
Ukraine will eventually have retribution for its death, Russia has no way to retreat and launch a counterattack, the United States: fight right

author:Veterans say literary history

Russia and Ukraine, which were originally brotherly countries, eventually parted ways, and after Russia attacked Ukraine with heavy troops, the Russian army marched all the way, and two days later the troops reached Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

Ukraine will eventually have retribution for its death, Russia has no way to retreat and launch a counterattack, the United States: fight right

While claiming "blitzkrieg" and "defending war" on the other hand, the recent news about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is dazzling, and it is estimated that many people are also confused, why should the fighting nation fight neighbor Ukraine? Does this have anything to do with the shit-stirring stick america? The Russian army is indeed powerful, but how can Ukraine, which can sell aircraft carriers to the mainland, be so unbeaten, and be hit to the capital in two days?

If the little friends really have this doubt in their hearts, then look down:

Russia: I was forced! I don't want to fight!

Ukraine: Do you really dare to fight? Are you just watching?

America: Hey hey hey, hit it right!

Russia: I was forced, I don't want to fight!

NATO countries led by the United States, since Russia's independence has carried out 5 eastward expansions, the sharp knife has been to the chest of Russia, and for more than a decade the economic sanctions against Russia have been continuous, coupled with the impact of the "epidemic", Russia's economic situation has been sluggish, but where the situation between Russia and Ukraine has a little room for maneuver, Russia will not choose to send troops, now good, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has become a hot war, and the Russian economy is even worse.

Russia knows this, so why does it have to send troops? The author believes that Russia has been forced into a corner and has no choice but to fight back.

Open the world map to see, Ukraine and Russia are closely linked, the border line is so long, the Russian-Ukrainian border was already agreed when the Soviet Union separated, there is no serious dispute.

Ukraine will eventually have retribution for its death, Russia has no way to retreat and launch a counterattack, the United States: fight right

Russia and Ukraine are not an order of magnitude in terms of comprehensive national strength, there is no competition between the strong and the strong, there is no substantive contradiction between the two, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia and Ukraine can completely coexist peacefully.

But the problem lies with Ukraine itself, which does not want to get along with Russia and wants to join NATO and join the West. If Ukraine really joined NATO, wouldn't U.S. missiles hit Russia's doorstep? At that time, Russia, which does not have any strategic buffer zone, is in the face of the threat of NATO, which is tantamount to the danger of "national subjugation", and Russia certainly cannot do it.

Ukraine joined NATO for its own selfish interests, but it posed a serious threat to Russia's geopolitical security, and there was a serious "Nazi" problem in Ukraine, and Ukraine actually supported the "Azov battalion", which is one of the reasons why Russia sent troops to Ukraine.

In addition to this, there is the question of the status of Uzbekistan, that is, the status of the two eastern Ukrainian states of Doneesk and Luhansk. Doneesk and Luhansk belong to the Donbass region, formerly Russian territory and later incorporated into Ukraine.

The two oblasts accounted for about 9.6% of Ukraine's area (before Crimea was taken back by Russia), most of the people spoke Russian, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the two oblasts were not willing to stay in Ukraine at all, wanting to belong to Russia.

In April 2014, pro-Russian people in the Doneesk and Luhansk oblasts took control of the government buildings of the oblasts and declared independence, and in May of the same year a referendum was held to form a republic.

Ukraine will eventually have retribution for its death, Russia has no way to retreat and launch a counterattack, the United States: fight right

The demands of Donesk and Luhansk were supported by Russia, but the Kiev authorities refused to recognize the independence of Doneesk and Luhansk, while sending troops to Uganda for military intervention.

After the Ukrainian government forces were defeated and suffered heavy losses in the war with the armed forces in the eastern region of Ukraine, they announced their withdrawal, and although Ukraine withdrew, local conflicts still existed.

This time, Russia sent troops to Ukraine and also wanted to take this opportunity to solve the Wudong issue once and for all. Although the Russian army entered Ukraine in a large scale, but the role played by the Russian army in this war is really limited, the Russian army is just a trick, straight to disarm the Ukrainian government and the Nazi "Azov battalion", the Russian army is not making rapid progress, in order to avoid hurting the innocent, reduce the destruction of the city, and minimize civilian casualties.

The root cause of this war seems to be in Russia, and the fundamental reason is Ukraine's own problems, and the strategic initiative is actually in the hands of the United States.

Ukraine: Do you really dare to fight? Are you just watching?

The source of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is that Ukraine is rich and has been fooled by various commitments in Europe and the United States, and the United States can accurately perceive and skillfully use Ukraine's financial fan psychology to induce Ukraine to violate Russia's bottom line.

In history, Russia and Ukraine belong to the same nation, and later belong to the same Soviet Union, after the Soviet Union separated, Russia and Ukraine are not "one family", but there is always a "kinship" in it, during World War II, Russia made a major sacrifice for the liberation of Ukraine, no matter how to say, Ukraine did not give up the near and far to join nato possibility.

However, it cannot resist the temptation of "money opening the way" in the United States. As mentioned earlier, Russia's economy is sluggish, and it is even more difficult to be alone, let alone help Ukraine. Under the many "color revolutions" in Europe and the United States, Ukraine has moved its mind and thought about it, thinking that it is better to join the European Union and join NATO.

Ukraine will eventually have retribution for its death, Russia has no way to retreat and launch a counterattack, the United States: fight right

The EU is nominally the European Union, but in reality most of them are MEMBERS of NATO, which must be nodded by the United States to achieve this.

At this time, we must talk about the United States, the United States is really damaged and bad, the purpose of NATO's existence is to deal with Russia, Ukraine is just a pawn, the sworn enemy Russia's neighbors have found themselves, this is a great opportunity to harm Russia, how can it be let go? Although, the United States has a hundred agree, it must be pinched, deliberately not nodding, to see how Ukraine behaves.

Ukraine is bitter in its heart, how can it be so difficult for it to join the European Union and do business with everyone, and why does the United States not agree. Helplessly, the ukrainian side of the complaint has not been found correctly, and as a result, there has been a big incident at home.

Located in the south of Ukraine, the Crimean Peninsula is the northern shore of the Black Sea, connected to the Sea of Azov, and seventy percent of the inhabitants are ethnic Russians, so Russian culture has always dominated.

In 2014, a large number of Crimean pro-Russian people rallied and marched in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, against the rule of the Ukrainian government, and the Crimean crisis broke out. On 11 March, the Crimean Parliament adopted the Declaration of Independence of Crimea; on 7 April, pro-Russians in Donetsk declared independence and planned to join the Russian Federation; and on 30 April, Ukraine decided to send troops to intervene.

Originally, this matter had little to do with Russia, but coincidentally, Crimea had a vastopol port, which was a famous deep-water freeze-free port and the site of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Russian-Ukrainian relations had deteriorated at that time, and in order to avoid the entry of Ukrainian government forces into Crimea and in response to the ardent expectations of the pro-Russian people in Crimea, Russia quickly sent troops to Crimea to forcefully recover Crimea.

In this way, Ukraine's complex feelings toward Russia suddenly turned into hatred, and then actively sought to join NATO as a revenge for Russia's land grabs.

Ukraine will eventually have retribution for its death, Russia has no way to retreat and launch a counterattack, the United States: fight right

Things are not over, a wave of uneven waves, the Donbass region is again, this place, the territory is not large, the economic development is very good, here is an important energy center and industrial center of Ukraine, has a very complete industrial system, this place is very important to Ukraine, but the Donbass region, both in blood relations and culture are closer to Russia, as we have already said, this place is pro-Russian.

In response to the anti-Russian policy in Ukraine, Russia was the first to recognize the constituent regions of the Donbass region (Doneesk and Luhansk). Ukraine has lost both Crimea and Donbass, old hatred has not been repaid and new hatred has been added, hatred for Russia is even greater, and they urgently need to join NATO to retaliate against Russia.

After the Crimean incident, Ukraine not only failed to learn lessons, but also implemented various "anti-Russian" policies at home, resulting in more intense centrifugalism in the Donbass region.

In Ukraine's view, actively moving closer to the United States and joining NATO is the right strategy, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone, on the one hand, with the protection of NATO, Russia does not dare to be rude to itself; on the other hand, with the identity of NATO member states, joining the European Union is also just around the corner, and it can be integrated into the circle of european rich people.

Ukraine's idea is very naïve, the reality is very cruel, underestimating the insidiousness of the United States and the strength of Russia, Ukraine thinks that it is a sovereign country, Russia certainly does not dare to fight it, even if Russia really fights, the United States and NATO will not sit idly by.

Now that Russia has sent troops, it is about to take Kiev, and it has not seen the United States send a single soldier, which is played by the United States.

Third, the United States: Hey hey hey, just hit it!

Russia sent troops to Ukraine, brothers killed each other, neither side won, and the most happy was the United States.

Let's analyze whether the United States will help Ukraine, after all, people have been clamoring to mix with the American boss, clamoring to join NATO, although it has not yet "transferred", but Ukraine's heart that loves NATO is a world to learn from, and now Ukraine has been beaten, and it is also common sense for the United States to help, after all, as the hegemon of the world, it is also necessary to face it, otherwise who will still be mixed with the United States in the future.

Ukraine will eventually have retribution for its death, Russia has no way to retreat and launch a counterattack, the United States: fight right

The answer is no, the United States does not dare to send troops to help Ukraine.

First, Russia has long warned NATO, led by the United States, that as long as they intervene in the war in Ukraine, Russia will use "nuclear weapons" and everyone will disappear. Second, the United States will not let Ukraine join NATO at all, and it is even more unlikely to help Ukraine and Russia.

If Ukraine does join NATO, then Ukraine and the United States will become a strategic alliance between attack and defense, which means that when Ukraine is attacked, the United States has the obligation to send troops and tie the United States to the chariot. So, who will attack Ukraine? Of course, it is Russia, which has a deep hatred for it.

The United States can't even handle the Taliban in Afghanistan, so how dare it have a head-on conflict with Russia? Besides, the United States and Russia are both nuclear powers, and there is no possibility of war between the two countries.

Since it does not want Ukraine to join NATO, why does the United States not directly reject Ukraine? I also have to be ambiguous with Ukraine, and always give Russia eye drops on the Ukrainian issue.

The United States is instigating at both ends, not wanting Russia to be strong, letting Ukraine contain Russia, and causing turmoil in Europe, so that the capital of European countries can run to the United States to "take refuge" in order to save the US economy.

The United States wants to verify to the world that the "Russian threat theory" that it has always emphasized will make Europe, especially NATO countries, cling to their own thighs and cut a leek, and also find a reasonable excuse for stationing troops in Europe.

Why do I say that? Let's take a look at the current economic situation in the United States, the CPI data in the United States came out, soaring by 7.5% year-on-year, once again setting a record high! The CPI in the United States is so high that inflation is already unstoppable.

Since the impact of the epidemic in 2020, the US economy is not optimistic, and the government has had to print a large amount of dollars to the people in order to stimulate the economic subsidies for the unemployed, which is a complete way to drink and quench thirst.

In this way, the economy is stable, but inflation is terrible, there is too much money circulating in the market, if you want to curb inflation, you must reduce the money circulating in the market, you want to reduce the money circulating in the market, you need to put all the money in the bank, you have to raise interest rates, but the effect after the interest rate hike is still not obvious enough, and you have to think of other ways to let the dollar flow back.

Ukraine will eventually have retribution for its death, Russia has no way to retreat and launch a counterattack, the United States: fight right

At this time, the United States thought of two ways: one is to sell US debt, and use US debt to exchange the dollar back for the bank; the other is to create a turbulent situation in some areas, make it unfavorable to investment, and then force local capital to return to the US bank.

China has trillions of dollar reserves in its hands, if China can buy US debt, the United States can also pass the pass, but why does China use its own hard-earned money to help the United States, China does not buy a penny of US debt, the United States soft and hard are coming, or take China no way, only to make this decision, provoked war in Europe.

The Russo-Ukrainian War is a continuation of the product of the Cold War, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact was dissolved, NATO had no purpose of existence, but NATO after five eastward expansions, forcing Russia into a corner.

Ukraine could have chosen a better path, as long as it did not apply to join NATO and directly confront Russia, it could completely swim between Russia, the United States and Europe, Taoguang and obscure, develop the economy, and improve national strength, but Ukraine embarked on the road of death under the leadership of actor Zelenskiy, and Russia had no way to retreat and finally launched a Jedi counterattack.

There is no winner in the war, Ukraine has a good hand of cards to play, Russia will also be dragged down by the war, only the United States is smiling.

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