
Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Before the Beijing Winter Olympics, when it comes to the name of "Gu Ailing", some 2G netizens may not know much.

But throughout the first month, Gu Ailing occupied the first chair of domestic social media with unstoppable speed.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

From the first race, the 18-year-old girl, with one of the most difficult moves in the world in 1620, won the gold medal in the women's big jump in freestyle skiing.

The final result of "two gold and one silver", the myth of overnight popularity, was staged on her.

We have read too many tweets about Gu Ailing's personal learning ability and Gu Mama's excellent educational philosophy.

I know that such a "genius girl" as her is definitely the result of many factors such as talent, hard work, and family environment.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

And her entire 18 years of life is a template for the brave rise of a woman.

Gu Ailing used her personal experience and attitude to tell all girls: break through the shackles, be independent in your heart, and grow freely.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Since she was a child, Gu Ailing has been a model of "two-way cultivation between China and the United States" growing up.

Before being admitted to Stanford, he attended Niche High School, a preparatory high school at the University of San Francisco, which ranked 73rd in the United States.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

During the winter and summer vacations, they also have to fly directly back to China to study.

Participated in various study training classes and ended high school courses early.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Ski training in Northern California is essential.

Summer physical fitness and ball training, but also the annual investment is necessary.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

So we can't simply attribute her success to talent and ignore her own efforts.

She herself has said in previous interviews that talent is important, but the most important thing is her own efforts and courage.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

From Gu Ailing's experience along the way, it can also be seen that the courage to challenge herself and dare to try a different life is the most basic factor for her to stand at the peak.

Because boldness is the nature to break through the stereotypes, it will not be bound by the female label on its own body.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

In Gu Ailing's various introductions and documentaries, it was found that skiing was just one of the sports she was interested in as a child and insisted on systematic training.

Equestrian, long-distance running, basketball, marathon and other sports are also what Xiao Ailing has liked since he was a child.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Among them, skiing, basketball and long-distance running are her favorite three, and she has achieved good results in all three sports.

When Gu Ailing was 11 years old, she won the third place in the women's team in the 2500-meter cross-country race of the San Francisco Bay Area Independent Private School, and the first place in the women's 12-year-old group.

If she insists on training long-distance running, her strength may be able to go further.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

But Gu Ailing is still very courageous, choosing skiing that is more difficult to get started with, and has to pay more.

Compared with land sports, the difficulty coefficient of ski training is higher

Especially for girls, physical weakness, this project is not easy to practice, injuries and fevers are frequent.

But Gu Ailing said: "Some difficult moves, many people feel that girls should not do, for me, I encourage every girl to challenge!" ”

Tell the girls that they can push the boundaries of gender, and so can everyone.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Double boards have always been known as "aerial acrobatics".

Not only does it require physical strength, but also hard work on skill transformation is also essential.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Gu Ailing has suffered many fractures and torn ligaments during training.

There have even been experiences of concussion and brief amnesia.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

And the damage from a concussion is not a one-off.

Generally after having a concussion experience, you will often habitually concussion in the future, which is extremely harmful to the body.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Therefore, behind all the seemingly "genius" achievements, it is unimaginable for ordinary people to pay.

Many times, what restricts us is not the ability and opportunity, but the courage of whether you want to do a good job or not, after all, at any time, the method is always more than the difficulty.

Because of love, even in the face of difficulties and dangers, we must continue to move forward, this mentality and attitude of doing things, is what we ordinary people are more worthy of reference.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

It is after overcoming these difficulties that Gu Ailing can once again overcome herself and stand on the broader Winter Olympic field to show her style.

Especially in China, where the snow sports of the Winter Olympics are relatively weak, Gu Ailing continues to bravely challenge herself and win two gold and one silver for China, creating history.

It's real: how brave you are, how overwhelming you are.

Bravery is also one of the most obvious synonyms for Gu Ailing.

When winning the first gold medal, Gu Ailing chose the 1620 super difficulty action, and 1620 is currently the highest difficulty for women in the world.

Gu Ailing said that she had never tried it in an official competition before, and even her mother advised her to do 1440.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

And the big jump project at that time was only the first event at the Gu Ailing Winter Olympics, and there was no need to risk failure and injury.

But in this regard, Gu Ailing's view is: "I never participated in the Olympic Games to beat other athletes, but to break boundaries." ”

So at the last moment, the girl still followed her inner expectations, very decisively and bravely changed the action to 1620, and perfectly won her first gold in the Winter Olympics.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

It is also this extraordinary courage that has made her favored by many brands.

At present, Gu Ailing has carried a number of endorsements, including all kinds of high-end luxury brands, and a new round of endorsement invitations has also flown like snowflakes.

Among them, the endorsement of the luxury car brand Cadillac was signed as early as last year when she turned 18.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

With Gu Ailing's consecutive championships at the Winter Olympics, Cadillac's exposure has also increased widely.

Everyone envied Cadillac for choosing the right spokesperson in advance this time to achieve the current win-win situation.

After all, before the Beijing Winter Olympics, no one could guarantee that Gu Ailing would definitely win the championship.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

As a representative of the veteran luxury car, Cadillac's most important thing and attention to when selecting a spokesperson is whether it is compatible with the spiritual temperament of the spokesperson.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Gu Ailing's performance at the Winter Olympics accurately interprets the brand spirit that Cadillac hopes to present: all greatness stems from a brave beginning.

And Gu Ailing always shows the courage to new things, the brave challenge to the self, and the concept that Cadillac has always adhered to.

So Cadillac refuses to stagnate, never endless pursuit of the extraordinary, the courage to innovate.

Similarly, the spirit of innovation embodied in Gu Ailing's body coincides with Cadillac's ideas.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Because true innovators, initially "dreamers", are born with the courage to explore and break through limitations.

Gu Ailing used her own actions to tell the world: Don't be bound by worldly aesthetics and requirements, what boys can do, girls can also do.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

She always remembered her mother's words: "If you want others to respect you, you can't be an athlete who can only ski, has no independent thinking ability, and has no knowledge." ”

Therefore, Gu Ailing tried all the things that interested him, was not afraid to start a new life at any time, and every time he gained the "gold medal" in the new resume.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

For example, Gu Ailing's sparkling fashion career, she said, fashion work will not interfere with her training and learning, but let her learn to think more from a perspective.

Attending Paris Fashion Week for the first time, seeing people on the street wearing plastic bags, for the first time understanding the meaning of "born different but not strange".

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

So I made up my mind to sign img as a professional model, and with the help of the company, I made magazine blockbusters and received different fashion endorsements.

In her fashion work, she learned the spirit of innovation, which is common in later learning and training.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Cadillac, who adheres to style and innovation, is the same, while maintaining its own sophisticated design configuration, it can lead the future of the contemporary automotive industry with ingenious design one step ahead of others.

Therefore, Cadillac definitely does not only value gu Ailing's identity and achievements, but chooses from the brand spirit itself and the spirit of the spokesperson after careful consideration.

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

From this perspective, cadillac's "pattern" of selecting spokespersons is indeed worth pondering by other brands.

Excavating and showing Gu Ailing's brave style as a female athlete, expressing the female strength that Cadillac has always been concerned about, I hope that everyone can feel the female power of "girls can do anything" from Gu Ailing.

Instead of just focusing on the spokesperson, the most shallow and easy to see "traffic coat".

Only 18 years old, why is she the most luxurious darling?

Women have always been encouraged to be whatever they want to be.

Elegant and independent and courageous, dare to use different ideas, insights and creations to awaken more possibilities in the world.

This is the real Cadillac Lady who "dares to make a sound".

Therefore, the successful case of Cadillac choosing Gu Ailing's endorsement is to dig deep into the spiritual temperament of the spokesperson;

The second is to have a deeper understanding of their own brand concept in order to find the spokesperson who best meets their own brand.

Athletes are no longer the figurative expression of "simple minds and developed limbs", and car brands are no longer superficial functional propaganda, which is the real "win-win".

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