
The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

author:Favorite silver carp head

The wife of Ukraine's former president is an american without compromise, and she has worked in the White House - can you believe this?

When asked if she was An American or Ukrainian, the "first lady" said slyly:

My parents taught me to love Ukraine, but at the same time I also loved America, because in times of difficult times, the United States accepted my parents and gave me the opportunity to be educated and realize myself.

The Ukrainian president's wife, Chumachenko, has been called an "American agent" by the Ukrainian media and public because of her deep and complex American background.

Why can such an American woman become the "first lady" of Ukraine? On her husband's campaign path, what help did she and the forces behind her help the president's husband? What amazing moves did she make after her husband was poisoned and disfigured?

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

Native Americans

Chumachenko's life is complex and straightforward, with a deep imprint of the times; she became the driving force of fate and pushed her to the position of the wife of the president of Ukraine.

Her parents are Ukrainian.

During World War II, his father was captured by the Germans and thrown into a prisoner-of-war camp; his mother was captured by the Nazis and sent to Germany as a laborer.

In the gunfire of the war, Chumachenko's parents met and fell in love with each other, and walked together through the years of gunfire and bullets.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

After the end of World War II, the couple came to the United States, regarded it as their second home, and settled down to live.

It was also here that they gave birth to the future "First Lady" of Ukraine, Chumachenko.

Chumachenko's family was poor when he was a child, and the whole family had to live on the meager income of his father as an electrician.

But Chumachenko was born bright and excelled academically.

A clever brain, Ukrainian ancestry, and absolute loyalty to the United States also give Chumachenko a good enough reason to be the "daughter of the beauty of the vote."

Chumachenko graduated from Georgetown University in 1982, and it was in this year that she began her own political fantasy life.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

Chumachenko with the president's husband

A pawn in American politics

Chumachenko's speed of ascension to power in American politics is only one person in 200 years of American history.

Chumachenko, a recent graduate of university, successfully entered the U.S. Congress with the support of a mysterious force and served as a representative of the Ukrainian Committee.

At this time, her classmates did not even know where the door of congress was open.

Chumachenko spent only two years in Congress before rising all the way to the White House and working under the noses of the President of the United States.

She works at the White House's "Social Liaison Office," which specializes in U.S. relations with ethnic groups in Eastern Europe.

Chumachenko, who is already at the top of American politics, is just 23 years old this year.

Such a youthful life, in contact with high-class nobles and state secrets, who can not envy such a life; and Chumachenko's ambitions are far more than that.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

If you take people's money, you must work for them.

The American political circles vigorously promote the young and delicate Chumachenko, just thinking that one day she will be released back to Ukraine and show her fists.

In 1991, Chumachenko, with the support of the United States Department of State, founded the "Ukraine-American Foundation";

It was also here that she met her husband, Yushchenko, and the in-laws took each other's interests and accompanied each other, and went all the way to the presidency.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

Chumachenko and Yushchenko

The two in-laws in the political arena

The love story of Chumachenko and Yushchenko is beautiful and inspirational in Western public opinion.

In Western media descriptions, Yushchenko fell in love with Chumachenko at first sight on a charter flight abroad.

So the two men switched positions, and there was nothing to talk about at a height of three thousand feet. Before getting on the plane, the two were strangers; when they got off the plane, they had become each other's lifelong companions.

How beautiful, how romantic; but never mentioned that Yushchenko still had a family at this time, and the two had known each other long ago!

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

After Chumachenko returned to Ukraine, he served as a mentor at the Training Center for Senior Talents of the Bank of Ukraine, training the presidents of the major Ukrainian banks.

At this time, Yushchenko was the president of the National Bank of Ukraine.

The two must have intersected in business, so how could they fall in love at first sight as "strangers" on a charter flight?

This is only because Yushchenko still has a wife at this time; and Chumachenko is just a junior in the position, robbing the husband.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne


Yushchenko's original match was the daughter of his old superior. And Yushchenko was also supported by the old man, from a small bank teller to the president of the Ukrainian bank.

However, the son-in-law of this bank is far less famous than the "Son-in-Law of Washington".

As a result, Yushchenko soon divorced his original partner and married Chumachenko into the family; since then, Yushchenko's value has soared, and he has become an upright "American son-in-law".

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

Who's turning the clouds?

Yushchenko, who had married an American wife, immediately turned around and went straight to the political arena.

In 2001, Yushchenko and Chumachenko established the party "Our Ukraine".

Chumachenko allocated $65 million from the "Ukrainian-American Foundation" to support the party. In just one year, the party became the largest party in The Ukrainian Parliament, with 112 seats in the parliament.

Sure enough, the power of money was great; thereafter, the party gained an absolute say in Ukrainian politics, and their mission was to send the "Son-in-Law of america" to the presidency.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

In 2004, Yushchenko participated in the Ukrainian presidential election.

As Kennaisuke, Chumachenko did not rest.

Not only did she set aside large sums of money from the foundation to support her husband's campaign, but she also set up a public relations firm in Washington, D.C., created a supporters' forum, and used public opinion to control the election.

Yushchenko was closely followed by two U.S. government officials and two American doctors.

Such a staffing is quite intriguing.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

In the first general election, Yushchenko lost to his rival, Yanukovych. (Click to review "How Was Yanukovych Driven Out of Ukraine?") 》)

This result surprised the Western forces behind Yushchenko; he gave money and beauty, but failed to win the presidency.

Thus, the Western forces began the public opinion war that they were best at - I do not admit it, I do not agree, and this election must have cheated!

The US-led media openly clamored for electoral fraud on the grounds that yushchenko's polls had been far ahead of the election before the election!

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

This reason is simple and crude, but it is unexpectedly established!

With the intervention of the West, Ukraine overturned the election results and began a new round of elections; unsurprisingly, the United States finally put its son-in-law on the table.

Otherwise, this political farce will not stop at any time!

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

When his son-in-law is elected, what will the president of the United States look like?

After Yushchenko became the president of Ukraine, he returned to his "mother's house" with his wife Chumachenko.

George W. Bush, who was the president of the United States at the time, could not hide his excitement, and a stride walked over and hugged Chumachenko tightly, and then gave Chumachenko a surprise hot kiss in full view of everyone!

George W. Bush's wife, Laura, quickly grabbed her husband's arm and dragged him back; but it was too late, and the impatient kiss had been permanently recorded by the camera.

Come to think of it, the face that Laura has turned on her back must be livid to the extreme!

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

A deep kiss from George W. Bush

After the "old man" helps the son-in-law to the throne, the son-in-law is bound to give a big gift.

In June 2006, with the support of Yushchenko, NATO troops entered the island of Crimea to conduct military exercises with Ukrainian troops.

This is a naked surrender, and it also single-handedly pushes the Russia next door into an anti-eye confrontation.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

Poison disfigurement

One of the things that Yushchenko had to mention was that he had been poisoned and disfigured before the presidential election.

The seven-foot boy who was once handsome and handsome became an "ugly man" with a gray face and a herpes face after being poisoned.

This can also be regarded as a "sacrifice" on the political road.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

On September 6, 2004, Yushchenko, who had been busy with the election, suddenly felt dizzy; he tried to support the table with his hands, but his legs were paralyzed in disobedience.

Chumachenko and the staff rushed Yushchenko to the hospital.

The hospital conducted a systematic examination of the presidential candidate, and the results showed that Yushchenko's disease was highly toxic to dioxins, and the amount of dioxins in his blood was 1,000 times the normal value!

Chumachenko also complained to reporters:

My husband's body has always been healthy. But when he came home the night before, I had tasted the drug on his breath and lips as I kissed him.

Chumachenko's accusation also made the poisoning incident full of conspiracy.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

Yushchenko, also because of this poisoning, his face was destroyed, his face was covered with moss-like herpes, and he grew old as a teenager overnight, becoming an old man with a wrinkled face.

However, Saion was not blessed.

Chumachenko did not delve into the truth of the case, but vaguely accused it of being a "political persecution"!

At the same time, she contacted her own public opinion company to create momentum for her husband's "poisoning incident", accusing competitors and earning enough sympathy points from ukrainians.

Therefore, this poisoning also pushed Yushchenko hard into the presidency.

The third child took office, worked for the White House, was forcibly kissed by George W. Bush, and the ukrainian president's wife brought her husband to the throne

Yushchenko Before and after poisoning

After Yushchenko was elected president, Chumachenko "returned to the family" very sensibly.

Today, she and her mother-in-law cut wild vegetables and make three meals, and her life seems to be happy.

But behind this human firework, how many people can clearly see the clouds and strangeness of the past?

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