
Legend of Blood: Two weapons with the word "knife", one popular, the other out of print!

In the Blood Legend, the weapon types of warrior players are the most, and it can even be said that the weapons of the three classes have their own attack attributes, and in principle, warrior players are suitable. The names of these weapons are also various, and today the old way wants to talk to you about two weapons with the word "knife", one is popular, the other is out of print!

Legend of Blood: Two weapons with the word "knife", one popular, the other out of print!

I believe that some old iron may say that the dragon slaying knife is also a knife, but this is the name in other games, or the player's colloquial name, called "dragon slaying" in the legendary game, there is no "knife" word. The names of the two weapons we are talking about today have the word "knife" in them. The following old way is broken down for everyone, especially the second one believes that many old players who retired in the early years have not seen it.

Legend of Blood: Two weapons with the word "knife", one popular, the other out of print!

The first: a sabre

The saber is a weapon that the player can wear at level 20, and the attributes of 5-15 are very good, and the old Dao personally likes its design, which is very domineering, especially the handle and green collocation. Mid-range players tend to wear choppers when they develop. Compared to the later hottest frost with 10-13 attack attributes, the slashing knife is not bad, plus the slashing knife is lighter and cheaper, so many players take the slashing knife for a long time at that stage of development.

Legend of Blood: Two weapons with the word "knife", one popular, the other out of print!

Of course, the chopper is not only the exclusive domain of warrior players, this weapon is very common, and many players have upgraded some other class attributes to it that year. For example, the slashing knife of the 18 demons 1 way 3 in the picture above is good, and the attributes of the three classes have been upgraded, which is better than the attributes of the half moon.

Legend of Blood: Two weapons with the word "knife", one popular, the other out of print!

There is also this magic 1 dao 10 slashing knife is simply a divine soldier, 10 points of Dao technique in the retro version has reached the level of the escape fan. Such attributes are real cattle, and this chopper must be well collected.

Legend of Blood: Two weapons with the word "knife", one popular, the other out of print!

The second one: the keel knife

Look at this weapon, the keel knife. The Keel Series equipment is a limited edition equipment from an event in the combined version, which is very domineering to listen to the introduction, and is a god suit made by looking for a keel in the Marfa Continent. Excited players scoffed when they saw the real thing, because the attributes were really not bad.

Legend of Blood: Two weapons with the word "knife", one popular, the other out of print!

The keel knife is also one of the keel series, and it looks like a child's wooden knife. Attributes are also common to all three classes: Attack 0-28, Magic 0-6, and Dao 0-5. While it looks ok, such properties are not enough to see in the combo version. Even if the Keel Blade was upgraded by 7 attacks, it was only a 0-35 attribute, which was even worse than the Ruling Staff of Attack 37, as shown in the image above. However, the keel knife is a limited number of divine soldiers, and there are not many players who have it, so it is still possible to collect it.

Legend of Blood: Two weapons with the word "knife", one popular, the other out of print!

Dear officers, have you ever owned the above two weapons? Have you also seen any of the high attributes of these two weapons? If you have one, remember to share it in the comments section.

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