
After the storm, what is Wang Ziqing doing?

author:Documentary video of Wendong

Wen 丨 Wendong, the protagonist 丨 Prince Qing

After the storm, what is Wang Ziqing doing?

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2019, the network big V Wang Ziqing was accused of using poor people to shoot videos to package himself, followed by a well-known up owner of the network to investigate and collect evidence, and various public opinions were mixed. But the Internet is a place that is easy to remember and easy to forget, and soon with the passage of time, the charity storm of Prince Qing is gradually forgotten by people.

Due to the blocking of The Prince Qing's multi-platform account, for a time, the Internet celebrity who had attracted the attention of tens of millions of netizens slowly faded out of people's sight. Where's the prince? What's he doing?

With these questions in mind, the author found some of his whereabouts based on the information sent by Prince Qing.

According to Wang Ziqing, after the storm, he continued to do public welfare more firmly, and good things happened one after another.

After the storm, what is Wang Ziqing doing?

In recent months, Wang Ziqing has been busy running for his own online mall, mainly through the form of recruiting agents, seeking "partners" across the country.

According to his own account, although the storm caused him some damage to his reputation, the impact on his career development was not large, but there was a thriving momentum.

After the storm, what is Wang Ziqing doing?

The picture shows the delivery site map of Wang Ziqing Company

In his promotional letter to this author, he mentioned:

After the storm, what is Wang Ziqing doing?

After that, he also posted a picture of the income of the agent, with the text: "Lying down also makes money, and when you fall asleep, you laugh and wake up."

On this year's China Charity Day (September 5), the story of Wang Ziqing's poverty alleviation was mentioned by the central government and called him a "benevolent person".

After learning that he was mentioned by CCTV, Wang Ziqing said that after being smeared and slandered by a large number of attacks, his body was full of good things.

After the storm, what is Wang Ziqing doing?

First it was mentioned by CCTV, and then in October, he received a "certificate of thanks" from the China Charity Federation. Thank him for helping the country's "three regions and three states" fight against poverty and dedicating love to children with congenital heart disease in poor families.

And on October 16, he was invited to his home by Mao Zedong's niece Comrade Mao Xiaoqing. Wang Also said that in order to encourage and support his cause, Mao Xiaoqing provided him with free office space in Beijing.

After the storm, what is Wang Ziqing doing?

In addition, Wang Said, he is about to be hired as honorary principal of several Chinese schools in Thailand, Myanmar and Laos. He will also devote a lot of funds to carry out public welfare activities in poor areas in dozens of countries in Southeast Asia, so that more and more children in Southeast Asian countries can learn Chinese, learn Chinese culture, and then fall in love with Greater China.

After the storm, what is Wang Ziqing doing?

According to Wang Ziqing, he not only helped the disabled and the poor, but also achieved remarkable results in helping veterans start their own businesses and become rich. As for what kind of person Wang Ziqing really is, the Internet has always been controversial, and there is no official announcement.

I have to say that Wang Ziqing may have deviated from the road of new media propaganda, but he has indeed played a certain role in the battle against poverty and has really done some practical things.

What do you think about Wang Ziqing? Votes are welcome.

What kind of person is Wang Ziqing? Radio

0 people 0% great benevolent people, really do public welfare

0 people 0% hypocrisy, fake charity vote

Wendong documentary video, see the world through the characters, welcome your submissions and comments.

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