
"My Love Is Blue" reflects Teacher Zhu Hong's attitude towards life and strong humanistic care

Dear Teacher Zhu Hong, Teacher Hegu, Moderator, and Distinguished Guests, Good afternoon: My name is Zhang Cong, and I am a teacher at the School of Journalism and Communication of Xi'an University of Foreign Chinese. As a loyal reader of Teacher Zhu Hong, I have been paying attention to Teacher Zhu's prose for a long time. Some time ago, I had the honor of doing an interview with Teacher Zhu about prose creation, and learned that Teacher Zhu's prose creation began in the early 1980s, and the essay "Flower Soul" was published in the Xi'an Evening News, which was just launched in 1981, and it was also the first prose published in the history of Xi'an Evening News. Since then, Mr. Zhu's prose creation has been more than forty years.

"My Love Is Blue" reflects Teacher Zhu Hong's attitude towards life and strong humanistic care

Teacher Zhu's new work "My Love Is Blue", which includes the representative works of Teacher Zhu in various periods, from the perspective of creative themes, there are temperamental spiritual essays that write family affection and love, there are profound and sharp, lyrical ideological essays; there are also Chang'an cultural essays that Teacher Zhu loves. Teacher Zhu's temperament and spiritual prose are not a realistic "reproduction", but a kind of spiritual "performance" of art, often in a kind and natural, sincere and simple language to dialogue with readers on an equal footing, wrapping their rational cognition in the narrative of life events, so that we can get rational sublimation in "moisturizing and silent". For example, in the essay "White Plains", there is such a description: "The white plains stretch under a sunny day, silent, a quiet, disturbed by the wind of the field." The tree by the side of the road, the tree by the well, will suddenly shoot the sparse leaves, but this does not seem to bother it, it seems to be a kind of lyricism or a chant. Disturbing it is often the wildly swirling wind, which rises high and whistles along an evil path. This gray-yellow wind will pollute the blue sky to dirt and shatter. In the prose, the language of solemn huazhan and natural Shenxiong records the wilderness image of the author's youth in the Guanzhong Plain, where wheat has just been harvested. This kind of narrative of "looking at things with things" opens up the distance between time and space, and although the white plains are still in the realm of being described, it has become a part of the realm.

"My Love Is Blue" reflects Teacher Zhu Hong's attitude towards life and strong humanistic care

In addition, there are also ideological essays such as "Letters from the Past" and "The Way of Friends" in "My Love Is Blue", and many fresh discoveries or police ideas in the prose will emerge freely and naturally in the narrative and lyricism. For example, in "Letters from the Past", Teacher Zhu wrote about his unforgettable experience of reading letters, and the prose unabashedly revealed various memories in the depths of the soul, full of sincere emotions, giving people profound inspiration. There are also cultural essays such as "Qindi Ancient Town" and "Xiao Guan" in "My Love Is Blue". In the interview with Teacher Zhu in the early stage, I deeply felt Teacher Zhu's strong complex for the homeland of Chang'an, Teacher Zhu's Chang'an cultural essay, after writing about the mountains, rivers, streets, buddhist temples, customs and folk sentiments of Chang'an, and then using the Silk Road of Chang'an to write about Chang'an's Passes, the Imperial Tombs. The prose combines a large number of historical geography, character activities and stirring feelings, connecting history and reality, and turning it into a poetic expression of flesh and blood. Teacher Zhu's cultural prose explores the roots of Chang'an culture from the perspective of a modern intellectual, explores the history and culture of Chang'an with profound insight and keen sensitivity, critically examines and cleans up historical and cultural traditions, and expresses concern for reality through the time tunnel of history, realizing the spread of Chang'an culture. My favorite is "Xiao Guan". Because I think this essay reflects Teacher Zhu's attitude towards life and strong humanistic care. The content in the text is from what "I" saw, heard, thought and thought, and from "I" personal experience and feelings. In the article "Xiao Guan", xiao Guan started from "I", took a shuttle bus, and began a journey full of adventures, the journey was dangerous all the way, and it took all the trouble to reach Xiao Guan. Xiao Guan did not have an inn, but could only stay in the home of a farmer who was hoeing the land, and only later wrote about Xiao Guan's past and present lives, as well as the stories of the contemporary people living here. We can feel that the author uses his feet to explore the history of Guanzhong and uses his soul to understand the survival of contemporary Guanzhong people, so that we have a very real sense of "presence" when reading, thus realizing the effective dissemination of the spirit of Chang'an culture.

"My Love Is Blue" reflects Teacher Zhu Hong's attitude towards life and strong humanistic care

I think: "People need thought, not just entertainment", the so-called thought is to think about life, society, the world and history, not only to represent the individual, but also to pay attention to others. I think one of the most prominent features of Teacher Zhu's prose is to use the most realistic brush and ink to depict the homeland of Chang'an that we are familiar with, to use the most moving emotions to express beautiful human nature, and to examine reality with sharp eyes, so that the prose shows the sharp edge of thought and the tension of criticism. At this moment, I solemnly recommend the book "My Love Ruolan" to all guests here, and also thank Teacher Zhu for bringing us such a rich spiritual food, so that we can understand your full love for life at the same time, but also love life even more! Thank you Teacher Zhu! Thank you! Editor: Xu Ruixia

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