
The United States led the United Nations to force Russia to withdraw its troops, and the Chinese side explained why it abstained, and the "three abandonments" had a clear position

author:Zero-distance attention

The United Nations once again held an emergency meeting on the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict, and after the draft decision to demand russia's withdrawal was adopted, China's speech made the West ashamed.

The United States led the United Nations to force Russia to withdraw its troops, and the Chinese side explained why it abstained, and the "three abandonments" had a clear position

On March 2, the United Nations once again convened its 11th emergency special session on the situation in Russia and Ukraine, which adopted a draft calling for russia's "immediate, complete and unconditional" withdrawal of troops from Ukraine.

Although the draft decision was finally adopted, China's abstention was the focus of public opinion.

After the vote, the Chinese side used the "four noes" to explain the reasons for the abstention.

First, there were not sufficient consultations. In other words, the draft was brought up before some countries, such as China, without knowing it, and did not effectively communicate its feasibility among member states. This has led some countries to vote with the attitude of "going with the flow" without a comprehensive understanding of the content of the draft, and I have a good relationship with you and the United States, and the United States voted in favor of it, and I also voted in favor. This is absolutely unacceptable to China.

The United States led the United Nations to force Russia to withdraw its troops, and the Chinese side explained why it abstained, and the "three abandonments" had a clear position

Second, the root causes behind the Ukraine crisis are not taken into account. To put it this way, the root cause of the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine is believed to be known to the Western countries led by the United States better than anyone. Russia will not attack Ukraine for no reason. If you want to solve this problem, you need to solve it from the root, not through a simple and rude way to ask Russia to withdraw its troops, when the root problem cannot be solved, such a draft decision passed 100 times is the same effect, can not solve the actual problem. China doesn't have to follow suit.

Third, there is no emphasis on the principle of the indivisibility of security. Here, what is the principle of indivisibility of security? Taking the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict as an example, according to the principle of indivisibility of security, it should be the national security of NATO, the security of Ukraine, the security of Russia, and the security of everyone. NATO, on the other hand, has clearly violated this principle by basing its country's security on the detriment of Russian national security. For a long time, Russia could not give Russia the promise of "not accepting Ukraine into NATO", which was the trigger for the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict. And this principle of indivisibility of security was not taken into account in the draft decision. This is also unacceptable to the Chinese side.

Fourth, the urgency of promoting a diplomatic and political solution to the Russian-Ukrainian problem has not been highlighted. Now, although the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict continues, the two countries have also opened the door to negotiations and begun negotiations on an armistice. At this time, what the United Nations wants to do is to create a better political environment for The Russian-Ukrainian negotiations, not just a draft request for Russia's withdrawal. If Russia and Ukraine are to return to peace, such a draft will not play any role. It is only natural that China abstained.

The United States led the United Nations to force Russia to withdraw its troops, and the Chinese side explained why it abstained, and the "three abandonments" had a clear position

Moreover, after China explained the reasons for the abstention, it also gave "three discards" to solve the Russian-Ukrainian problem.

The first is to abandon the Cold War mentality. The Russian-Ukrainian military conflict looks like a matter between two countries, but in fact it is a game between Western countries and Russia. For Western countries, checks and balances on Russia through Ukraine are the main purpose. This Cold War mentality made Russia suffer a lot, and only then did Russia react so violently. If you want to solve a problem, you must abandon this mode of thinking, so that you can solve the problem and eventually find a balance and live in peace.

Second, abandon the logic of maintaining one's own security at the expense of the security of other countries. This sentence is actually addressed to the Western countries, which undermine Russia's national security by undermining the principle of indivisibility of security. This is something that no country in the world can tolerate. To resolve the Russian-Ukrainian issue, the West must stop manipulating Ukraine to confront Russia. On another level, this sentence is also a call to take into account Russia's legitimate concerns.

Third, abandon the expansion of military blocs for regional security. The root cause of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict lies in NATO's unwillingness to make a commitment to stop eastward expansion. As one of the world's largest military organizations, failure to make commitments means that it is possible to continue eastward expansion, which threatens Russia's national security. Is NATO just about protecting Ukraine's national security? Obviously not, he wants to expand the military bloc to balance Russia. This is the bottom line of provoking Russia, and in the case of intolerable situations, a conflict between Russia and Ukraine is inevitable.

The United States led the United Nations to force Russia to withdraw its troops, and the Chinese side explained why it abstained, and the "three abandonments" had a clear position

It can be said that It is a wise move for China to choose to abstain in this vote. This UN General Assembly vote is just a way for the United States and other Western countries to create public pressure on Russia. Remember, such a vote is not legally binding on Member States. You know, every year the United Nations adopts a resolution on U.S. sanctions against Cuba, but that doesn't affect the U.S. decision to sanction Cuba every year. Therefore, whether Russia responds or not depends on whether he wants to or not. After all, the United States is his "predecessor" in this regard.