
The abducted child Sun Zhuo returned to his biological parents, is he really doing well now?

As we all know, Sun Zhuo, the son of Sun Haiyang, the prototype of the movie "Dear", has been found in 2021, and in order to find his son, he ran all over China, for fourteen years, and the road to find a son finally stopped.

The child is lost, the family is scattered, Sun Haiyang's fourteen years and 57 days of searching for a son is not easy, who knows, the family's bitterness and suffering in the past 14 years, and who knows the pain in their hearts every New Year reunion. When he saw that his family recognized his family on the Internet, Zhuo Zhuo trotted all the way, his father and mother hugged him as soon as they held him, everyone cried bitterly, and the heartache of these 14 years turned into happiness at this moment.

Sun Zhuo finally agreed to go home with his biological parents, and I think he is wise, and every time I see a video of their family having love on the Internet, I am happy for them.

After Sun Zhuo returned, his parents took him to his hometown for the New Year, Zhuo Zhuo went shopping with his sister and brother, his sister gave Zhuo Zhuo English tuition, his brother held his brother's hand and did not let go, sometimes Zhuo Zhuo and his sister still feared each other on the Internet, and his father took his two sons to build snowmen together, which was really super loving.

When Sun Zhuo returns to Shenzhen, he will meet new friends and start a new life, with gentle and kind parents, intelligent and beautiful sisters, and cute and talented brothers, I believe that Sun Zhuo will get better and better.

Finally, I just want to say that after suffering hardships, the prince traveled far back to his hometown, and his blood returned to his roots, and he wished the Sun family a smooth and prosperous [heart] [heart]

The abducted child Sun Zhuo returned to his biological parents, is he really doing well now?

This is called a family portrait

The abducted child Sun Zhuo returned to his biological parents, is he really doing well now?

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