
I'm just a CNC guy...

I'm a CNC player.

Live in the circle of your friends,

I don't brag, and I'm not good at promising,

I only do CNC, I don't do pit people.

I'm a CNC player.

Used to telling the truth,

Speculation poured out I will not,

Do things with all your might,

Perfunctory things can't be done.

Doing CNC is my profession,

CNC is our breadwinner's job,

Those who don't advocate CNC can make a fortune.

I'm just a CNC guy...

I am not great, there is no Ma Yun's imperial dream,

I hope to be able to pick up more work every day,

In this way, the family's life is a little more improved.

I do CNC,

I am sincerely enthusiastic about my customers,

For I firmly believe that comparing heart to heart,

Customers will always feel my sincerity.

I'm just a CNC guy...

I hate hypocrisy and scheming people,

I'm simple, I don't have the time and energy to play tricks,

Because doing CNC is already tired enough.

The market has rules, I consciously abide by,

I live a fair life and do not denigrate my opponents.

When the environment is not good,

The project of credit and arrears makes me discouraged,

It's not that I'm not righteous enough, it's that I have principles and bottom lines.

If you trust me,

I will certainly do the conscience project for you,

I understand that dishonest business doesn't last long,

Please also respect the price I quote you,

Because the price is already very transparent.

I'm just a CNC guy...

Cnc is similar to sweeping the floor,

To be honest, the profit does not make a cigarette money.

He supported his family and honed himself.

I'm just a CNC guy...

Although life is short, integrity is more important,

Party A abused me thousands of times, and I treated Party A like a first love.

Doing CNC made me swallow my grievances and strengthen my heart!

No matter how hard the road ahead is,

I will definitely be strong!!!!!!

In special periods, please do a good job in related work, safety first!


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