
There is Bole in the world, and then there is a Maxima, and "Horse Says" does not deceive me

author:Xu Zijin's reading notes

Horses have a journey of thousands of miles, and they cannot go on their own without riding; people have the ambition to soar into the sky, and they cannot pass through themselves without luck. The "luck" here refers to the luck of the times, the fortunes, the fates, the times, and the Bole.

We often hear "he is so good, but also so hard" this kind of poisonous chicken soup, why is it called poisonous chicken soup, traced back to the source, why he is so good, most likely because he has a prominent life, his efforts are only worthy of everything he has, if you do not work hard, what will happen, morality is not worthy, the higher the natural standing, the more miserable the fall.

There is Bole in the world, and then there is a Maxima, and "Horse Says" does not deceive me
For ordinary people, there is no prominent life, no father and mother to fight, only their own enthusiasm and determination to change their lives against the sky, but it is difficult to change their destiny by their own strength, you need the recognition of Bole and the promotion of nobles, only in this way can you become talented and achieve its achievements.

  • There was Bole, and then there was Maxima

The question is somewhat similar to "chicken or egg first", but completely different, with the latter being a biological problem and the former a sociological one.

When Bole did not meet the Maxima, the Maxima could not be called a Maxima, it was no different from ordinary horses, and the characteristics of its Maxima could not be recognized by ordinary people, only because Bole looked at it more in the herd, saw its extraordinary and disposition, felt that this horse was extraordinary, so it was given a powerful name - Maxima. At this point, it stands out, no longer doing nothing, deeply valued by the state, no longer driven by ordinary people, and has become the focus of everyone's attention, and has made a national contribution and prominence.

There is Bole in the world, and then there is a Maxima, and "Horse Says" does not deceive me

Without Bo Le, it can only "humiliate at the hands of slaves, die between the troughs, not called thousands of miles", and do nothing for a lifetime.

  • The cold door needs Bole

Bo Le is a nobleman who counterattacked by the children of the cold door, and told everyone a small story, which is very real and ironic.

Xiao Li was a cold disciple, a farmer for generations, and when he reached his generation, he was finally admitted to the civil service, deeply appreciated by the leadership, and became a deputy department-level cadre of the unit under the promotion of the leader, when the leader who promoted him was about to retire, several of their colleagues invited the leader to dinner, after several rounds of wine, he carried a wine glass, walked to the leader, pounced on the ground, tears rolled out, and said with tears: Leader, my family has been a farmer for generations, without you, I simply can't get to this position today, change the fate of myself and my whole family I thank you for my whole family, and I toast you with this glass of wine! The leader was shocked, and did not expect to be grateful to him to this point, so before he withdrew, he tried every means to use various connections to straighten out Xiao Li's deputy office, but in the same unit, his own son did not take care of it, because he knew that this young man would take good care of his children.

This kind of scene seems to have only appeared in the TV series, yes, in "The Name of the People", Qi Tongwei cried to the family of Zhao Lichun, the secretary of the provincial party committee, and knelt down, and this kneeling, kneeling out of a director of the public security department.

There is Bole in the world, and then there is a Maxima, and "Horse Says" does not deceive me

In the hearts of most people, this is very disdainful, kneeling is nothing more than a heaven and earth sect master, and Bo Le is not worth kneeling, he changed the fate of the cold door, changed the situation of the cold door for generations as a farmer, and he is not only a noble person of his own, or even a noble person of a family.

  • The cold door needs more effort

The reason why youth is the greatest capital is because everything is not determined, and there are infinite possibilities.

Before you meet Bó Lè, you need to accumulate precipitation, so that you have the characteristics of a Maxima, rather than meeting Bó Lè to let yourself learn the skills of a Maxima, you can afford to wait, Bó Lè does not have time.

You may feel that even if you work hard, you may not be able to see Bole, so you choose to lie flat, this is an attitude to life, there is nothing wrong with it, but this is the end of this life, are you willing?

There is Bole in the world, and then there is a Maxima, and "Horse Says" does not deceive me

Powerful people work hard because they want to be worthy of the power they have, ordinary people work hard because they want to have power that they don't have, and if they don't have even this ambition, Bole has no interest in you.

Poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds; poor and prosperous, do not be the frog at the bottom of the well.

  • The cold door needs to be close to Bó Lè

In the Song Dynasty, there was an unknown person, but his two poems were famous in the world, his name was Su Lin, and according to legend, when Fan Zhongyan was the prefect of Hangzhou, he knew that people were good at his appointment, and most of the officials of the city Chinese were recommended and promoted by him, only Su Lin, because he served as an "inspector" in a foreign county and was not in Hangzhou City, so he did not get any care. Once, Su Lin came to Hangzhou to see Fan Zhongyun because of an incident, and wanted to express his desire for promotion, but directly said that he was afraid of affecting Swen, so he offered a poem, which had two sentences: Near the water tower platform first get the moon, and the flowers and trees are easy to spring. After Fan Zhongyan read it, he understood in his heart, so he consulted his opinions and hopes and met his requirements.

There is Bole in the world, and then there is a Maxima, and "Horse Says" does not deceive me

This is a very good example of approaching Bole, the most flattering things you may not be able to do, but to show yourself to let Bole know your things is to do, since the mountain can not come, then you go over, do not look high, be humble, do things with a high profile.

  • Keep a good attitude

If you can't do your best, you can have no regrets.

The destiny cannot be done, but the personnel is promising, do a good job in the part that you can do well, live actively, and never meet Bole in your life, at least when you look back on the past, you don't regret because of your wasted years, and you are not ashamed of doing nothing, that's it!