
This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

author:The words are greasy

There is such a joint venture brand model, the listing has received strong attention from consumers, and because of some controversy, it was once pushed to the cusp of public opinion, this car is Dongfeng Citroen Versailles C5 X. As the new flagship model of Dongfeng Citroen and a global model, the Versailles C5 X is different from Dongfeng Citroen's previous products in terms of design, performance, configuration, including pricing, so it is expected that the attention of Citroën fans is also expected.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

However, the overall ability of the joint venture brand in the intelligent cockpit is insufficient, which also leads to a certain gap between the vehicle system of the Versailles C5 X and the expectations of the owner. In order to optimize the consumer car experience, the Versailles C5 X recently underwent a system update, which is also the first OTA upgrade of this new car in 2022, so what changes has this upgrade brought to the user experience? Let's see what the owner, Mr. Wang, said.

(The following is based on Mr. Wang's oral account)

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

My car is the Versailles C5 X Flaunt version, the top-of-the-line version, also known as the Class 4 in the Citroën system (the Class 1 is the minimum, and so on). Citroen's car has always been well-known in terms of styling design, mechanical performance, safety, etc., Versailles C5 X is no exception, and its pricing is also very reasonable, cost-effective, the only short board may be in the car system, compared with the mainstream domestic intelligent models, there is still a certain gap in software.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

The hardware level of the car machine is actually good, the chip uses Qualcomm Snapdragon 820A, 14nm process, although not the latest 7nm process of the 8155 chip, but it is definitely the most mainstream hardware configuration, because the current use of 8155 chip models in the market is not very common.

The 12-inch color high-definition touch screen is also a common size, the size is moderate, and the screen resolution is relatively high, the display effect is clear, and the touch screen feel and response speed are also very fast.

The bottom layer of the car engine system uses the Linux system, also known as the Citizen Connect 3.0 intelligent networked car machine system. It is understood that this system is mainly developed by the European team, and the Chinese team is then localized. As a traditional car manufacturer, its philosophy determines that the car machine system will put stability and safety in the first place, but at the same time, compared with the Android system of the car machine, it also sacrifices a certain degree of expansion and flexibility.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

When I picked up the car, the engine version was 1.19.36, which was actually a relatively stable and easy to use version. The networking function of the car machine is normal, and the most commonly used applications: AutoNavi navigation, cool music, Himalaya are very convenient to use, and can achieve the same account login with the mobile phone application, historical information synchronization, basically solving the function of the most frequent use of the car.

 Of course, there are also some small disadvantages, such as: the remote connection function between the car machine and the mobile phone is temporarily unavailable, and the mobile phone APP cannot remotely control the vehicle. It's possible that the software development schedule didn't implement this feature in the early days, and I and other car owners have been expecting Dongfeng Citroen to make up for it through software upgrades. Sure enough, the effort paid off, and the recent OTA upgrade just solved this lack, so that the expectations of car owners were not disappointed. This also shows that Dongfeng Citroen's software team saw the needs of consumers and followed up in a timely manner.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

This OTA upgrade is mainly the BSRF smart antenna of the car machine, which I understand is similar to T-BOX, which is a necessary equipment for communication between the car machine and the mobile phone.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

There are two upgrade packages, each package is not large, about 100 M capacity, can be automatically downloaded quickly during driving.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

You need to stop when installing, but fortunately the installation speed is very fast, about 10 minutes or so to install, will not delay the user too much time. It should be noted that this upgrade is not a large version upgrade, and the version number of the car machine will not change after the upgrade. After the upgrade of the car, the mobile phone APP (Dongfeng Citroen Zhixing) is also upgraded once, and you can see the immediate effect.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

Open the mobile APP login, you can see that the interface of the "Car" tab has changed significantly. First of all, you can see the remaining fuel consumption percentage of the vehicle.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says


Secondly, there are two remotely controlled buttons of "locking" and "car hunting".

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

I don't remember whether to lock the car, I can remotely control the lock at home. More use cases should be to pick up things in the car temporarily, but when you forget to bring the key, you can use your mobile phone to unlock it.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

When you park in an unfamiliar place and can't find a car, you can use the "Find Car" function to make the car honk and flash. Both of these features are simple in practice and the connection speed is also very fast.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

Third, the vehicle can record the trip, and the trip between each ignition and the flameout will be recorded in the mobile app.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

As you can see, you can also see the specific values of the total mileage, total time, average speed and fuel consumption of each trip. Considering the privacy concerns, users can also turn off this function at any time, and it seems that the developers still think more thoughtfully.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

Fourth, you can query accurate vehicle condition reports. In the APP, you can check whether there are any abnormalities in the vehicle's major key systems, and you can see the time and mileage from the next maintenance

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

Fifth, in the "Explore" tab of the APP, you can view the positioning of the car, and you can directly navigate to the location of the vehicle.

The above five main remote control/query functions are very practical in my opinion, none of them are superfluous, and cover many different scenarios of daily car use, solving a lot of car inconvenience. For example, forgetting the parking space in a large parking lot can be located and found through the APP, or check the remaining fuel consumption of the vehicle at home to decide whether to refuel in advance the next day. And through this OTA upgrade, there are potential benefits that the car signal is more stable, etc., which makes my car often new in the process of use, and even have some surprises from time to time.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

In the exchange with other car friends, I also learned that in fact, last year, Versailles C5 X also carried out a small range of OTA upgrade push, upgrading the car version from 1.19.36 to 1.19.38, mainly upgrading the smart voice package and solving the connection problem of Apple's mobile phone wireless Carplay.

It is reported that Dongfeng Citroen will also carry out a larger version of the OTA upgrade in the future to solve more problems and add new features. As a car owner, I look forward to more OTA upgrades for the Versailles C5 X, so that I can use the car as convenient and fast as the mobile phone.

(Owner: Mr. Wang)

For Dongfeng Citroen, if you can transform the user's expectations into their own room for progress, through continuous OTA upgrades to bring continuous experience upgrades, I believe that versailles C5 X's product strength, user reputation and market performance will be further improved.

This joint venture popular model has finally been upgraded by OTA, and see what the owner says

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