
Literary Ballet in Spring: Sharing Session of He Jianming's Headline Works in People's Literature

author:Shanghai Library

The article was first published on the WeChat public account: Lecture Library.

Literary ballet in spring

He Jianming's "People's Literature" headline work sharing meeting

# Speaker #

He Jianming

He is a famous writer and vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association

# Special guest #

Chen Xingeng

He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association

He is a director of the China Reportage Society

Former president of the Newspaper of Literature

# Time #

Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 2:00 pm

# Location #

Multi-functional hall on the fourth floor of Shanghai Library

# Organizer #

Shanghai Library

Writers Press

# Co-organizers #

Shanghai He Jianming Literary Research Institute

# Subscribe #

# Live link #

Scan code or follow Bilibili "Shanghai Library"

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Lecture Summary

People say that ballet is like a butterfly in spring, it flies up is the most intoxicating and beautiful; there is a literary journal in China called "People's Literature", which grew up with New China and represents the highest level of Chinese literature, so people call it "national journal" and "ballet" of literature.

The Writers Publishing House solemnly launched Mr. He Jianming's seven headline works of "People's Literature", which were collected into a "Collection of Essays", giving us the opportunity to understand the creations of the national journal "People's Literature" and Mr. He Jianming, known as "People's Writer".

Literary Ballet in Spring: Sharing Session of He Jianming's Headline Works in People's Literature

These headline works published in People's Literature are some of the representative works of Mr. He Jianming. From this, we can see the epochality, people's and epic nature of contemporary Chinese reportage, and at the same time have a clearer understanding and understanding of Mr. He Jianming's creative personality of "national narrative", "people's endorsement" and "grand epic". At the same time, he will also understand and understand the direction and characteristics of reportage creation in China at present. Through these headline works, it can also reflect the characteristics of the publication of "People's Literature" and the direction of Chinese literature it represents.

We often say that to watch ballet, we must look at "Swan Lake"; then, if we look at Chinese literature, we should naturally read the headlines of "People's Literature". When looking at contemporary Chinese reportage, it is naturally the most worthwhile to see is the work of Mr. He Jianming.

Guest Profiles

Literary Ballet in Spring: Sharing Session of He Jianming's Headline Works in People's Literature

Famous writer. Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, Chairman of the China Literature Foundation, President of the China Reportage Literature Society. He Jianming's works have a broad vision, profound perspective and a strong sense of social responsibility and mission, always with fiery brushstrokes and exquisite words, through vivid and wonderful narratives, standing at the height of the times and history, examining people's value orientation, to show and state the fate and major events closely related to people and society, people and rulers, and countries in the process of history and society, and his works have influenced the vast number of readers since the end of the twentieth century and the new century.

Representative works include "Revolutionary", "Pudong Epic", "Armageddon of the Times", "The Bridge", "That Mountain, That Water", "National Action", "College Entrance Examination Report" and so on. He has won the Lu Xun Literature Award three times and the "Five One Project Award" of the Central Propaganda Department five times.

Literary Ballet in Spring: Sharing Session of He Jianming's Headline Works in People's Literature

He once served as the deputy director of the reporter department of the People's Liberation Army Daily, the president and editor-in-chief of the Literary Daily. He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, a director of the China Reportage Literature Society, a director of the Shanghai Writers Association, and a visiting professor of Shanghai University. He has created a number of literary works, and his works have been included in the military literature department since the founding of New China, and have won various journalism and literature awards.

Introduction to the new book

# People's Literature Headlines (all seven volumes) #

Literary Ballet in Spring: Sharing Session of He Jianming's Headline Works in People's Literature
Literary Ballet in Spring: Sharing Session of He Jianming's Headline Works in People's Literature

Listen to the lecture

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Literary Ballet in Spring: Sharing Session of He Jianming's Headline Works in People's Literature
Literary Ballet in Spring: Sharing Session of He Jianming's Headline Works in People's Literature

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