
Blue Bottle Coffee will open a second store in China; Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm for riders

author:Turnstile face netting

Yum China announced the closure of its first Chinese fast food brand, and dongfang jiebai, which had been operating for 17 years, withdrew from the historical stage; Changsha's well-known chain cafeteria "Australian Steak" was reported to have found that the ingredients came from Zhumadian. In response to national policies, Meituan and have recently issued a number of measures to reduce service fees to help small and medium-sized catering merchants operate. For details, please refer to the "Shop Opening Guide" of the transit façade network.

It is difficult to escape the business dilemma

Yum China shut down the entire line in the East is white

Interface News march 1 news, Yum China recently released the 2021 annual report, the annual report pointed out that its Chinese fast food brand Dongfang Bai is seriously affected by the new crown epidemic, so it has decided to terminate operations.

In 2005, Yum China built the Chinese fast food brand Dongfang Jiebai in Shanghai, determined to build it into the largest Chinese fast food chain brand in China. At its peak, there were as many as a hundred white stores in the East. Since 2012, the operation of Dongfang Bai has entered a period of silence, and after 2015, it has begun to slowly withdraw from Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other markets.

Blue Bottle Coffee will open a second store in China; Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm for riders

△Image source: Yum China official website

In 2020, in order to change the status quo, Dongfang Bai transformed from Chinese fast food into a "bun shop", focusing on on-site production, selling dishes such as buns, wontons, and roasted wheat, and also set up a take-out window, intended to nugget the family kitchen. However, on the one hand, due to the impact of the epidemic, on the other hand, the cost performance of the main products is low, and the oriental white after the transformation has not yet left the business dilemma.

Now, Yum China has finally decided to shut down the oriental white across the board, which may indicate that it will not be easy to make Chinese fast food.

"Australian steak" comes from Zhumadian

Changsha's well-known chain restaurants have been rectified

Xiaoxiang Morning News news, recently some consumers reported that they ate not fresh ingredients in a well-known chain catering agency store in Changsha, there was a phenomenon of diarrhea, doubting the authenticity of the store's "imported ingredients".

According to industrial and commercial information, consumers reflect that the chain catering agency is mainly based on seafood barbecue buffets, headquartered in Nanchang, Jiangxi, and currently has four directly operated stores in Changsha, which once claimed to receive more than 8 million people a year, "can eat 365 kinds of cuisine in 11 countries around the world." ”

In order to verify the relevant situation, Xiaobian conducted an undercover investigation in the yuefang store of the institution and learned that the store's "Australian steak" originated in Zhumadian, Henan, and the "South American sweet cooked white shrimp" came from Guangdong. Subsequently, the store manager personally admitted that "except for salmon and snowflake beef, which are imported, other ingredients, including fruits, are domestically produced."

Blue Bottle Coffee will open a second store in China; Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm for riders

△ Image source network intrusion and deletion

In addition to the suspicion of pretending to be true, Xiaobian also found that the store may provide consumers with cooked food such as egg tarts and cheese oysters overnight, and there are food residues in the basket containing the washed tableware.

After the reporter reflected the information he had to the Changsha Pozi Street Market Supervision and Management Office in the jurisdiction, the law enforcement personnel had already investigated and punished the store and ordered the store to rectify.

Beef croissant buns fried to 120 yuan a piece

Scalpers have their sights on internet celebrity bakeries again

Beijing News news, on March 1, the Beijing News reporter visited the "butter and bread" Sanlitun store and found that there are four or five scalpers around the store are selling in-store products at a higher price, and the store's "limited edition" Wellington steak horn bun can be fried from the original price of 58 to 120 yuan after the scalper or buy on behalf of the scalper.

"I've eaten B&C to know what bread is." Recently, THE NETTFUL & CREAMOROUS (referred to as "Butter and Bread" or "B&C") in Taikoo Li, Sanlitun, Beijing, has been ranked first in the popular list of Beijing bread and desserts, and some customers even queued for 3 hours to buy a "Wellington Steak Horn Bun".

Blue Bottle Coffee will open a second store in China; Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm for riders

According to scalpers and purchasing agents, the reason why the "butter and bread" store often queues up has a lot to do with the limited time supply of the store's signature products and the purchase restriction of customers' single consumption. It is understood that the butterfly puff pastry of the store is only baked from 3:00 to 4:00 pm, and the Wellington steak and horn bun is only baked from 1:00 to 2:00 pm and 5:00 to 6 o'clock every day, with 100 baked at a time, and each person (time) is limited to 1 per day (time).

According to the information posted in the store, the unit prices of Wellington steak horn buns, volcano horn buns and butterfly puff pastry are 58 yuan, 68 yuan and 22 yuan-24 yuan respectively. This means that for every Wellington steak horn bun sold by a scalper, it can make a profit of up to $62.

In response to the above problems, the Beijing News reporter tried to contact Qianhong Catering by telephone, WeChat, Weibo, store, email and other means since March 2, but as of press time, there has been no response.

"Fines changed to demerit points"

Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm of riders

Beijing Business Daily news, on March 3, according to the official WeChat message of Meituan, Meituan released the "2021 Meituan Rider Rights protection social responsibility report", in which Meituan further disclosed the optimization of the rules of takeaway delivery algorithms.

According to Meituan, at present, 15 cities such as Shaoxing, Taiyuan, Kunming and other cities are piloting a new "service star" incentive mechanism, changing the treatment of riders receiving bad reviews and overtime from deductions to deductions, and evaluating the service quality of riders according to the accumulated points of the whole month, and then determining the corresponding rewards to reduce the impact of occasional conditions on riders' income, reduce distribution pressure, and ensure distribution safety.

Blue Bottle Coffee will open a second store in China; Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm for riders

The rider's monthly service rating will be determined based on the ranking of the individual's total monthly accumulated points on this site, and the higher the service star, the more additional rewards will be awarded. Riders can earn extra points through safety training, exemplary deeds, and more. The partner cancels the deduction of overtime, bad evaluation, etc. that was previously formulated by itself, and instead deducts points appropriately, and constantly iteratively improves the relevant rules.

In Shaoxing, one of the pilot cities, nearly 80% of riders expressed satisfaction with the new service evaluation rules and believed that the delivery experience had improved, while user-related indicators such as delivery rate on time and bad rating rate also remained stable.

Blue Bottle Coffee is determined to open a second store in Chinese mainland

Interface News, Blue Bottle Coffee (Blue Bottle Coffee) Chinese mainland the second store will be opened in Shanghai Jing'an Kerry Center. At present, a fence has been erected around the store, and the interior has begun to be renovated.

According to the information of Tianyancha, Blue Bottle Coffee established "Blue Bottle Coffee (China) Co., Ltd. Shanghai West Nanjing Road Store" on December 29, 2021, with the registered address of Room N1-12 and N2-11, No. 1551 Nanjing West Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai; the address was earlier the store was a restaurant with new elements of the catering brand.

Blue Bottle Coffee will open a second store in China; Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm for riders

△ Image source network intrusion deletion

On February 25, 2022, Blue Bottle Coffee Shanghai Yutong Store opened, which is its first store in Chinese mainland. It is understood that the first day of the store will be a long queue, the entire opening period, from queuing to enter the store takes an average of 3 hours, and even some people get up at 6 o'clock to queue, just to drink a cup of Blue Bottle coffee.

Meituan and Hungry Have released a number of initiatives

Reduction of F&B merchant commissions

Previously, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other 14 departments jointly issued the "Several Policies on Promoting the Recovery and Development of Difficult Industries in the Service Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy"). In terms of relief and support measures for the catering industry, the Policy particularly emphasizes that it will guide Internet platform enterprises such as takeaway to further reduce the service fee standards of merchants in the catering industry and reduce the operating costs of relevant catering enterprises.

The small editor of the zhuanface network observed that recently, Meituan and have actively responded to the policy and issued a number of measures to help small and medium-sized catering merchants operate.

Blue Bottle Coffee will open a second store in China; Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm for riders

On March 1, Meituan Takeaway announced that from March to December this year, for small and medium-sized merchants in high-risk areas with operational difficulties in the epidemic, Meituan Takeaway implemented a halving of the technical service fee (commission) discount, and the cap of 1 yuan per single after the halving.

Meituan Takeaway said that for other difficult merchants who have completed the transparency of the rate, they will be evaluated according to the operation situation and the degree of difficulty, and the technical service fee will be capped at 5%, which is expected to benefit more than one million merchants; for the merchants who are mainly takeaway operations and have special difficulties, they will also be provided with fixed-point assistance.

In terms of increasing revenue, Meituan Takeaway will provide free "takeaway butler service" for difficult merchants with insufficient online business capacity, as well as take-out order receiving equipment such as cloud printers and food treasures to help merchants open source and increase revenue.

On March 2, also released a message through the official WeChat public account that it will invest the first batch of 20 million yuan in cash to implement commission reductions and exemptions for all catering businesses in 87 districts and counties listed as high-risk areas in the epidemic from January to February 2022, without setting any thresholds and without additional review by the platform. said that small and medium-sized merchants have been more affected by the epidemic, so the company tries to make the rules as clear and simple as possible. All merchant partners in the above areas will enjoy a commission reduction of at least 15 days, and the returned commission will be transferred directly to the merchant account by the end of March. also said that merchants in medium- and high-risk areas added after March 1 will also enjoy the same commission reduction measures. In addition, will continue to launch a special business closure protection mechanism for merchants trapped by the epidemic to ensure that the rights and interests of merchants during the period of closure due to the epidemic will not be affected.

Haidilao personnel changes

Yang Lijuan served as CEO and newly appointed two post-80s COOs

Beijing News news, on March 1, Haidilao issued a management appointment announcement, deputy CEO and chief operating officer Yang Lijuan was transferred to the chief executive officer, chairman of the board and former CHIEF executive officer Daniel Zhang will continue to serve as the chairman of the board of directors and executive director; Li Yu became the chief operating officer of Haidilao Chinese mainland, and Wang Jinping became the chief operating officer of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas regions.

According to industry insiders, Yang Lijuan, as the leader of the "Woodpecker Project", has always played an important operation and management role in Haidilao. Born as a waiter, she has served in Haidilao for more than 27 years, is a key figure in Haidilao's exit from Sichuan and opens up the national market, and is also the person in charge of Haidilao's implementation of the "connecting interests and locking management" system.

Blue Bottle Coffee will open a second store in China; Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm for riders

△Image source: Screenshot of Haidilao's announcement

Haidilao announced that Yang Lijuan was appointed as the chief executive officer, responsible for overseeing the management and strategic development of the group, and continues to be responsible for the implementation and promotion of the "Woodpecker Plan". This appointment is also an important measure to strengthen the corporate governance structure.

It is understood that the two newly appointed CHIEF Operating Officers are another move to rejuvenate the management team after Haidilao added seven young executive directors in August 2021. Li Yu, 36, and Wang Jinping, 38, as representatives of the new generation of "post-80s" forces, will assist ceminos in improving the operational efficiency of different regions of the group and strengthening the supervision and implementation of company management and execution.

Shanghai's time-honored brand launched a new round of identification

No intermediary no fee, three years one evaluation

According to the surging news, the "Several Provisions on Carrying out the Identification of Shanghai Time-honored Brands" jointly issued by the five departments of Shanghai will be implemented from March 1, 2022, and Shanghai will be recognized as "Shanghai Time-honored Brands" every three years in the future. At the same time, during the "May Five-Year Shopping Festival" in 2022, a batch of newly identified "Shanghai time-honored brands" will be collectively unveiled at the 2022 Time-honored Expo.

In addition, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce also affirmed that it has never entrusted any institution or individual to represent the declaration of Shanghai's time-honored brands, and invites time-honored enterprises to declare themselves. The Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce will accept applications in strict accordance with the relevant standards and procedures, and will not charge any fees. If any institution or individual collects fees from enterprises under the guise of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce or its staff, please report to the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce.

Blue Bottle Coffee will open a second store in China; Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm for riders

According to the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, in 2006 and 2011, the Ministry of Commerce has identified two batches of "Chinese time-honored brands", of which Shanghai has 180, ranking first in the country. In 2014, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce identified 42 "Shanghai Time-honored Brands". At present, there are 222 long-established brands in Shanghai, of which The Chinese time-honored brands have been established for more than 60 years, and 65 have been established for more than 100 years.

After eight years, Shanghai's time-honored brands have launched a new round of identification, and some well-known brands may have reached the hard target of "50 years of establishment", and some "lost pearls in the sea" have also had the opportunity to compete again.

Manner opened 200+ new stores in 10 cities across the country

On March 1, Manner Coffee announced on its official account that Manner opened 200+ new stores in 10 cities in Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, Chengdu, Nanning, Haikou, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Chongqing.

It is reported that from December 2020 to May 2021, Specialty Coffee Manner has successively obtained financing, H Capital, Temasek, and Meituan Dragon Ball have entered the market, and Manner's post-investment valuation has reached 2.8 billion US dollars, and the valuation of a single store has exceeded 100 million yuan.

Food robots are on fire

Non-stop technology has received tens of millions of yuan of angel round investment

According to the investment community, recently, the leading domestic To B food robot RaaS (Robot as a Service) service provider has completed tens of millions of yuan of angel round financing without stopping technology, invested by Unique Capital, Hanergy Venture Capital and Jiupai Capital.

Blue Bottle Coffee will open a second store in China; Meituan tests the new rules for the evaluation algorithm for riders

Founded in 2021, based on the team's profound insight into the food industry itself and the understanding of user usage scenarios, the team used the combination of "restaurant owner + chef + engineer" to take the product route of "hardware + content" and redefine the food robot.

It is understood that at present, service robots have begun to be applied on a large scale in industries such as travel, cleaning, and distribution, and have just started in the "food" track. The food robot has a great space for domestic applications or global seas.

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