
The Beijing Film Academy's 2021 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Conferment Ceremony was held in Beijing

author:Overseas network

Source: China Youth Network

Beijing, July 7, China Youth Network (Reporter Song Li Zeng Prosperous) On July 5, the graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony of the 2021 class of Beijing Film Academy was held at the Haidian Campus of the university. More than 1,000 people, including all 2021 graduates, school leaders, teachers, and alumni representatives, attended the ceremony.

The Beijing Film Academy's 2021 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Conferment Ceremony was held in Beijing

The scene of the 2021 graduation ceremony of the Beijing Film Academy. Courtesy of the school

At the ceremony, Hu Zhifeng, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice president of the Beijing Film Academy, delivered a speech. Vice President Sun Lijun read out the list of graduates and the list of degree conferments, Vice President Yu Jianhong introduced the list of various outstanding graduates, and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Zhi Hongwei read out the list of outstanding graduates of the "Western Plan" and conscription.

In his speech at the graduation ceremony, Hu Zhifeng encouraged the students to always have the "four hearts", that is, to use the sense of responsibility, curiosity, love and awe to describe the future life and "shoot the drama of life". He hoped that the students could bear in mind the earnest teachings of General Secretary Xi Jinping, inherit the red gene, live up to their youth, wield their talents and make contributions in the artistic career for the party, the motherland and the people, and wish the students a new life drama.

The Beijing Film Academy's 2021 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Conferment Ceremony was held in Beijing

Representative of the outstanding graduates of the Beijing Film Academy in 2021. Courtesy of the school

According to reports, in 2021, there are 1045 graduates of the Beijing Film Academy, including 17 doctoral degrees, 287 master's degrees, 512 bachelor's degrees, 185 adult higher education bachelor's degrees, and 44 people from the film and television art higher vocational classes of higher vocational colleges and academies of fine arts who have passed the grades and graduated. Among them, 89 students were named "Outstanding Graduates of Beijing Film Academy" in 2021, 41 students were awarded the title of "Graduation Star" of Beijing Film Academy in 2021, and 41 students were named "Outstanding Graduates of Beijing Ordinary Colleges and Universities" in 2021. Song Haojie of the School of Management and Huang Surong of the Department of Humanities were awarded outstanding graduates of the "Western Project", and Yang Hao of the Academy of Fine Arts was awarded the outstanding graduate of the conscription army.

At the ceremony, Zhou Yuchen, a graduate of the School of Sound, and Wang Hui, a graduate of the Department of Literature, spoke as representatives of the graduates. They met with the graduates to root their dreams in the road of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and bravely became the successors and bright people of the Chinese film industry in the new era.

"You don't have to ask what you want now, just ask yourself what you can do." Ao Rilige, president of the Academy of Fine Arts, spoke as a representative of the teachers. He urged the students that in the second hundred years of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, they should seize the opportunities and opportunities, bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities, cherish the time like gold, work tirelessly, constantly absorb new knowledge and new technologies, strengthen their bodies, and realize and improve their own life values in the vivid practice of realizing the Chinese dream with the spirit of perseverance.

Gong Geer, an alumnus of the Class of 1999 of the School of Management, spoke as an alumni representative. He felt the school motto of "respecting the teacher and passing on the torch", and warned the students that there will be difficulties and obstacles in the future, and they can fail and hesitate, but they must not give up.

The Beijing Film Academy's 2021 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Conferment Ceremony was held in Beijing

The degree committee of Beijing Film Academy is the top of the 2020 master's and bachelor's degree graduates. Courtesy of the school

In addition, due to the epidemic, the Beijing Film Academy has held a cloud graduation ceremony for the class of 2020, while promising that all the graduates of the class of 2020 can return to school for degree conferment in each subsequent year. On the afternoon of July 5th, more than 200 graduates of the Class of 2020 came to the university to participate in the degree conferment ceremony, and the school leaders and members of the academic committee took a group photo for them, and wished the students a bright future.

Message from the Principal

"Always have "four hearts" and shoot a good life drama"

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Beijing Film Academy

Hu Zhifeng

Dear Parents, Dear Teachers and Students,

Good morning, everyone!

Today, 1,045 students here have successfully completed their studies, including 512 undergraduate students, 185 adult students, 44 vocational students, 17 doctoral students, and 287 master's students, and are about to start a new journey in life. On behalf of the school, on this memorable and beautiful occasion, I would like to express my warm congratulations to the students who have successfully completed their studies! I would like to express my high respect to the parents who have worked hard all the way and the teachers who have carefully guided them!

Students, time flies, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, and your years of study in school are coming to an end. Looking back at the past, how many unforgettable memories are presented at this time!

We will not forget that in the parade of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the song and dance party of "Struggle for the Sons and Daughters of China", you sent a gift of youth to the motherland's birthday with your healthy posture and excellent shooting.

We will not forget that in the fight against the new crown epidemic, you have used your own anti-epidemic songs, paintings and images to bring warm comfort to anxious people.

We will not forget that in the series of activities to commemorate the 70th anniversary of new Chinese film education, you presented the most affectionate confession for the seventieth birthday of your alma mater with a beam of light, a bouquet of flowers, a card, and a group of images.

We will not forget that in the celebration of the centenary of the founding of the party just passed, from the Bird's Nest "The Great Journey" to the Tiananmen Square celebration meeting, there were your passionate recitations, loud singing, dancing performances, and touching videos everywhere, offering the warmest blessings for the party's centennial birthday!

It is these special experiences, these experiences that require sweat, tears and even blood, that have left indelible memories for your youth. Here, let us applaud together and applaud the impressive achievements of the students!

Students, on the occasion of parting, as a teacher, I would like to send you a word, which is the word "heart". I hope that all students can describe your future life with a sense of responsibility, curiosity, love and awe.

First, I hope that you will always maintain a sense of responsibility for the mission.

You must aim high and shoulder the responsibility of serving the needs of national strategic development. Our motherland is at a critical moment at the intersection of two hundred years, and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the realization of a socialist modern power with Chinese characteristics are inseparable from the strong force of public opinion and the support of the image of a beautiful country. Telling the Chinese story well, improving international communication capabilities, and enhancing the soft power of national culture are the strategic needs of the country's future development. As participants, creators and disseminators of future national images, you should assume the glorious responsibility entrusted by the state, use vivid records, vivid images, and touching stories to send out the voice of China facing the future and present the image of China that affects the world.

You must explore innovation and take on the responsibility of driving the development needs of future art images. Films are by far recognized as the highest quality art images. With the rapid development of new technologies such as 5G, 8K, and artificial intelligence, the future art images led by movies will face new challenges from technical communication and artistic expression, and also face new opportunities for the integration of technology and art. You should give up the courage and courage of others, boldly explore new ideas, new thinking and new ways, and stand at the tide of the times to create a new landscape of future art images!

You must be down-to-earth and take on the responsibility of creating a healthy and beautiful life for yourself. Out of the campus, to the society, no longer have the various school examinations, no longer have the teachers and parents of the ear to face the life, you will face a new choice and arrangement of your own living state. No one can be sure that the future life will always be smooth, you will inevitably encounter various difficulties, pressures and even pains on the road to future life, but no matter what situation you encounter, do not be discouraged, do not give up lightly, but should take a tenacious attitude, all the unhappiness as the experience and test of adult life, into the help and motivation of growth achievements, and strive to create a healthy and beautiful new life!

Students, I look forward to your responsibility for the prosperity of the motherland, the development and growth of the industry, and the continuous progress of yourselves, and write your magnificent chapter in the future life journey!

The second is to hope that the students will always maintain a curiosity to explore the universe.

Keep a curiosity about the nature of the universe. Albert Einstein said, "I don't have any special talents, I'm just curious." It was curiosity that led the great scientific giant to discover the "theory of relativity" and greatly changed man's view of the universe; The successful launch of the Shenzhou XII manned spacecraft, we are all fortunate to witness the magnificent scenery of "Shenzhou View for Nine Days, Spreading Wings on the Side of the Galaxy", it is precisely because curiosity makes human beings constantly surpass existing horizons and open up infinitely magnificent new horizons. I believe that curiosity will allow students to gain unexpected imaginations in a wider time and space!

Keep a curiosity about the world. We live in a world of different colors, different cultures, different languages, different ways of life created by human beings of different colors, different cultures, and different ways of life. These differences and changes require us to feel, to experience, to discover with curiosity. In this regard, many senior teachers have set a good example for us. Our teacher Xie Fei is always particularly sensitive to new things and ways, and is as skillful as young people in singing and tweeting; Our teacher Zheng Dongtian is always full of enthusiasm for the new landmarks and new landscapes that appear in Beijing, and often captures and captures them at the first time. I believe that curiosity will bring students a steady stream of inspiration and inspiration from life.

You must maintain a curiosity about artistic expression and innovation. Artistic expression and innovation is a never-ending field of business. Whether you can find the most advanced, powerful, and refined path of artistic expression depends on whether you have a curiosity that is unremittingly pursued. The classics of art history that go down in history often benefit from the curiosity of artists. From silent to audible, from black and white to color, from screen to multi-screen, from analog to digital, every artistic expression and innovation is the result of people's curiosity. I believe that curiosity will definitely bring students the opportunity to create a new classic history!

Students, I look forward to your curiosity about the nature of the universe, the world, artistic expression and innovation, and write your brilliant chapter in the history of art development in the future!

The third is to hope that the students will always maintain a heart full of goodwill.

With absolute sincerity, you must love the party, love the motherland, and love the people. A few days ago, some teachers and students of the school and I had the honor to participate in the large-scale literary and artistic performances and important activities of the celebration meeting for the centenary of the founding of the party, listened to General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the spot, and more deeply felt the incomparably arduous and magnificent struggle process of the CPC leading the Chinese people to go forward and fight tenaciously, and more deeply felt the shocking original heart of the party for the liberation and happiness of the whole Chinese people, and more deeply felt the hundreds of years, especially in modern times. The tremendous national suffering suffered by the Chinese nation and the Chinese people has further profoundly felt the great sacrifices and glorious sufferings created by the party for the freedom and happiness of our nation and our people. The poet Ai Qing left this verse in the 1930s, "Why do I always have tears in my eyes, because I love this land deeply." "Yes, only with a deep love for the party, the motherland and the people from the heart will it be transformed into your complex and motivation for artistic creation, and into the vitality and charm of art dissemination."

You must love art with pure sincerity. The film art we are engaged in is a great cause that vividly reproduces people's lives and profoundly shapes people's souls. As Mr. Lu Xun said, "Literature and art are the sparks emitted by the national spirit, and at the same time, they are also the lights that guide the future of the national spirit." "Only with a deep love for art can we avoid flashiness and shallowness, not only to explore the art of art, but also to explore the way of art; Not only delve into technical skills, but also to excavate and present the noble soul and spirit of human beings, so that the artistic light can shine farther and deeper, and can win people's heartfelt recognition, respect and love.

You must love life with pure sincerity. Today, we are facing an era that is both more and more open and diverse, but also more and more closed and internal volumes. Everyone shows a lot of helplessness about this, and "lying flat" may be a ridiculous choice for this helplessness. We can understand the helplessness of this "lying flat" and the helpless lying flat, but I hope that the temporary lying flat will not become a permanent lying flat. As long as we love life, even in the hustle and bustle, chaos and even partial darkness of life, we can still find beauty, create beauty and spread beauty. Just like the most concise and profound admonition left by the old man of Bingxin, "With love, there is everything." ”

Students, I look forward to your loving heart full of goodwill, loving the party, loving the motherland, loving the people, loving art and loving life, and writing your beautiful chapter in the future development process!

Finally, I hope that you will always maintain a reverence for the rules and regulations.

Be in awe of the rules of politics. "Be a revolutionary first, then be an artist" is the life motto and precious spiritual wealth left by Chen Bo'er, Zhang Jingzhi, Zhong Jingzhi, Wu Yinxian and other founding sages of the school, and it is precisely with this creed that the bright red charm of generations of outstanding alumni revolutionary artists has been created, highlighting their unique and important position and value in the cause of the party and the country. On the contrary, if there is no basic respect for political rules, it is doomed to be eliminated by the tide of the times and become a marginal person who does nothing.

You must have a reverence for the laws and regulations. Looking at the history of Chinese and foreign art, we have noticed that many talented art practitioners have only made low-level mistakes at the level of laws and regulations, and their artistic careers have suffered disastrous consequences, which is stifling and sighing! Only those artists who are in awe of laws and regulations and do not break the bottom line can become artists who are both virtuous and artistic, and who are loved, on the contrary, no matter how outstanding their talents are, they must also fall into the dilemma of disaster!

You must have a reverence for the norms and moral rules of society. Social ethical norms and moral rules are the foundation of everyone's life. The classic teachings of "being a person first, acting later" left by our predecessors are the rules and regulations that everyone should always remember and abide by. Because of the particularity of the profession, a considerable number of our classmates go to the society, and may often face the chase of magnesium lamps, accompanied by flower applause, and some will become public figures, always facing the temptation of fame and fortune. Over time, the inflated mentality of flowers, applause, and fame and fortune inevitably translates into runaway behavior that ignores or even flouts social ethical norms and moral rules. And once you touch the bottom line of social ethical norms and moral rules, no matter how great your talents and achievements are, they will definitely be opposed or even spurned by society!

Students, I look forward to your reverence, strict self-discipline, abide by the rules and regulations, and write your happy chapter in the years to come!

Students, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the July 1st celebration conference that "the future belongs to young people, and hope is placed on young people." As graduates of the Beijing Film Academy in the centenary of the party's birthday, I hope that you will bear in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest teachings, inherit the red gene, live up to your youth, and wield your talents and make contributions in your artistic career for the party, the motherland and the people!

Students, it's time to say goodbye. Despite all your efforts, you will eventually leave the campus to shoot the drama of life outside the school. But no matter how high you fly and how far you go, your alma mater will always be your warmest home, and you are welcome to go home often!

Congratulations to the students on their campus life! Wish the students a new life drama and play the board! Boot! Congratulations! Bless you!

Thank you!

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