
What do the two 30-kilogram copper gold bricks in Li Hongzhang's tomb illustrate?

Li Hongzhang was a controversial figure in Wanqing, and in Cixi's view, he was an absolute loyalist, and only he could share Cixi's worries; For the Chinese people, Li Zhongtang was the biggest traitor, and Li Hongzhang was next to a series of traitorous treaties in the Qing Dynasty.

Just entering the gate of the twentieth century, on November 7, 1901, listening to the insults of the Chinese people, this influential figure in the political arena closed his eyes with difficulty. In fact, there was still a pact with Russia that had not yet been signed. In fact, the ending of signing and not signing is the same, just a process. Li Zhongtang left, and when Cixi heard about it, she glanced at the distance and then sighed: In the future, no one will share my worries for me.

It is said that Li Zhongtang's funeral, which was of very high specification, was personally attended by Cixi. The first is to give Taifu and promote him to the rank of First Class Su Yihou (苏益候), with the courtesy name Wenzhong ;pinyin: Then, on the orders of The Empress Dowager Lafayette, the imperial court specially allocated 8,000 taels of silver for funeral expenses, and established an ancestral hall in his hometown of Hefei, Anhui Province, so that future generations could pay homage to him regularly.

Li Hongzhang's other identity is still an advocate of the Western affairs movement, but after his death, he absolutely did not expect that his grave would become part of a local steel factory, which may also be destined. Fifty years after his death, Anhui local, to build a steel factory, Li Hongzhang's cemetery was discovered, in the process of cleaning, there was a burial chamber was closed very strong, the workers' sledgehammers were not smashed, the most superiors transferred some explosives, only to explode this burial chamber.

In the burial chamber, there were two coffins, one was Li Zhongtang and the other was his wife's. The coffins of the two are well preserved, and Li Hongzhang's side holds his usual items, glasses, pocket watches, etc.

What made the experts most happy was that at the foot of Li Zhongtang, two exquisite wooden boxes were found, each with a large golden lump, weighing 30 pounds. But later, after identification, the two gold lumps were "made of copper".

Why are two large gold lumps made of copper placed in the tomb, and what does this mean? It's still a mystery.

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