war.

Nuclear weapons are a symbol of national strength, but with it, it is inseparable from the opportunities of the times and historical opportunities. 

The opportunity has come, can you seize it?

This is thanks to Chairman Mao; without his old man's far-sighted and domineering decision, who else could have such boldness and foresight at the historical stage when New China had just been established and was waiting to be rebuilt?

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

I remember that Foreign Minister Chen Yi said at a press conference that year: Even if you are a trouser, you must also make an atomic bomb. The person who was shouted by countless martial arts fans about Jin Daxia showed an ugly side at this time, and he actually sent a text to ridicule Chen Yi and said: First think about how to live, mainlanders can't wear pants, and they still want to engage in high technology... Lo and behold, at that time, there were still many people who laughed at us with yin and yang weirdness. No wonder Chairman Mao said that this was a battle bomb!

Chairman Mao's nuclear strategic thinking actually began in the late 1940s:

At first it was a precaution...

1. In 1946, our Party began to contact overseas Chinese nuclear experts and rocket experts to strive for them to return to China to participate in the research of nuclear weapons and supporting weapons and equipment. At that time, the power of the atomic bomb had been released in Japan.

2. On December 18, 1949, during Chairman Mao's first visit to the Soviet Union, he proposed to Stalin that he hoped that the Soviet Union would help China develop the atomic bomb. Beria of the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs at that time had a strange expression. Stalin later told him that China wanted to share Soviet nuclear technology and wanted to find uranium ore in China with the help of the Soviet Union and build atomic bombs.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

Chairman Mao also watched a documentary on the atomic bombing on August 29 of that year in the Soviet Union and was deeply shocked. On the way back to China, he made up his mind: he wanted to build an atomic bomb, and it would be fast.

He said to Ye Zilong, "It seems that the atomic bomb can scare a lot of people." The United States has it, the Soviet Union has it, and we can do a little bit of it. ”

From "hitting a grenade" to "getting a little atomic bomb."

The change in China's national defense strategy from passive defense to active defense to nuclear control and nuclear cessation of war comes from Chairman Mao's strategic thinking...

Start with the nuclear blackmail of the United States.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

Around the Taiwan Strait, the United States did not less carry out atomic bombs to scare people. This was the case during the later period of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and the Period of the Kinmen Artillery Battle.

Chairman Mao was calm and relaxed in this regard, saying: "He hit his atomic bomb, I hit my grenade." Chairman Mao also accurately predicted that they did not dare, they were paper tigers. Because they could not afford soviet retaliation after the atomic bomb was fired.

Interestingly, later, the former Soviets also waved the stick of nuclear blackmail, but they were crushed by Chairman Mao's move. Chairman Mao said that when the fighting starts, we will enter the territory of the Soviet Union ... Also, to borrow the American atomic bomb...

Having said that, the Chairman was actually anxious. At that time, the whole country dug deep holes to accumulate grain, and many mountains were treated with nuclear defense... How could Chairman Mao not have known the tremendous role of military equipment in war? He is already thinking about the overall development plan of the entire defense industry.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

1. Returning to the issue of "playing grenades" to resist US aggression and aid Korea -- don't misunderstand, don't think that this is Chairman Mao's lack of attention to armaments; on the contrary, Chairman Mao said: "We have fought a war for decades, that is, we have no way to deal with what is on our heads, but we have to rely on not being afraid of death, relying on bravery, and relying on the spirit of sacrifice."

In May 1951, Chairman Mao explained his task to Xu Xiangqian, who was about to go to the Soviet Union for negotiations, saying: "Imperialism has bullied us so much, we do not have our own ordnance industry, and we cannot solve the problem of weapons and equipment of the troops. ”

He also said: "In the eight months of fighting in Korea, I have deeply felt the disparity in equipment between the enemy and ourselves and the need to improve the equipment of our army. ”

The conclusion is: "Without modern equipment, it is impossible to defeat the imperialist army."

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

On January 15, 1955, Chairman Mao made a decision, and the Party Central Committee made a decision: develop nuclear weapons and develop the cause of atomic energy. Chairman Mao said: Our policy has always been a strategic principle of active defense, not a negative one.

In 1956, Chairman Mao clearly pointed out: "In today's world, if we are not bullied by others, we cannot do without this thing." ”

He also said, "Without that thing, people say you don't count," so let's build a little atomic bomb, a hydrogen bomb, an intercontinental missile.

The words vividly explained the strategic significance of developing atomic weapons.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

If you don't want to be bullied, you can't live without this thing

In June 1952, China requested assistance from the Soviet Union in developing nuclear weapons, but was refused.

At that time, China was surprised – which led directly to the central military commission and the General Staff forced to abandon the idea of developing atomic weapons when they compiled the Outline of the Five-Year Military Plan – which is why the specific development plan did not begin until 1955, when Chairman Mao had already made a decision.

In October 1954, Chairman Mao told the visiting Khrushchev: "We are interested in atomic energy and nuclear weapons. I would like to consult with you today and hope that you will help us in this regard and make us something to achieve. ”

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

Khrushchev refused Mao's request, but promised to help China build a small atomic reactor first, and the Chinese side could also send people to the Soviet Union to study - in the late 1950s, the Soviet Union withdrew experts, took away important drawings, and stopped providing much-needed equipment, key components and important materials...

In this regard, Chairman Mao proposed to engage in cutting-edge technology on his own, saying: "We must make up our minds to engage in cutting-edge technology, and Khrushchev will not give us cutting-edge technology. ”

In fact, China independently created this miracle - Yang Zhenning said this in "Deng Jiaxian", which is also full of admiration, he compared the two bomb founders Deng Jiaxian and Oppenheimer, praised the founder and pioneer of China's nuclear weapons cause, and was also proud of the Chinese nation's spirit of struggle for self-reliance and self-improvement!

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

The central authorities have named the atomic bomb project "Project 596" -- the construction of atomic bombs is called the manufacture of "gas bombs."

At that time, New China was in the midst of three years of natural disasters, and the country's economic situation was very difficult—this was also a period of repeated hunger in Mo Yan's works. Chairman Mao called on everyone to pool their wisdom and efforts to overcome difficulties, and in June and November 1962 he issued instructions one after another: "The research and trial production of sophisticated weapons should still be carried out with great speed, and we should not relax or dismount." "We must vigorously coordinate to do a good job in this work."

On October 16, 1964, the first atomic bomb of New China was born in Lop Nur in the sky.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

Just three years later, on June 17, 1967, New China successfully exploded its first hydrogen bomb.

On October 19, 1964, Chairman Mao asserted: "In another ten years, we will have built atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and missiles, and we will not be able to fight a world war."

Sure enough, in less than a decade, China has successfully developed intercontinental missiles, artificial satellites, nuclear submarines...

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

Where there is a spear, there must be a shield, and where there is a bullet, there must be a gun

Chairman Mao said on December 16, 1963, when listening to Nie Rongzhen's report on the ten-year scientific and technological plan: "In addition to offensive weapons, we must also engage in defensive weapons. We must develop defensively and study anti-missile weapons. ”

On February 6, 1964, when Chairman Mao and Qian Xuesen were talking, Qian Xuesen reported that he was going to study the methods and technical methods of anti-ballistic missiles. Chairman Mao immediately instructed: Where there is a spear, there must be a shield, and a small number of people must be engaged to study this issue specifically; it will not work in five years, ten years, ten years, and fifteen years.

In addition to spears and shields, there is also a problem with guns and bullets.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb

We often say "two bombs and one star", which means that the gun is one: a nuclear bomb is a bullet, and the gun cannot be fired without missiles. Therefore, when China's atomic bomb broke through, the United States shouted: China has bullets and no guns. At that time, China had already shot the U2 with Soviet surface-to-air missiles, but the United States still disdained it, because we did not have surface-to-ground medium- and long-range missiles, and we did not ...

But soon, we had basically everything, with the second artillery, with intercontinental ballistic missiles, with submarine missiles... This is because China's "two-bomb and one-satellite nuclear submarine" development project was arranged under Chairman Mao's overall consideration and was "missile first," that is to say, the gun was in front and the bullet was in the rear.

Chairman Mao and the Atomic Bomb



At a time when the world is full of turmoil, looking back at Chairman Mao's strategic decision and wise guidance on China's nuclear weapons cause from scratch, my heart is turbulent and it is difficult for me to do so...

At present, the scenery on this side of China is unique, the country is dignified and upright, and the people live and work in peace and contentment... Thank you Chairman Mao! Thank you two bombs and one star!