
More sports injuries also increase, experts suggest: pay attention to treatment should also pay attention to rehabilitation

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

The Olympic Games are immediately followed by the National Games, coupled with the approaching Beijing Winter Olympics, a wave of sports events, but also led to the upsurge of national fitness. However, the increase in the number of people exercising fitness is also increasing due to improper exercise, overdose, and collision caused by sports injuries.

"More than 35% of the people in our country participate in sports, and 10% of them may have sports injuries. Although sports injuries are not life-threatening, they do not standardize treatment, rehabilitation and training, which will seriously affect the quality of life. Professor Chen Shiyi, chairman of the Sports Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, director of the Department of Sports Medicine of Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, and director of the Institute of Sports Medicine of Fudan University, told Nandu reporters.

On the 15th and 16th, the first Yixian Sports Medicine Summit Forum and the inaugural meeting of the Sports Medicine Branch of the Guangdong Clinical Medicine Association were held in Sui. Experts from sports medicine and related fields from all over the country, Hong Kong and Macao provide suggestions and suggestions for the development of sports medicine. Tokyo Olympic champion and diving champion whose career was severely affected by injury also came to the scene to tell his own personal experience of how sports medicine changed his circumstances.

More sports injuries also increase, experts suggest: pay attention to treatment should also pay attention to rehabilitation

Sports medicine is the "surname" body also "surname" medicine

It is an organic combination of sports science and life sciences

The meeting was chaired by Professor Li Weiping, Director of the Department of Sports Medicine of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University and Chairman of the Sports Medicine Professional Committee of the Guangdong Association of Clinical Medicine. Professor Li Weiping introduced that the purpose of this conference is to strengthen academic exchanges and cooperation, promote the balanced development of regional sports medicine, and better benefit the people.

More sports injuries also increase, experts suggest: pay attention to treatment should also pay attention to rehabilitation

For a long time, there has been such a controversy in the field of sports medicine, whether it belongs to the category of sports medicine or medicine, whether it is a "surname" body or a "surname" doctor. Professor Chen Shiyi said that as an emerging discipline, the current development of sports medicine disciplines is facing an embarrassing situation. Especially at present, China's sports population has exceeded the 400 million mark, and sports-related injuries are more diverse, it is more necessary to organically integrate sports science and medical science.

Professor Li Weiping said, "People in the sports world cannot enter the circle of doctors, and there are fences between medical disciplines. He stressed that sports medicine, as an emerging discipline, is not a single discipline, but requires multidisciplinary cooperation. In the field of medicine, in addition to sports medicine doctors and sports rehabilitation, more physicians, rehabilitation doctors, general practitioners and grass-roots doctors are needed to promote them together.

It is worth mentioning that Xie Sibei, the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Diving Men's Three Meter Board Champion and the Men's Double Three Meter Board Champion, and his coach, He Weiyi, the head coach of the Guangdong Provincial Diving Team, also attended the conference. At the beginning of 2016, Xie Sibei received treatment for a foot injury in the Sports Medicine Department of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, and Professor Li Weiping performed surgery for him and provided postoperative rehabilitation guidance, which finally helped him return to the field to realize his dream. Although he missed the Rio Olympics that year, he won the championship from the National Games, the World Cup to the World Championships in subsequent competitions, becoming the king of the three-meter board.

More sports injuries also increase, experts suggest: pay attention to treatment should also pay attention to rehabilitation

Xie Sibei and Professor Li Weiping were together

Also thanks to this injury experience, Xie Sibei also made full use of his medical and psychological knowledge to help his young teammates. Before the first competition of Quan Hongchan who staged the water splash disappearance technique at the Tokyo Olympic Games, Xie Sibei assisted the whole process, psychologically and empirically to help this little sister. "Before she (Quan Hongchan) played for the first time, I told her that she needed to adjust her mentality, and everyone in the competition was nervous. But for ourselves, for the team, for the country, we have to fight. Xie Sibei admitted that in the subsequent competition, Quan Hongchan's performance was amazing, and the little girl was very remarkable.

Heavy treatment also requires heavy recovery

Promote the development of sports rehabilitation in line with international standards

Attaching importance to treatment and neglecting later rehabilitation has always been the gap between China's sports medicine and advanced sports medicine countries.

Professor Li Weiping pointed out that through in-depth exchanges and cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao sports medicine physicians, the Yixian Sports Medicine Summit Forum has comprehensively promoted mutually beneficial cooperation between the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao and strengthened exchanges and cooperation in the field of medical and health care and health between the three places, focusing on the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, The cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and the Pan-Pearl River Delta region. "The exchange of sports medicine between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao is very close. In the past five years, in addition to holding joint meetings every year, doctors from the three places have also gone to poor areas every year to carry out technical poverty alleviation or free clinics, and experts from Hong Kong and Macao have often gone to the mainland to give lectures and surgical demonstrations. ”

More sports injuries also increase, experts suggest: pay attention to treatment should also pay attention to rehabilitation

Professor Li Weiping believes that Hong Kong and Macao are in line with international standards in sports medicine and have great advantages in high and new technologies, especially in sports rehabilitation, Hong Kong and Macao have a very formal sports rehabilitation training mechanism, and excellent therapists, which is what the mainland lacks the most at present. It is hoped that the three places will conduct more in-depth exchanges and cooperation on the topic of mutual learning and standardization in the future, so that more patients with sports injuries can get better rehabilitation.

"This conference provides a good opportunity for sports medicine colleagues from all over the country to strengthen exchanges and exploration based on clinical practical problems, which will help improve the clinical and scientific research level of sports medicine, promote the development of sports prescriptions, strengthen the integration of medical engineering and medical sports, and contribute to the construction of a healthy China." Professor Li Weiping said.

History of WeiShui

This sports medicine department serves a large number of champion athletes

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University was founded in 1835 and is the oldest Western hospital in China. Our hospital is one of the earliest units in the country to carry out arthroscopy and sports medicine, in the 1970s began to carry out counterpart medical services for the guangdong provincial sports team, under the joint advocacy of Professor Ouyang Xiao, a well-known sports medicine expert in Guangdong Province, and Professor Lin Daoxian of our hospital; in the early 1980s (1984), it had a complete Dyonics arthroscopic system, and took the lead in the minimally invasive treatment of sports injuries in Guangdong Province.

In March 2003, the Minimally Invasive Surgery Group of the Orthopedics Branch of the Chinese Medical Association was established in Guangzhou, and the Department of Sports Medicine was formally established at sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University as the team leader unit, and the Arthroscopy Group of the Orthopedics Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association was established, becoming the first sports medicine specialty in Guangdong Province. In 2016, the Department of Sports Medicine of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University became the first designated unit of athlete medical security in Guangdong Province and the designated unit of athlete medical security in Guangdong Province for the Olympic Games. Under the leadership of the current director Li Weiping, it has developed into a sports medicine specialty with leading comprehensive strength in South China and an important influence in the domestic sports medicine community.

More sports injuries also increase, experts suggest: pay attention to treatment should also pay attention to rehabilitation

Since the 1990s, the Department of Sports Medicine has long participated in the daily training of the Chinese national team in Sui and the Guangdong Provincial Sports Team, providing professional medical protection, in addition to providing medical security services for major sports events such as the Asian Games, it has successively diagnosed and treated nearly 500 elite athletes such as Chen Xiaomin, Yang Wei, Lau Lishi, Liang Yanhua, Xing Fen, Su Feixiang, Xie Sipi, Liu Tingting, Yi Jianlian, Zhu Fangyu, Zhou Peng, Wu Yiyi, Guo Hui, Jiang Chunpeng and many other Olympic champions, world champions, Asian Games and national champions. And these athletes will recover their athletic ability as soon as possible and return to the field.

At the commendation meeting of the Guangdong Provincial Sports Delegation of the just-concluded 13th National Games, the leaders of the provincial government praised Director Li Weiping by name for his long-term and outstanding contributions to the cause of sports in Guangdong Province, and highly affirmed the work of the Department of Sports Medicine.

Written by: Nandu reporter Wang Daobin intern Ye Ying

Correspondent Zhang Yang Huang Rui