
Old friends meet the game! Karsa meets season 369 for the first time! BP whole life becomes the focus

The League of Legends 2022 LPL Spring Game is in full swing, and the current schedule has reached the second half, and many teams are sprinting at this time to firmly grasp the lifeblood of their progress to the playoffs. At present, V5 five consecutive wins are temporarily at the top of the list, and WBG's winning streak was terminated by RNG and is currently in second place, followed by EDG, RNG and other teams, and in the back there are two Northern Expedition five consecutive win teams TES and RA, they are currently trying to chase points, and the state is also booming! In general, it is now the second half of the game, and the more the final game is more and more exciting, after all, there will always be some "water ghosts" in the last moment, whether they can enter the playoffs or not, but they will definitely snipe those teams that impact the playoffs and rankings!

Old friends meet the game! Karsa meets season 369 for the first time! BP whole life becomes the focus
Old friends meet the game! Karsa meets season 369 for the first time! BP whole life becomes the focus

On March 4, the LPL Super Weekend, which ushered in a V5 vs. JDG regular season, on the one hand, this season to wear the B+ team label but now play the same performance to lead the LPL, on the other hand, the state of the ups and downs of the entire team state is "shaken". The theme of this BO3 is still in the meeting of old friends, including V5's Karsa and JDG's Shangdan 369, which is also their first encounter after joining their respective teams after leaving TES! Talking about the encounter between these two people, I believe many people will think of those famous scenes before, especially the famous scenes of TES's past backstage review! "Is it that hard to practice a Nar in a season?" "It will only be Jace and the barrel", "Jace was caught as a dog", "the barrel plays the same as si", these classic dialogues are also the educational memes given to the newcomers as Big Brother!

Old friends meet the game! Karsa meets season 369 for the first time! BP whole life becomes the focus
Old friends meet the game! Karsa meets season 369 for the first time! BP whole life becomes the focus

Now that the two meet, BP will become the focus of this regular season, especially the whole life effect is directly full! In the last 369 vs. TES, the three-choice barrel was actually to prove his strength to his old teammates and prove that his barrel was not a signature dish! I don't know if this time facing Karsa, he will continue to stage such a selection, or take out Nar? If 369 fails to resist, it means that Karsa will come on the road to continue military training to give 369 pressure! I believe this is a duel between the field and look forward to the wonderful performance of both sides!

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