
The Russian-Ukrainian conflict regenerates variables! U.S. and British special forces entered Ukraine, and the President of Chechnya warned Japan

author:Sister America

Reversing and reversing and reversing, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict changes so quickly that it is easy to make people feel overwhelmed, because the situation changes too quickly. Military competition, diplomatic contests, and games at the negotiating table all do not affect the final direction of the war situation.

According to data released by the United Nations on March 8, since the beginning of the war, at least 474 people have been killed in the war, the number of wounded has exceeded 1335, and the number of refugees forced to leave Ukraine has exceeded the 2 million mark.

According to information revealed by Ukraine, 20,000 mercenaries will soon gather in Ukraine, including former Georgian defense minister Iraqi, as well as retired soldiers from the United States and Britain. Ukraine said that these "armed personnel" would fight alongside the Ukrainian army and work together to prevent the Russian army from "invading" Ukraine.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict regenerates variables! U.S. and British special forces entered Ukraine, and the President of Chechnya warned Japan

However, according to the statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense, with the help of the United States and britain and other countries, many extremist forces have arrived in Ukraine. In addition, the United States also built more than 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine, and on the day that Russia launched a special military operation, Zelenskiy ordered the destruction of these "biological and chemical weapons" at the request of the United States, and subsequently, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine deleted the relevant documents to avoid being caught by the Russian military.

Russia believes that the lethal weapons provided by NATO to Ukraine, as well as the dangerous virus in the US military's biological laboratory, are likely to fall into the hands of extreme armed forces. If this scene occurs, it will be innocent people who will suffer, and the results will be unimaginable.

There are growing signs that the United States is deliberately sacrificing the interests of Ukraine, Poland and the European Union in order to drag Russia down and plunge its military into the quagmire of war.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict regenerates variables! U.S. and British special forces entered Ukraine, and the President of Chechnya warned Japan

On March 8, Biden announced a ban on U.S. imports of oil and liquefied natural gas from Russia. Biden stressed that the United States will hit the Russian economy hard and let Putin's war machine be hit hard. On the same day, britain announced that it would stop buying Russian oil by the end of 2022.

Biden also did not forget to call on the EU to maintain a "consistent position" with the United States and Britain, but it kicked the iron plate. German Foreign Minister Berberk said on the 8th that Germany is extremely dependent on Russian energy, Berlin will not follow Washington and London, otherwise, the German economy is likely to stagnate.

German Chancellor Schoelz said that for the EU, the energy provided by Russia is irreplaceable and That Germany will continue to import energy from Russia.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict regenerates variables! U.S. and British special forces entered Ukraine, and the President of Chechnya warned Japan

In order to encourage Poland to get in trouble with Russia, the British Defense Ministry said on March 8 that if Poland was willing to provide Warplanes to Ukraine and strengthen Ukraine's air power, Britain would provide protection for Poland. Britain stressed that Poland should know that it is a good thing to help Ukraine.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken said that if Poland supplies Ukraine with MiG-29 fighters, the United States will consider sending F-16 fighters to Poland.

In the matter of exerting pressure on Russia and adding fuel to the fire, the choice of the United States and Britain is to make a move in a group. From sanctioning Russian businesses and freezing Russian assets, to discussing helping Ukraine create a "government-in-exile" to forcing EU member states to provoke Russia, everything seems to be under the control of the United States and Britain.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict regenerates variables! U.S. and British special forces entered Ukraine, and the President of Chechnya warned Japan

Japan's Jiji News Agency revealed on March 8 that British intelligence agencies said that the mixed special forces formed by the United States and Britain had come to Ukraine and could help Zelenskiy move to Poland at any time. At the moment, British special forces are protecting Zelenskiy.

British intelligence agencies stressed that the United States and Britain were preparing to help Zelenskiy flee to Poland, Britain or Sweden, and in any case, the United States and Britain could not let Zelenskiy fall into the hands of the Russian army, and must ensure that Zelenskiy could call on ukrainian soldiers and civilians to continue fighting.

The Washington Post and other US media revealed that 150 US special forces and 70 British special forces are undergoing training, and once the situation gets out of control, they will help Zelenskiy quickly leave Ukraine.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict regenerates variables! U.S. and British special forces entered Ukraine, and the President of Chechnya warned Japan

Discerning people know that most of the so-called "volunteers" in Ukraine's mouth are mercenaries from the Middle East and NATO, and in Russian parlance, NATO has indirectly participated in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

For now, NATO has sent troops into Ukraine to fight.

Putin has said that whoever stops the ongoing operations of the Russian army, or threatens Russia's security, will be quickly counterattacked by Russia. Note that the key words, whoever they are, mean to include the United States and the United Kingdom.

Under these circumstances, the US and British special forces still came to Ukraine, which shows how fierce the battle is.

Judging from Zelenskiy's satire of NATO's fear of Russia, stressing that Ukraine no longer has expectations of "joining NATO", and expressing Kiev's willingness to discuss Crimea and Donbass with Russia, it will not be long before the Russian army will fully attack Kiev.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict regenerates variables! U.S. and British special forces entered Ukraine, and the President of Chechnya warned Japan

Japan is also trying to take advantage of the fire and loot and grab profits.

Japanese Foreign Minister Hayashi Yoshihide said that the four northern islands are Japan's inherent territory, and Japan will never change this position, and Russia has forcibly "occupied" the four northern islands. Japan has not forgotten to emphasize that, like the "invasion" of Ukraine, Russia's "forcible occupation" of the four northern islands has violated international law.

In addition to freezing the assets of a number of Russian banks, banning Japanese exports to 49 Russian entities, and sanctioning Putin and Kadyrov, Japan did not forget to say on March 8 that it would expand sanctions against Russia and Belarus and provide military assistance to Ukraine.

In the face of Japan's provocations, Chechen President Kadyrov could not sit still. Kadyrov said That Japan, which was originally a country with a long history and unique in the world, is now bowing to Europe.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict regenerates variables! U.S. and British special forces entered Ukraine, and the President of Chechnya warned Japan

To show that Chechnya is not a bully, Kadyrov said that from now on, Japanese leaders are not allowed to set foot on Chechen soil, but there are two places to go, that is, braguni and Samashki's psychiatric hospitals.

Kadyrov stressed that all of Japan's assets would be confiscated and then used to help the Kuril Islands develop better.

In fact, in order to knock the mountain and shock the tiger, the Russian helicopter has broken into Japanese airspace and stayed in Japan for tens of seconds, and Japan has strongly protested against this, but Russia has not taken care of Japan.

The Russo-Ukrainian war is still continuing, and the Russian army has temporarily entered a state of "silence" in order to allow the Ukrainian people to withdraw from Kiev, Kharkov, and Mariupol as soon as possible. On March 10, the Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers will hold talks in Turkey, which will be the fourth round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, which is considered the last chance for Ukraine.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict regenerates variables! U.S. and British special forces entered Ukraine, and the President of Chechnya warned Japan

If Russia and Ukraine still do not reach an armistice agreement, the Russian army is likely to launch a general offensive against Kiev. By then, Ukraine may face a heavy blow, and Britain and the United States, which are sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, will not stand up for Ukraine.

The conflict continues, and the White House, which has taken one step and ten steps, is playing a big game of chess, with the ultimate goal of maintaining dollar hegemony and crushing opponents, and Ukraine is only a pawn at best. From beginning to end, the United States did not care about the security of the European Union, nor did it dig traps for "so-called allies" such as Turkey.

Exercising restraint rather than impulsively making rash decisions is crucial for Russia and Ukraine, after all, shells and missiles are not long-sighted, and the layout of the United States is laid out in advance.

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