
There was a Guo "commissioner" in the village.

author:Qinghai News Network

Qinghai News Network Qinghai News Client News Shanxi Village, Gonghe Town, Huangzhong District, Xining City, is a large village, with a total of more than 470 households in the village. The villagers have a variety of lands, which can be affected by geographical location, the villagers can only rely on the sky to eat, the harvest is sluggish, and the story of Guo Hongxia, the science and technology commissioner, begins here...

So far, Guo Hongxia, who has only been a science and technology commissioner for one year, is a down-to-earth "newcomer". In 2018, by chance, Guo Hongxia's husband came into contact with the rural information service platform, but because he could not operate the computer, coupled with the fact that he went out to work, the husband then handed over the work to Guo Hongxia.

"One night, my husband brought a list of villagers from more than a dozen villages and asked me to record them on the computer, and I didn't know anything about it at that time." Guo Hongxia said. With the busyness of her husband's work, Guo Hongxia introduced herself and replaced her husband's work.

Every new science and technology commissioner will encounter some problems, and Guo Hongxia is no exception. At first, the villagers of Shanjia Village did not understand Guo Hongxia's work and thought that a housewife with children at home could not do anything, which made Guo Hongxia very sad, but it also strengthened her determination to be a good commissioner.

"Many times I want to give up, but when I think of this platform so good, I must do a good job, promote the platform to every household in Shanjia Village, and let the real good news of good technology have a 'place to play' in every household." Guo Hongxia said.

However, the reality is often unsatisfactory, after a year of sending text messages, door-to-door visits and publicity, the rural information service platform is still not popular in Shanjia Village. Seeing that the visit and propaganda of one family after another could not play a role, Guo Hongxia thought of starting from his relatives around him. As a result, Guo Hongxia's father, Ma Qiguang, became the first person she helped.

In 2016, Ma Qiguang, a perennial migrant worker, decided to return to his hometown to engage in planting, but at that time, he did not know anything about planting, and could only learn about the situation from the growers in the same village and slowly try to plant, but the harvest has not been very good, which makes Ma Qiguang anxious. Therefore, Guo Hongxia let his father learn the scientific planting methods on the rural information service platform and apply what he learned, and Ma Qiguang changed from a person who knew nothing about farming to a "soil expert". At present, Ma Qiguang grows a variety of vegetables, including broad beans, wheat, rapeseed, potatoes and other varieties.

Last year, the phenomenon of long poles appeared in the spinach planted by Ma Qiguang, and Guo Hongxia contacted provincial experts through the rural information service platform to solve the problem of long poles of spinach. Ma Qiguang couldn't help but sigh: "This platform is good, and it has brought great help to our farmers!" If there is no help from experts, it is only in a hurry. ”

The vegetable disease is solved, but where should the vegetables be sold? "Wholesalers in the market have different requirements, sometimes planting this variety, and when it comes to the harvest, it changes again. This has caused many villagers to suffer in vain. Guo Hongxia said that through the e-commerce platform of the rural information service platform and demand information, the sales of vegetables are not a problem at all. This year my father planted 100 acres of broad beans, and I am also looking for buyers for him through the rural information platform. Guo Hongxia said with a smile.

Today, Guo Hongxia, who has been a science and technology commissioner for a year, still goes to the homes of villagers in Shanjia Village every day, hoping to get more understanding from more people. Although she will still eat behind closed doors, she still believes that one day, she can promote the information service platform to every household in Shanjia Village, which can effectively bring welfare to the villagers in Shanjia Village.

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