
【The anchor said the solar terms】 When the time comes to sting, the spring thunder suddenly moves, and Xiao Yang feels the spring qi together!

Spring announces the coming of spring, rain brings spring rain, and sting brings spring thunder. Like other festivals of spring, the sting is also a node full of vitality, "the light rain is new, a thunder sting begins"; it also means the beginning of spring plowing, "to the sting festival, the hoe does not stop", people began to sow spring for the autumn harvest. The peach blossoms are bright red, the apricot blossoms are beginning to fall; the thunderstorms are shocking in spring, and the insects and birds are singing in unison. Step into the ancient poems and feel the beauty of this unique spring.

【The anchor said the solar terms】 When the time comes to sting, the spring thunder suddenly moves, and Xiao Yang feels the spring qi together!

"There is Huai Zhengzhong and Yanfeng Poem"

【Song】 Shu Yuexiang

The sound of pine is like a falling waterfall in the middle of the night, and I remember sitting in Xisai without sleep.

After a drum of light thunder stings, a fine sieve of light rain falls on the plum sky.

Linliu wanted to cross the river and smiled, and the return of the guests was confused.

Cover up who knows this, a window of new green to be crying.

In this poem, there is the sound of pine waves like a pouring waterfall, and it also writes about the spring rain after the thunder, and the "fine sieve of light rain falling plum sky" is written delicately and vividly. When the sting comes, may the spring thunder and rain accompany the spring and bring the good news of the world.

【The anchor said the solar terms】 When the time comes to sting, the spring thunder suddenly moves, and Xiao Yang feels the spring qi together!

"Qin Louyue • Floating Clouds"

[Song] Fan Chengda

Floating clouds.

Light thunder faintly stung at first.

Initial sting.

The doves are angry, and the green poplars are windy.

Jade furnace smoke heavy incense Luo Huan.

Whisk the wall thick apricot swallow branch wet.

Swallow branches wet.

The flower tips are missing, and the painting building is standing.

In ancient times, solar terms were closely related to farming. In poetry, how can the figure of the pastoral poet be missing? Although Fan Chengda's "Qin Louyue Floating Clouds" has nothing to do with agricultural affairs, it writes the stings very beautifully, writing clouds, writing light thunder, writing partridge chirping, writing green poplars rising with the wind, a sense of spring.

【The anchor said the solar terms】 When the time comes to sting, the spring thunder suddenly moves, and Xiao Yang feels the spring qi together!

"Moonlit Night"

[Tang] Liu Fangping

Deeper moon color half home, big dipper dry south dipper.

Tonight I know that the spring is warm, and the sound of insects is new through the green window screen.

Liu Fangping's "Moon Night" in the Tang Dynasty, writing about spring nights. How beautiful is a spring night? There is the haze of the moon, there is the fragrance of flowers. This spring moon night written by Liu Fangping is simple and quiet, and there are also moonlights in the sky and twinkling stars.

【The anchor said the solar terms】 When the time comes to sting, the spring thunder suddenly moves, and Xiao Yang feels the spring qi together!

The sting came, the peach blossoms in nature began to bloom, the yellow oriole birds and cuckoos chirped one after another, the dormant insects were awakened, for a time, the insects chirped, the birds chirped, the thunder, the rain sounded, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be noisy and vivid at once, which was the sound of spring color.

Anchor: Xiao Yang

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