
How newcomers play games to make money, studios make millions a year, and how to do it!

Recently we have also been playing games for a while, and everyone has a different view of this industry. But we don't understand, and we can't deny the industry.

360 lines, lines out of the yuan, no matter what you do, there are good play and bad play. Today we analyze, how does Xiaobai play the game and move bricks, and how does the studio make millions of dollars a year?

How newcomers play games to make money, studios make millions a year, and how to do it!

First, the game market

Many people are curious, this industry, what can it do for a long time? In fact, your worries are superfluous, now the game market is too big, basically every day will breed thousands of new games, you don't have to worry about no games to do.

Of course, you don't want to play a game until you're old. Any game has its bonus period, after the bonus period, basically face bankruptcy, at this time you need to change to a new one.

In short, the market is large and will not be saturated. As long as the game has been breeding, then you can always do the industry.

Second, make money no

A thing, whether it can make money or not, depends on many factors, and the same is true for playing games.

1. Game channels

A lot of games, just out, are definitely a wave of dividend periods. Do you have such channels and which games are more profitable? Can you get in the first place? These are key!

Don't go online to find some useless strategies, do you think that if it is a violent game, people will send out this big cake selfless dedication?

Now the game, not to say more, hundreds of thousands of models are definitely there, how to find the bonus game in these, it depends on your news channels and relationships.

2. Equipment

Playing this, it's all a point earned, and your device also determines your earnings. General games, the ordinary income is about 10 yuan a window, a computer opens 20 windows, that is, 100-200.

The more computers you have here, the higher the benefits and the higher the natural cost. Many studios, nearly a million a year, the same cost without dozens of devices is not enough.

How newcomers play games to make money, studios make millions a year, and how to do it!

3. Luck

Playing games must have a certain element of luck, such as you enter this area, there are many players, strong spending power, you may have a computer, 5 numbers a month to earn seven or eight thousand is not necessarily. We encountered one of the best districts, that's it, played for half a year, 5 numbers, and earned nearly 10,000 per month.

Similarly, you have bad luck, sometimes you go into the dead zone, there is no one, and there are still a lot of peers, which is also no way.

Including, usually in the process of our operation, the probability of your number is high, often get some good things, and the income of a number is not necessarily dozens of numbers.

The above are some important factors in whether you can make money and make a lot of money. Including usually, our proficiency in a game can affect the revenue.

Don't think, the computer hangs up, nothing matters, every day a fixed income will come, unreliable.

How newcomers play games to make money, studios make millions a year, and how to do it!

First, how to play to make money

1, do not invest too much in the early stage

In the beginning, we have what to use, don't think about investing. If you have a computer, you use a computer, and if you have a mobile phone, you use a mobile phone.

2. Skilled games

Choose a game, play it for ten days and a half, make it skillful, and then consider making money. Whether you can make money depends on your proficiency in the game.

3. Game selection

The game, if there is a message channel is definitely better. Without channels, you can play some large hang-up games, such as legends, which can be earned, but not so violent. Playing your own number and getting a meal a day is certainly no problem.

4, do not be too ambitious

In fact, the process of moving bricks is the same, after you are skilled in a game, go to move other games, the gameplay is similar, at most it is a waste of time in the first few days to become a skilled game.

Step by step, play first, then earn. Many people, who can't even do a game main quest, can make money?

5. Later stage

Later, after you master a certain degree, you can go online to rent a machine, so that the cost is low, first make a small profit. After there is a certain income, and then step by step on the equipment, naturally slowly rise.

In the early stages, we reduce our own costs and then play as a part-time job. After becoming proficient, we choose whether to be full-time or not. Don't think about people, before you start, buy a few computers to put in the house, and finally do it under pressure, you can't do anything.

Well, today we will share here, what do not understand, you can comment on the comment area message exchange, see you in the next issue.

Author of this article: Pengjun Chuangfu

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