
Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

author:Howling Eagle Review

Today, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has been nearly ten days, but the war still shows no signs of stopping, the Russian side is trying to restrain to reduce civilian casualties, the Ukrainian Nazi organization is using Ukrainian civilians as human shields, the impact of this war is becoming more and more magical, but it is certain that peace is still out of reach.

It is only at the time of taking stock of this war that the Ukrainian armed forces have become the organization that has caused the greatest casualties to the Ukrainian armed forces outside the Russian military, and the results of the war far exceeded that of Donetsk and Luhansk, and made great contributions to the demilitarization and de-Nazismization of Ukraine...

The air defense forces shot down the Ukrainian SU-27, and the artillery destroyed the dream

In the early morning of February 25, local time, the air defense units of the Ukrainian government army shot down a Russian SU-27 fighter, but the next morning when the Ukrainian government troops cleaned up the battlefield, they were shocked to find that the livery of this SU-27 was the livery of the Ukrainian Air Force, in other words, the Ukrainian air defense force hit its own people! In the early days of the war, it was difficult to get a result with an exact wreckage, but it turned out to be their own people, and it can only be said that the Ukrainian military was really a wolf.

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

Of course, Ukraine will naturally not admit such a shameful thing in its propaganda. On February 28, the Ukrainian Air Force Command said that at the request of President Zelenskiy, the Ukrainian army major Oksanchenko, who had died, was awarded the title of "Hero of Ukraine". In the caliber of the Ukrainian Air Force, the SU-27 fighter jet piloted by Oksanchenko was sacrificed to attract the firepower of Russian fighters. However, the Ukrainian media and the official mouth full of spacecraft are exaggerated is also known to the world, so we still believe the Russian News Agency caliber, Oksanchenko fell under the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile reports.

The AN-225 Dream is the world's largest transport aircraft with the strongest transport capacity, and is a big treasure that military fans, aviation fans, and industrial fans like very much. On February 24, when more than 200 people of the 6th Company of the 31st Russian Airborne Brigade forcibly occupied Thetonov airport under the cover of helicopter gunships, in order to protect the largest transport aircraft in human history, in the battle for the airport, it was very restrained, and even in order to avoid the death of the dream, the Russian airborne troops did not use the dream as a cover to counterattack the attack of the Ukrainian rapid reaction forces, and although the AN-225 was in the most dangerous place in the nearly two-day battle for the Antonov airport, But Russia and Ukraine did not involve the dream in the fierce exchange of fire between the two sides. However, after the complete occupation of Theonov airport by Russia, the 4th Action Brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard, through massive shelling, destroyed the AN-225!

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

Some people say that the destruction of the AN-225 was the Russian army and not the Ukrainian army, but the Russian army had already occupied the Antonov airport at that time, in other words, the Russian army had already AN-225, Russia was about to regain the world's largest transport aircraft, and the Russian army had no reason to destroy the AN-225! For Ukraine, destroying the AN-225 can prevent the Russian army from obtaining an AN-225 and can reduce Russia's gains in the war, so it can be known through simple logical judgment that Ukraine destroyed the AN-225.

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

The AN-225, which was able to take off with 250 tons of supplies, survived nearly two days of airfield battles without carrying retaliatory shelling by the Ukrainian military. The Ukrainian side said they would rebuild the AN-225, but what confidence is there in the Ukrainian statement of the train that is running all over today?

A single shot from the flagship of the Ukrainian Navy in the sunken port, the Gerthman Sagaydashine

Launched on 29 March 1992 and commissioned on 2 April 1993, the Flagship of the Ukrainian Navy is the Type 1135.1 Poseidon-class Border Patrol Ship (NATO codenamed Krivak 3-class frigate) Gatman Sagaydashny, which is 123 meters long, 14.2 meters wide, 4.7 meters draft, has a full load displacement of 3566 tons and a maximum speed of 32 knots. The carrier is armed with a 100 mm caliber AK-100 naval gun, a twin Wasp (NATO called it SA-N-4) short-range air defense missile launcher, two quadruple torpedo tubes, and two RBU-6000 anti-submarine rocket launchers. It should be emphasized that this class of frigates does not have anti-ship missiles!

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious


The Poseidon-class border patrol ships were under the Soviet naval system and were not used by the Soviet Navy, but by the KGB(Ussweet National Security Council) border guards. The main hypothetical enemy is not the surface ships of the enemy state, but fishing boats or warships with defective tendencies. The ships of this class do not need anti-ship missiles at all, so they simply do not design anti-ship missiles. For the KGB, the performance of the Poseidon-class patrol ships is very good, but for the Ukrainian Navy, it is completely different. A 3500-ton frigate without anti-ship missiles? You can prepare a few Uranus anti-ship missiles! Therefore, the Gottman Sagaidach, which served in the Ukrainian Navy, although it took on the heavy responsibility of the flagship of the Ukrainian Navy, but it was also a face project, coupled with the garbage economy of Ukraine, so the Gatman Sagaydachne was a veritable port princess (the Gatman Sagaydachne did not deserve to be called the queen of the port)

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

In this Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Getman Sagaidach is being repaired and maintained in the port and does not have combat capabilities, so when the Russian Navy and Air Force launched a missile attack on the Ukrainian military base, the Getman Sagaiddachne was not set as a target. However, in order to avoid the fall of its naval flagship into Russian hands and to be used as psychological warfare to intervene in the Ukrainian military's hearts, the Ukrainian side opened the sea valve of the Gerthman Sagaydashnyne and sank itself into the military port.

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

The self-sinking Gatman Sagaidakin

After all, the Gotman Sagaidachine was a warship, a frigate with a certain degree of air defense capability, but such a warship did not fire a single shot at the outbreak of war and chose to sink itself. The fate of a warship that chooses to sink itself rather than fight to the death when the enemy invades is really very humiliating, (then again, how the Getman Sagaidachine, who does not even have anti-ship missiles, fights to the death is also a problem)

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

Gerthman Sagaydacine

There was a fierce exchange of fire between the Ukrainian armed forces, the Azov battalion attacked the commander of the Ukrainian Army Group, and the Ukrainian ballistic missiles hit the Azov battalion

Late on the night of February 25, near the Bereskaya metro station in Kiev, Ukraine, the 101st Guard Brigade of the Ukrainian General Staff, which was responsible for defending Kiev, found a Russian infiltration force disguised as an Ukrainian army, and the 101st Guard Brigade opened fire on the enemy without chaos, and the Russian infiltration force also quickly counterattacked.

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

It was actually their own people who beat their own people

Also on the night of the 25th, a logistics supply convoy of the Ukrainian National Guard encountered an ambush by the Russian infiltration troops during the transportation of supplies, and the Ukrainian National Guard said that it was duty to defend the homeland, so it immediately launched a counterattack.

But the next day, the Ukrainian National Guard's logistical supply convoy and the 101st Guard Brigade of the Ukrainian General Staff were shocked to find that it was friendly forces!

The fight between the Ukrainian land armed forces is far more than this time, the Ukrainian Nazi organization Azov Battalion, although it can also be regarded as the Ukrainian armed force, but it does not mean that the Ukrainian Azov battalion is an armed force that obeys the Orders of the Ukrainian military, in fact, the nature of the Azov battalion is closer to the warlord who does not listen to the announcement, the Azov battalion in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in addition to taking civilians as hostages, but also repeatedly disobeyed the command of the Ukrainian military, and even attacked the Ukrainian government army "East" General Sodor, commander of the campaign tactical army, suffered serious injuries and was reported to have died.

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

If the unintended warlord organization took out the Command Group of the Ukrainian government forces, then the subsequent response of the Ukrainian government forces was even more magical, because on March 4, shortly after the assassination of General General Sodol, the Ukrainian army launched the Dot-U tactical ballistic missile to bomb the headquarters of the Azov battalion in Mariupol, destroying at least ten sets of weapons and equipment, and killing at least 20 Azov battalion militants (specially used as a quantifier, Because the Nazis really count people)

After the Azov battalion was attacked by Ukrainian government forces at its headquarters, it did not swallow its anger and looked for an opportunity to retaliate. On March 6, local time, a column under the 36th Marine Brigade of the Ukrainian government army retreated from Saltana to Mariupol. As soon as it crashed in, the Azov battalion used to ambush the Ambush Circle of the Russian army and the Armed Groups of Luhansk and Donetsk, and then the Ukrainian government army and the Azov battalion fought...

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

Shooting down the SU-27, destroying the AN-225, "sinking" the flagship of the Ukrainian Navy, Gerthman Sagaydashnyne, the tilting between the Ukrainian government forces and the Ukrainian Nazis, this series of incidents of hitting teammates to protect opponents are all confirmed, and for Ukraine's current enemy, it is really very confusing to grab teammates and fight to the death. The reason why the Ukrainian military has repeatedly encountered such incidents of hitting teammates to protect opponents, in addition to the Russian electronic warfare paralyzing the Ukrainian command center, after all, even if it encounters electronic warfare, is it difficult to confirm each other's identities by radio? I think that the position of the Ukrainian Nazi armed forces and the Ukrainian government army is not consistent, which is an important reason why Ukraine has repeatedly attacked friendly forces.

Hitting teammates to protect opponents, the ukrainian military forces with fruitful results, and fighting friendly forces are very serious

Rao is so even that the Ukrainian armed forces treat Ukrainian civilians with less attitude than the Russian army as invaders... At least the Russian army knows to wait for traffic lights when fighting, and also knows to exercise restraint when civilians provoke. But what about the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Restricting the freedom of students from other countries, attacking students from other countries, smearing lard on bullets to kill more than two billion people, kidnapping Ukrainian civilians, making it impossible for them to evacuate the war zone. It can only be said that Ukraine has fallen into this fate, to a large extent, by Ukraine itself. First of all, Ukraine itself is a country with deep shortcomings, otherwise the Ukrainian people would not have given up treatment and chosen an actor with no experience in governing to take office. In addition, since the founding of Ukraine, it has fully interpreted what is called not knowing how many pounds and pounds it is, Ukraine has frantically suppressed ethnic Russians in Ukraine before the Crimean conflict, and once planned to let NATO garrison Sevastopol and frequently provoke Russia.

Han Feizi has clouds, the country is small and not humble, the strength is small and not afraid of the strong, the rude and insulting neighbor, the greedy and clumsy, can also die.

Isn't Ukraine a small country that Han Feizi said could die? Such a country that is not inferior, not afraid of the strong, insulting its neighbors, and clumsy, it is easy to take the good temper of the big country as weakness, so when the big country is really angry, the small country has to bear the power of the big country alone.

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