
Who would have thought that as a comedian, he would become the most supported president in Ukrainian history

author:Little Flower Pig and Little Bungy Pig

Recently, the Russo-Ukrainian war has aroused the concern of people all over the world, and some people feel that it may lead to a third world war. Whatever the view, on the whole, this war is a war of all kinds of harm and no benefit. However, Zelenskiy, who caused the war, became the president of Ukraine with the highest support! Simply incredible!

Who would have thought that as a comedian, he would become the most supported president in Ukrainian history

In 2019, Zelenskiy transformed himself into president of Ukraine. At that time, no one could have imagined that as a comedian, he could start a war and put the people in a hot situation. As the head of a country, we should put ourselves in the shoes of the people and put ourselves in the shoes of the people for the benefit of the people instead of bringing war full of smoke and smoke to the people.

Who would have thought that as a comedian, he would become the most supported president in Ukrainian history

The president who sparked the war between the two countries has attracted the attention of the world, and the BBC reported that the latest poll shows that Zelenskiy's approval rating is as high as 91%, which is the highest support rate of Ukrainian president in history, which shows that many people like and support this president. Another 70 percent think they can repel Russia, which is a bit of a big deal, but Russia is more powerful in comparison.

Who would have thought that as a comedian, he would become the most supported president in Ukrainian history

However, I have to admit that Zelenskiy still performed very well in this conflict, and he was able to win the hearts of the people. He first posed as a vulnerable group, making the masses feel that he felt persecuted. In this way, the masses will sympathize with him. Then his attitude began to harden, and although many rich people left Ukraine, neither he nor his family would leave Ukraine. Such a performance has won him the support of many people. Finally, he used the method of union, negotiating and allying with the countries that supported him, as well as the neutral countries and the countries that supported Russia, before the war began. Win the sympathy of others, disintegrate the opponent's allies, and consolidate your own friends.

Who would have thought that as a comedian, he would become the most supported president in Ukrainian history

Netizens lamented that leaders still have to be able to perform, just like Zelenskiy, his superb acting skills can capture many supporters. This is also true, after all, he has been an actor before, and he is still a competent leader in the script, and the masses believe it and have great hopes for him.

Who would have thought that as a comedian, he would become the most supported president in Ukrainian history

Zelenskiy's high approval rating only shows that many people have been brainwashed by him. He did so many things, not for the people, but to make people believe that he would make the country better and better. But what is the real situation? We don't know. What do you think about this?

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