
That original intention is still passionate

Wen Yin-shin

That original intention is still passionate

Just after the New Year, when the lingering fragrance of the Lantern Festival Tangyuan has not dissipated and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games are in full swing, I received a New Year gift package sent by Fang Yuzuo's neighbor with WeChat, and I opened it with joy, who knew that it was a huge anti-epidemic poem of more than 100 pages created by himself. That night, I read it with my hands down, it was like an anti-epidemic epic, the more I read it, the more I felt shocked, and the more I read it, the more I felt "incredible"! It was late at night, and I couldn't sleep, and I asked: Man, where is your strength!

Relying on the original intention, the poetry is lofty

XiaoXiao over a hundred years is Li Huimin's WeChat screen name, his pen name is Zuo Linfangyu, is a retired cadre in the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee. Mr. Huimin was taught in the fiery years, worked in the reform and opening up period, for decades, he relied on what he learned and loved in his life, engaged in official writing, information publicity, newspaper and periodical editing, poetry and book creation and other work, thus forging the original intention unchanged, mission responsibility, pen as the heart of the child.

After the outbreak of new crown pneumonia in Wuhan during the Spring Festival of Gengzi, he heeded the call of the Party Central Committee that "the epidemic is the order, prevention and control is the responsibility", moved at the behest of the order, and used passionate poems to integrate into the thousands of troops fighting the epidemic.

He is a veteran party member, understands his responsibility and role, and he wants to sing for the party flag to fly high in the anti-epidemic battlefield, thus creating "The Party Flag Points brightly", "China must win", "Help Yangzhou fight the epidemic", "Xi'an war epidemic" and so on.

He is a veteran cadre, who understands in his heart the work policy of the Customs Work Committee on "focusing on the center, serving the overall situation, acting according to one's ability, and taking the initiative to act", vigorously publicizing the new deeds and new dedication of the "five elders" in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, and writing poems such as "The Red Armband of the Five Elders" and "Love sprinkling the campus".

He is a Shangqiu person, he knows in his heart that loving his hometown is to love the motherland, and protecting the community is for the people, and he has created poems such as "Shangqiu War Epidemic Heard and Inspired" and "Volunteering to Have Me, Shangqiu Is More Beautiful" and other poems to praise the anti-epidemic warriors from all walks of life.

Please see "Praise for Director Zhuang Jingshan":

Fighting with one heart and weaving dreams, the old marshal should be the first to make a sound.

The guardian homeland will be poisoned, and the dawn of the ancient city will be bright.

It fully shows the noble sentiment of an old comrade who is old and willing to dedicate.

That original intention is still passionate

By the heart, NaShiwen is broad

Reading through Mr. Huimin's poems, I can understand his broad feelings of living in a dark room and worrying about the world. His poems span the entire epidemic prevention and control process of more than two years, from the bells at the beginning of Gengzi to the joy of Nongyin Chinese New Year's Eve. From the first day of the first lunar month when the epidemic prevention and control alarm sounded, it was written to the current implementation of normalized prevention and control; from urban and rural areas obeying the command, staying at home for prevention and control, to party members from all over the country taking the lead and rushing to the anti-epidemic battlefield; from the construction of China's speed Leishen Mountain and Vulcan Mountain Square Cabin Hospital, to the roaring Yangtze River and yellow river; from the hometown Shangqiu to the three towns of Wuhan, from the great Beauty Yangzhou to the ancient city of Xi'an, from the Beijing hub to the village and town card point; from the open letter of the municipal party committee to the citizens' vegetable basket.

He sang angels dressed in white, he sang about the people's army, he praised engineering academicians, he praised migrant worker volunteers, he wrote about elderly veterans, he sang about children and children, and so on; the whole poem has the front line, the rear, the pride, and the tragedy, just like a magnificent picture of all people working as one, hating the enemy, and fighting bravely to kill the enemy, making people feel as if they are immersed in the scene and their blood is boiling.

Relying on responsibility, ramming poetry is thick

Mr. Huimin's anti-epidemic life is enriched by his conscious responsibility. He has the strength of culture and art, so as to bring his art to the extreme. He is enthusiastic about dynamic information reviews and has written 15 anti-epidemic reviews. He is good at poetry and song creation, and has created more than 230 anti-epidemic poems. He loves calligraphy and painting, and has worked with calligraphy friends to create 39 anti-epidemic calligraphy works of various kinds.

After his retirement, Huimin engaged in the work of caring for the next generation in Shangqiu City, he used the Guangong platform to actively suggest and personally collect works, and held an online exhibition of "Five Old Poems, Calligraphy and Painting, Helping to Fight the Epidemic with One Heart", which was widely praised by all sectors of society. Mr. Huimin is the vice president of the Shangqiu Poetry Society, and in the process of fighting the epidemic, he not only took the lead in creating a large number of anti-epidemic poems, but also transmitted positive energy. His poems such as "War Epidemic Has Me" drummed and shouted to the vast number of poets, mobilizing everyone to shout "War epidemic has me" and walked to the battlefield of fighting the epidemic and killing the plague god. For the fine works created by poetry friends, he actively pushed them to major network platforms across the country.

The spring of 2020 is an extraordinary spring, all the poets of the Shangqiu Poetry Society acted quickly and created a large number of poems on the fight against the epidemic, among which the long poems such as "Song of epidemic prevention and control" and "The Call of Extraordinary Spring" created by President Xu Yongxue immediately attracted widespread attention from the society after being pushed by Mr. Huimin to Xinhua, Sohu and other websites, with millions of clicks. At the same time, his push has also been favored by many recitation artists across the country, and when the Greater Bay Area organized the anti-epidemic poetry special recitation, it also took "Song of epidemic prevention and control" as an important program, arranged for the famous recitation artist Jasmine to recite, and the voice of anti-epidemic spread from Shangqiu in eastern Henan to the north and south of the motherland, spread to the world, and received unexpected social effects.

That original intention is still passionate

Rely on emotion, annotate poetry with vitality

Huimin belongs to the grassroots writers, and the poems he creates are derived from life, and the expressions are popular and very grounded. Therefore, its anti-epidemic poems are very penetrating. On August 16, 2020, in order to strengthen the emotional exchange with the people in home isolation, the municipal party committee and the municipal government issued an open letter with greeting language such as "If you are well, it is a sunny day" to the people of the city, Mr. Huimin read the open letter, and on the same day, he created the article "Close to the People, Cordial, And Affectionate - Reading the Letter of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government to the Quarantined Personnel", which can be said to be an interpretation of the (open letter), which was widely praised, and further transmitted and expanded the deep love of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government for the people.

Then he used "Golden Autumn Popular Greetings" as the title, issued a testimonial poem for ten consecutive days, the first one touched people's hearts, and played a good catalytic role in implementing the open letter requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government. His works such as "Let Me See Your Face", "Migrant Workers, You Are True", and "The Red Armband of the Five Elders" make readers have a rich imagination and curiosity when they see the topic. Watch "Let Me See Your Face":

"In Wuhan, in Hubei, many people who have been treated well do not know what the doctor and nurse look like... Take off your protective clothing and let us take a look at your face! There is a place where sweat soaks white! There are bloody seeds, there are dark scratches! I'm going to get down on my knees, but you won't let me..."

Reading it, the white-clad warrior has no complaints and no regrets, the spirit of saving lives and helping the injured, the patient's gratitude to Dade, and the exciting scene of the new life jumping on the paper, which is really touching.

Please watch "Migrant Workers, You Are Really In the Middle":

"Migrant workers, my migrant workers... The starry sky is boundless, you are the most ordinary... A pair of rough cracked hands, a pair of hot eyes! Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital we dry, Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital we built! ...... The fifth day of the first month of the first month was built, and the patients were saved, but you don't want a penny, saying, all the migrant workers are volunteers! ”

Reading it, the kind of courage of the Chinese nation to work together and unite as one when the country is in trouble is shocking, and the blood and pride of the Chinese people, the simplicity and kindness of the Chinese people make people cry.

That original intention is still passionate

Rely on tenacity, cast poetry with hardcore

I have been an old friend of Mr. Huimin for many years, and I met shortly after his initial recovery from a serious illness in 2020, and when I saw that he was in a state of positive optimism despite his faltering steps and slow speech, he encouraged him by composing a group of poems entitled "President Lee Hui-min's Physical Recovery", which wrote:


If the devil has set up obstacles to stir up my body, how can he tie my heart?

Stay full of poetry dreams, and a chant and a chant are also gold.


If you accidentally encounter the demonic wind, God bless me to drive away evil insects.

In the end, I was able to return to my body in good health, and I only smelled the rolling shihong.

Two years have passed, and today I read Mr. Huimin's "My Anti-epidemic Life" to understand that there is an invisible force supporting him. Take a look at his statement:

"2020 is the most critical year for humanity to face the covid-19 virus. It was also a year when I was recuperating at home. The heart rests in water. After being reborn from the fire, there are many thoughts. Can't see the red dust chaos, don't think about vanity fair deception, don't go out, just practice walking at home, learn to talk... What can I do in the face of the pandemic? What should I do? Ask yourself, you can't live like this silently! Right! Give full play to your own strengths and hobbies, use poetry as a knife and gun, and join the epidemic prevention and control battle! Drums and shouts for justice and humanity! ”

"Thanks to this new era, thanks to high technology, thanks to the media, no need to go out, no writing, just scratch on the phone" "Mobile phone, mobile phone, you cover up my shortcomings, you play my strengths to the fullest." ”

I created "Migrant Workers, You Are True", "Henan People's Same Frequency Call", "I Face to Face with Anti-epidemic Heroes" and other recitation poems flew all over Guiyang, Zhengzhou and other parts of the country! It has been forwarded by xinhua, netease, today's headlines, Sohu, Baidu and other national mainstream network platforms. At the same time, ancient poems such as "Looking at the Yellow Crane Tower", "Kyushu Party Flag Red", and "Community Affection" have been pushed or published by poetry journals such as "Chinese Poetry Circle", "Poetry Monthly", "Yudong Poetry" and so on, although they do not go out at home, they can still contribute to the fight against the epidemic. ”

That original intention is still passionate

This is the anti-epidemic life of an old man who has been opened to the brain shell due to a brain tumor, his hands and feet are not working, and his speech is not clear, which makes people moved after reading it. This collection is a memorial, the title of the book is good: "Anti-epidemic has me", one of which is "The whole people fight against the epidemic, we are all fighters" (essay), which can reflect the distinct characteristics of the times and the personality of using the pen as a knife and participating in the fight against the epidemic.

I would like to say, Mr. Huimin, you are a person who does not forget his original heart, has the courage to take responsibility, is a person who knows gratitude and persistent pursuit, and is an optimistic and upbeat person who is passionate about Shitian!

I hope that more friends can appreciate his poetry and further understand why poetry can make people "soar", "high ambition" and "spiritual show".

That original intention is still passionate

Editor: Li Xunxiu Editorial Board of Qingyanwei Literature

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