
Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

author:Grace Place

  There are very few people in this alliance today who can end up in a city. More stars like to hug the group, get the championship quickly, and then leave to leave a chicken feather. The story of one person and one city is getting less and less, more and more difficult, and I can only recall those who were once the guardians of the city, including naturally Indiana's 18-year-old minister, Reggie Miller.

  Of all the enemies of Jordan's career, Reggie Miller is probably the fans' favorite "villain," not one. Reggie is probably Jordan's most hated opponent, the classic saying: "I respect any opponent, except Reggie." ”

  Miller's personal honors are known to be very general, and very general. Five All-Stars, three times three, and then.... Sorry no, no championship, no MVP, leading scorer, three-point record was broken by Ray Allen many years ago. However, after entering the Hall of Fame, he was only elected once, and the second time he was directly inducted. Why scored 25,729 points overall, which of course is important. But it's more about his career legend.

The legendary attributes of Reggie Miller's career are attributed to four aspects:

Cheryl Miller

Indiana Pacers

Michael Jordan

New York Knicks

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > green years - the invincible sister</h1>

  Reggie Miller was born in Riverside, California, and was born with a deformed hip that prevented him from walking properly, and the Millers had a total of five children, with Reggie ranking fourth. His father, Saul Miller, was a soldier and his mother, Carrie Miller, was a nurse.

  Reggie was born with twisted legs, deformed hips, and ankle inwards. The doctor gave him a stent assist and concluded that the stent could help him improve his future walking, but he did not have the opportunity to exercise, and this stent accompanied Reggie for 4 years.

 "I remember watching my friends playing and playing on the street outside the window," Reggie Miller said. "There's a basket there, and my brothers and sisters will play there. I really wanted to throw off the bracket and join them, and also make a wind-like child paper. ”

  Whenever this happens, my mother always tells him that it must be okay, because doctors also make mistakes.

  Yes, doctors make mistakes too, and at the age of 5, Reggie can finally leave the scaffold that helped him walk successfully, and he can go to basketball like his brother and sister.

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

  Cheryl Millerreggie's older sister, 17 months older than Reggie, 6-7 years younger than her two older brothers, and she loves her brother at a similar age and loves her brother, who likes to play basketball with her brother, who has just left the stand. When she came to the court, she was going to be tough, but her sister, who could have been merciful, was completely unkind to Reggie: "Never give anyone a chance to breathe, never!" This is our credo on the pitch. While PKing with his brothers, who are 6-7 years older than himself, Cheryl learned how to score against tall men, how to defend, and how to physically confront each other, all of which were applied to Reggie.

  Seeing that her brother Reggie's legs were finally strong enough to support her body for basketball, her sister Cheryl was very happy, but every time the two were one-on-one, the sister always fanned the basketball thrown by her brother, and every time her brother tried to dribble through, the sister would not hesitate to crash her brother into the rose bush planted by her mother, and so on. Then stood in front of Reggie, who had fallen into the rose bush, and said, "It's nice to see you come and play, and glad that in the end it was the doctor who was wrong, and mom was right, but don't bring that set of weak chicken *** stuff to the basketball court." Never give anyone a chance to breathe, never! This is our credo on the pitch. “

  In order to avoid his sister's cover, Reggie could only expand his range continuously, and instead of being repeatedly knocked into the flowers, it was better to simply shoot there. "That's where my shots are practiced," Reggie Miller said. "Why is my shooting posture a little weird, because I have to avoid my sister's interference."

  The siblings not only often one-on-one, but after going to elementary school, they will also go to the court and the children there 2-on-2, and set up bets to win each other's pocket money. The siblings work together, and their profits are broken--- the field court fraud duo

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

  Although Reggie has improved rapidly, the gap between him and his sister Cheryl is still very large, and it is unimaginable for Reggie to keep up with her sister, and it will take an incredibly difficult effort. In his autobiography, Enemy of the Nation, Reggie said he would complete 500, 600 or even 700 jump shots a day to keep up with his sister. When he first started high school, he was still a skinny monkey, 5 feet 9 inches, about 140 pounds. After that, even if he played the varsity start as he wished in his sophomore year of high school, even if the effectiveness of his daily 500/600/700 ball training began to be reflected in the game data, he still would not forget who was the real basketball master in the family

  One day, Reggie excitedly went home to his parents and sister and said, "I slashed 39 points today...!" ”

  "Pretty good, congratulations." Cheryl said.

  "Tell him, tell him." The parents said suddenly.

  "What?" Reggie suddenly remembered that Cheryl also had a game that night, and immediately asked, "How many points did you score?"

  "Give you a chance, guess what!" Cheryl replied lightly.

  "40 points? 50 points? 60 points? Is there more? (abandoned), how many points, say?"

  "105 points. Let's eat. ”

  That's right, my sister scored 105 points against Notte Vista High School. Never heard of anyone who can score more than 100 points in a single game.

  More than a decade of 1v1 bullfighting ended with a vacation when his sister attended the University of Southern California, and Reggie grew to 6'7 inches, finally much taller than the 6'2-inch Cheryl, and Reggie proposed another 1v1 bullfight at the old stadium by the rose bushes. Cheryl agreed. The first time she dribbled through to a layup, he hatted it off. The second time was still a hat. The third time... There is no third time.

  "From now on," Cheryl Miller said. "We only play HORSESE games."

  After many years, when he was able to block Cheryl's shots, everyone stopped playing. And his unorthodox way of shooting away from the three-point line stems from the fact that he dodged his sister's cover one at a time at a time on the side of the rose bush in his youth.  

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > One Man, One City: The Totem of the Pacers</h1>

  Reggie Miller was not a star in the spotlight from the beginning, and was destined to be a villain after entering the NBA, just as when the Pacers took Miller with an 11th pick in 1987, Reggie was greeted by Indiana Full City fans who were confused and even angry. But in the next 18 years, they'll realize that this may be the best, hardest-working, most loyal basketball player the city has ever had, and an icon for millions of teenagers.

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

  But getting along wasn't smooth, especially after 10 years of hard work in Indiana, when things happened — the 1997 home arson case. In 1997, the hardest days of Miller's career, model wife Marita because of the pursuit of her acting career, the long-term separation and Miller relationship became more and more distant, Miller encountered a low tide of feelings. Miller was well aware of the contradiction between them, that Marita loved life in Hollywood, and that she had never really liked the tranquil place of Indiana.

  That year, the Pacers missed the playoffs. Miller's contract with the Pacers is also about to expire. Do you want to renew your contract? On what terms is the renewal? It was something Miller was going to consider. But at this point, Miller began to receive harassing phone calls threatening that miller would be bad for him if he didn't sign the contract on certain terms. Miller was so confused that he felt that he had done his best for the Indiana Pacers and did not deserve to be treated that way. At this time, something happened that caused great trauma to Miller.

  On July 15, 1997, Miller was notified in the middle of the night that he and his wife had spent $2.9 million to buy and were renovating the mansion, and it caught fire! It was his love nest with his wife, and Miller cherished it. As for the investigation, the house was set on fire. Miller was very disappointed because he thought that the person who set the fire did not necessarily know that he was not in the house at the time! The arsonist may have wanted to kill him! At this time, the biggest hatred for Miller was the citizens of Indiana! After this incident, Miller finally had the idea of leaving the Indiana Pacers.

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

  But Miller's basketball life is here! The Pacers' new coach at the time, NBA legend Larry Bird, said to Miller, "I have a lot of respect for your decision, but I just want to tell you that right now, the city, and me, need you very much." Because of Bird, Miller stayed and chose to continue his legend as a hero of Indiana.

  Until he added a few more wrongdoers to his men, until he finally became a more famous basketball player than his sister Cheryl Miller, until the end of the battle, the right hand stroked the red heart, the left finger was in the sky, and he had to endure the tears that were about to pour.

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

  Miller has never won a championship here, has not won an MVP, has not won a leading scorer, and when he turns away, he leaves with empty-handed regrets, but it does not prevent him from becoming a superman in the Secco Arena, a totem here. Leaving in time wouldn't shut his mouth, and his farewell message to Pacers fans was: "The game without profanity and middle finger sucks." ”

  The entire career was spent on the Pacers, the Eastern Conference Finals tough Jordan, 8.9 seconds and 8 minutes against New York. These legendary attributes are the biggest reason why Miller was quickly selected. Compared to Weber and Big Ben, he has more topics and is more dramatic.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > against the rulers of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls</h1>

  Reggie Miller and his Pacers met with the Bulls 49 times in the regular season, and the Bulls, at their peak, had an absolute advantage in terms of record, jordan beat Miller 32-17.

  In terms of data, Jordan averaged 40.1 minutes per game, shot 23.6 times, and could bombard the comprehensive data of 29.5 points, 6.1 rebounds and 5.4 assists, shooting 47.6% from the field, and achieved the ultimate in both offensive and defensive ends, and the performance was perfect. Miller averaged 34.7 minutes per game and made just 13 shots, and he had 19.1 points, 3.2 rebounds and 2.8 assists, shooting 46.7 percent from the field. Overall, Jordan's regular season performance was better than Miller's, in terms of stats, record, efficiency and even defense.

  Reggie later recalled the scene when he first played jordan, and Reggie, a rookie who scored 10 points in the first half, dared to go forward and whisper to the black Jesus who scored only 4 points in the half: "Hey, who do you think you are?" The great Jordan? After Jordan was provoked, he began to chase rookie Reggie Miller frantically after the second half, slashing 40 points, and Reggie was only two points in the account; when the media thought that it was over, the rookie's self-confidence should be emptied, after all, it was directly played out of the shadows; unfortunately, Reggie is not an ordinary rookie, after the end, he is like no one, continue to practice day and night.

  In the memory of many fans, the Pacers and Bulls seem to have met many times in the playoffs, in fact, the only time the two teams played each other in the 90s was the wonderful 7 East Games in 1998. The Bulls were first in the regular season, the Pacers were second, and in the end, it was also the last moment of the game of the seventh game that the Bulls narrowly defeated the Pacers and advanced 4-3, which was also the most dangerous series in Jordan's 6 crowns.

  The series was so exciting in the Bulls' last three-game winning streak that many fans often thought that Miller and Jordan had played each other many times in the playoffs.

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

The classic scene miller pushes away the gang master to kill

  In the match with Jordan, Miller did not hesitate to do anything, and even had the feat of throwing punches at Jordan. If the Jordan era is compared to one of the NBA's most classic blockbusters, then God is the well-deserved heroism of the protagonist, and Miller will be the most conscientious villain in the show.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Miller's best stage, the team in the league that hates him the most - the New York Knicks</h1>

Keywords: 9.8 minutes of God crying, throat cutting ceremony, "This ball is dedicated to you ****!" Spike Lee, 25 points in a single quarter

  After reading so many keywords, you must find that these are related to the New York Knicks, compared to the Bulls, in fact, the New York Knicks are the best footnote to Miller's legendary career, but it is strange that the playoff record New York is 3:2 lead, Miller is the player who remembers the most, 93-95 Quite a narrow road between the two teams met in the playoffs three times, New York 2:1 record is dominant, 98-99 season lost to the New York Knicks again, 99-00 season, The Pacers beat New York 4-2 to reach the Finals, with an overall record of 3:2.

The Pacers lost 1-3 in the first round of the playoffs in the 93-94 season.In the 94-95 season, the Pacers again lost to the Knicks 3-4 in the Eastern Conference Finals. In 95-96, Reggie Miller finally led the Pacers to a seven-game battle in the Eastern Half to solve the Knicks. But Miller has contributed so much of his career here that the Pacers of Miller are the winners of each time.

  On June 1, 1994, Reggie Miller took over the game in the fifth game of the Pacers' Eastern Conference Finals against the Knicks, who scored 25 points in a single quarter. It was in this game that Miller, with a loud boo, made his famous throat-locking circumcision of the Knicks' avid fans watching from the sidelines, director Spike Lee.

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

In the first game of the 1995 Eastern Conference semifinals, with only 18.7 seconds left in the game, the Pacers trailed the Knicks by six points. Miller forcibly changed his life, and Miller completed the Miller moment of 9.8 seconds.

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

  His old enemy, Ewing, later confessed, "If he (Miller) were to be an opponent, you would hate to kill him with a big ear scraper." If you're a teammate, you'll definitely be desperate to support him. You will have great respect for him. He stepped forward, charged, did everything to help the team win... We have been short soldiers, we have killed the red eye. But I pay him the highest respect. ”

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

  In the turbulent 1998-99 season, the New York Knicks and pacers met again in the playoffs, and the Knicks, full of passion and momentum, defeated the Pacers at the Indiana home court in the first game. In the second game, Ewing had to leave the game due to a recurrence of an old injury, and the Pacers won the second game. Ewing missed the rest of the game, but Ewing's Law began to come true. A group of young Knicks players won 4-2 and advanced to the Finals with their heads held high.

  For the first and only time in the new millennium, Reggie Miller led the team to the finals, but it became the background for the foundation of the new dynasty. In the finals, Miller performed exceptionally bravely, averaging 24.3 points per game in six games. But playing against O'Neal, who has historic center and the person closest to Jordan, Bryant Bryan's 2,000 Los Angeles Lakers, is a daunting task for the Indiana Pacers.

  Since then, Pacers coach Larry Bird resigned as manager, while welcoming a group of young talents and Coach Rick Carlisle, the team continues to maintain its strong team nature and become one of the top two roles in the East. New team leader O'Neill Jr. said: "I will do anything as long as I can bring a ring to Reggie, but the Pacers' lack of calm at Auburn Hill Palace has snuffed out 'Uncle Miller's' last hope of winning the title."

  The beginning of April 2005 was Miller's last stop at Madison Gardens--- where he had countless moments of brilliance. Although this is an innocuous regular season, there is a hint of sadness in the arena. The Knicks have been away from the playoffs for a long time, and the old opponents who have been bayonets have left one by one, but the trauma in the hearts of fans seems to never be erased.

  At the beginning of the race, Miller was booed as usual. But towards the end--- Miller scored just 13 points--- and the fans shouted the name "Reggie, Reggie" over and over again and gave a standing ovation. In the end, Miller and Spike Lee, the chairman of the New York Miller Black Committee, met and hugged, and many things in ancient and modern times were laughed at.

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

Knicks fans pay the highest tribute to this greatest opponent

I would never say I coached Reggie Miller, but I used to have the privilege of working with him. —Rick Carlisle

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 04-05, the last season of Miller's career</h1>

A good shooter is to ensure a certain shooting rate no matter which position on the field you shoot.

The hit rate includes: FG%, 2P, 3P%, FT%, EFG, TS, six aspects.

  Compare the above data of Curry, Thompson, Allen and Miller, and take Thompson's first 8 years of career as a range to see how these four goalscorers are ranked in the league with the above data.

The hit rate of each of the above hits is "the number of times in the league's top 20".

Curry totaled 28 times, Thompson totaled 15 times, Allen totaled 21 times, Miller totaled 31 times,

This is followed by narrowing down to the "top 10 in the league" of each hit rate mentioned above.

Curry totaled 23 times, Thompson totaled 7 times, Allen totaled 12 times, Miller totaled 20 times,

Then there is the reduction to the "number of times in the league's top 5" of the hit rates mentioned above.

Curry totaled 13 times, Thompson totaled 2 times, Allen totaled 8 times, Miller totaled 12 times,

Finally, by a harsher standard, the hit rate of each of the above is "the number of times in the league is 1st".

Curry has a total of 4 times, Thompson has 0 times, Allen has a total of 0 times, and Miller has a total of 3 times.

Reggie Miller - The Unlikable First Scorer of the 90s - The Invincible Sister One Man One City: The Pacers' Totem Vs. the Ruler of the NBA League: Michael Jordan and his Bulls Miller's best stage, the league's most hated team - the New York Knicks, 04-05, the statistics of the last season of Miller's career

  Looking back at Reggie Miller, it must be summed up in one word, that is, legendary. I want to be a legend! Any NBA rookie can say this, but to do this is not simple, Miller's career fully explains what is legendary. People do not take the young man lightly, and when they were young and vigorous, the pleasure of carrying a skill and being the enemy of the world was better than all of them. Choosing a city and dying, serving in India for eighteen years, Reggie Miller became the eternal banner of the Pacers.

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