
Putin can't bear it any longer, and ordered a list of non-friendly russia to be listed within 48 hours, and he wants to settle the account after the autumn?

author:Heiner Observation Room

Russia's "special military operations" are coming to an end, and at the same time, putin can't stand the countries that have "stabbed" Russia in the back, and it seems that he is going to start settling accounts after the fall? It ordered a list of non-friendly russia to be drawn up within 48 hours.

On March 5, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Russian special military operation is proceeding smoothly as planned, the task of attacking military infrastructure in Ukraine is nearing completion, and most of Ukraine's military infrastructure, including weapons and ammunition depots and air defense systems, has been destroyed. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov revealed on the same day that since Russia launched a special military operation, the Russian army has destroyed 2119 targets in Ukraine's military infrastructure, including 74 command posts and communication centers, 108 sets of S-300, "beech-M1" and "Wasp" air defense missile systems and 68 radar stations. On the same day, Putin signed an order requiring the Government of the Russian Federation to establish, within two days, a list of foreign countries that have committed unfriendly acts against the Russian Federation, Russian legal entities and individuals.

Putin can't bear it any longer, and ordered a list of non-friendly russia to be listed within 48 hours, and he wants to settle the account after the autumn?

At the end of the military operation in Ukraine, Putin made such a decision, which obviously has the meaning of "settling accounts after the autumn"; you know, since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, NATO headed by the United States has imposed sanctions on Russia, and then some external forces have followed suit and begun to take sides in the US and Western camps. Now that the war is nearing its end, Russia also has time to settle accounts with those countries. Two of the most obvious examples are Japan, which freezes the assets of Russia and its citizens and gives Them war materiel to Ukraine, which is typical of money grabs and "knife-throwing"; and Switzerland, which is a complete violation of its position of permanent neutrality.

Putin can't bear it any longer, and ordered a list of non-friendly russia to be listed within 48 hours, and he wants to settle the account after the autumn?

It is understood that on March 1, local time, the Japanese government added sanctions to Russia's "special military operations", decided to freeze the assets of 6 senior Russian officials in Japan, and imposed asset freezes on three Russian banks. The assets freeze initiative began on 31 March. Among them, the six people whose assets were frozen were: Russian President Putin, Foreign Minister Lavrov, Defense Minister Shoigu, Vice Chairman of the Federal Security Council Medvedev, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Gerasimov and Secretary of the Federal Security Council Patrushev. Prior to this, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida also said on the evening of February 27 that he would "take severe sanctions with G7 countries and the international community" on the evening of February 27 and join the SWIFT sanctions of many countries in Europe and the United States. Regarding Japan's sanctions against Russia, the United States also boasted about Japan, praising "Kishida Fumio and the Japanese government as the 'leaders' in condemning Putin's attacks on Ukraine."

Putin can't bear it any longer, and ordered a list of non-friendly russia to be listed within 48 hours, and he wants to settle the account after the autumn?

In addition, on February 28, local time, Switzerland announced that it would participate in the EU's sanctions package against Russia, freezing the assets of relevant Russian individuals and institutions in Switzerland, a move that broke its long-standing tradition of political neutrality. "In view of Russia's violations of international rights, the Swiss Federal Council has chosen to respect the values that form the basis of our civilization," said Cassis, president of the Swiss Confederation.

Putin can't bear it any longer, and ordered a list of non-friendly russia to be listed within 48 hours, and he wants to settle the account after the autumn?

It is undeniable that the deprivation of the assets of a State and of an individual must not be unilaterally decided by the controlling party. Whether it is Japan, Switzerland, or other countries, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly a bandit act in the name of so-called "justice". At present, Putin asks for a list of unfriendly to Russia within 48 hours, after which russia is bound to take practical measures against these countries to achieve a strong deterrent effect. For these countries, it can only be said that they are to blame.