
What do elderly women need to pay attention to when doing three generations of test tubes in Thailand?

With the development of modern society, the age of women's childbearing has begun to be delayed, and even some women do not marry and have children until after the age of 30. For older women, under the premise of declining fertility, choosing Thai IVF technology for fertility has become a good choice. Although IVF technology has been very popular, but for elderly women, what to pay attention to when choosing to do THAI IVF? Let's follow Hengjian overseas to learn about it together.

What do elderly women need to pay attention to when doing three generations of test tubes in Thailand?

Older women should do the following 5 points to do Thai IVF

1, once you plan to do IVF is very good to start as soon as possible. Don't delay any longer after making a decision, otherwise the body's tissues will continue to age and the viability of the eggs will become lower and lower, directly affecting the quality of the embryo.

2. Actively treat some diseases existing in the body. Due to age, there may be presbyopia in various parts of the body of elderly women, so women after the age of 35 need to check their bodies before they are pregnant, and repair their weaker places in time to achieve a tempering that can cope with pregnancy in October. Assuming that the elderly woman is relatively weak, it will also greatly affect the health and safety of herself and the fetus after pregnancy.

What do elderly women need to pay attention to when doing three generations of test tubes in Thailand?

3. Get enough sleep every day. Adequate sleep can improve the body's immunity, enhance the functioning of organ tissues, especially the reproductive system, and help form a high-quality fertilized egg.

4. Make adequate nutritional preparations. Pay attention to supplementing fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, lean meat and other foods rich in high-quality protein every day, make nutritional reserves, and adequate and excellent nutrition helps to improve the quality of eggs.

Within 3 months before and during the preparation of IVF technology treatment, the woman has the following points to pay special attention to:

1. Try to avoid vaccinations (such as hepatitis B vaccine, influenza vaccine, etc.).

2. Do not contact radiation (such as chest x-ray, dental x-ray, fluoroscopy, etc.).

3. Strengthen nutrition, pay attention to rest, and avoid high fevers exceeding 38.5 degrees.

What do elderly women need to pay attention to when doing three generations of test tubes in Thailand?

4. All women planning to become pregnant should start taking pregnancy vitamins within 2-3 months before pregnancy, such as low-dose folic acid (0.4 mg / tablet, 1 tablet / day), vitamin E (50 mg / tablet, 1 tablet / day or 100 mg / tablet, 1 tablet / 2 days).

5. During the fertility technology treatment cycle, please do not take prescription Yao, if necessary, please seek the advice of the doctor. If you are taking prescription YAO within 3 months prior to IVF technology, please inform your doctor.

6. Avoid contact with chemicals (such as hair dyeing, perming, etc.) in the least possible or without excessive fragrance cosmetics (such as perfumes, etc.).

7, psychological preparation: to have full psychological preparation, maintain a good, relaxed attitude, the mood is calm.

8, the adjustment of time: IVF technology is not limited by the season, the process takes 1-2 months, so work and life time should be arranged.

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