
How to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring? The experience of wearing in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess with

The white system is one of the most representative high-grade colors in early spring, clean, practical and pure, can be used in any clothing, can also make any collocation more refreshing, it can be said that it can best enhance the middle-aged woman's own temperament of the color.

However, improper white wearing is also easy to overturn, such as exposing the shortcomings of skin tone, resulting in uncoordinated collocation, showing a sense of obtrusiveness and so on. Therefore, if the sisters want to wear the white system well, they must learn from the matching skills of the dressing masters, stand on the shoulders of giants, take fewer detours and quickly improve the clothing. Let's take a look at how to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring, right? Wear experience in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess around!

First, how to choose white items?

Although the white system is a member of the high-end color system, not all white items can play a blessing effect on the temperament, choose a single product that suits you and is more in tune with the white system, in order to avoid falling into the cliché.

How to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring? The experience of wearing in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess with

First of all, the white series is mainly refreshing and clean, so in terms of clothing styles, it is recommended that everyone use the basic model that can convey a sense of simplicity, the basic model has no superfluous design, and it is possible to interpret the noble generosity of the white system without effort.

And many styles of complex and exaggerated items, if the use of white system will appear disorganized, there is no sense of layering to speak of. In addition, the material of the white series is a little more exquisite than the dark color piece, and the brighter the tone, the more the fabric is tested.

How to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring? The experience of wearing in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess with

Secondly, the white system as a whole gives people a comfortable and pleasing effect, as if in the blue sky under the background of the white clouds, when choosing clothing, in addition to white suits, white trench coats, white trousers these items, it is also recommended that you shift your attention to some more casual style.

For example, white T, white sweatshirt, white leggings, or white wide-leg pants, make the dress appear age-reducing.

How to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring? The experience of wearing in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess with

Finally, although there are many white items, but different with different needs to make different choices, it is generally recommended that you choose white underwear, such as white shirts, white knitwear.

Placing it in coats, trench coats, and suits all help shift the center of gravity of the dressing upwards and can act as a transitional item between the face and the coat.

Second, the white color selection

In addition to clothing styles, hue is also one of the factors that affect the wear of white. This is easy to understand, the same is a white shirt or white sweatshirt, the purity or brightness of the white is different, and there is a gap as a whole.

How to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring? The experience of wearing in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess with

The most emblematic of the gentleness and fashion of spring wear is the soft colors such as warm white and off-white, which are completely different from the effects worn by cold white, and the overall change from cold to quiet and soft.

These whites are also a good hand at creating a sense of gentle atmosphere, appearing to be kind and generous, as if a rich family has a lot of money.

Third, the idea of white color matching

Understanding the color matching is the key to wearing a good white system, whether it is the same color or two-color collocation, or the whole body uses three colors, we must ensure that the overall dress color matching presents a natural sense.

How to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring? The experience of wearing in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess with

The same color system is the color scheme that can best show the noble and generous characteristics of the white system, and the harmony is natural and not obtrusive.

Like using a white trench coat to fold a white underwear, small white pants, or a white dress, the noble romance will be carried out to the end.

How to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring? The experience of wearing in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess with

The black and white color scheme is never outdated, and most people can easily learn from it, but on this basis, the sisters can create a spring atmosphere by adding some color series.

Under the background of the white system, the color series will also look more clear and vibrant, giving people a lifeless effect.

How to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring? The experience of wearing in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess with

White + blue, white + yellow, or a combination of white and light pink, are more popular in early spring. However, it should be noted that when the number of colors in the shape does not exceed three, items such as shoes, bags, belts, hats and other items should try to ensure that the colors echo.

Like in the picture on the left, the white top, white shoes, and white bag have a very strong overall feeling.

Fourth, white collocation

The white system has a high rate of appearance in the daily miscellaneous, and most of the collocations meet the requirements of simplicity and elegance, and everyone can make adjustments according to the specific situation when learning from it.

How to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring? The experience of wearing in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess with

1. Gray and white vest + white underwear

The pair use the same color system to enhance the sense of coordination, but because of the difference in color between the gray and white systems, they can further enhance the sense of layering.

With the decoration of sweater chains or necklaces, it is simple and generous and very delicate.

How to wear more foreign "high-grade white" in early spring? The experience of wearing in the daily miscellaneous, do not understand but do not mess with

2. White trench coat + small black pants / white skirt

In the early spring, don't choose khaki trench coats, white trench coats are more refreshing and advanced, with small black pants can interpret the black and white color of the generous classic, with a white skirt, the same color look high-end atmosphere.

The early spring white wear shared by everyone this time is here, if you like the white system, you can learn from the collocation here!

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