
What did you say? I can't hear you......

With the popularity of electronic products, headphones have entered the life of the general public, especially some young people have the habit of wearing headphones for a long time, and life, work and study are almost inseparable from headphones. As a result, the population of patients with hearing loss is becoming younger.

What did you say? I can't hear you......

Published by the World Health Organization

Currently among young people aged 12 to 35 years old worldwide

About 1.1 billion people are at risk of irreversible hearing loss

And the personal audio device is too loud

Become the number one killer of hearing loss

Do you know how to use headphones scientifically?

Have you followed your hearing?

Let's take a look at the dangers of wearing headphones for a long time?

What did you say? I can't hear you......

The hair cells of the inner ear are mushroom-like tissues of varying lengths under the microscope and are receptors of human hearing. These hair cells live only once, and when damaged and die, they can lead to irreversible hearing loss.

What did you say? I can't hear you......

Wearing headphones for a long time or being in a noisy environment for a long time, the cells are damaged or even died due to excessive stimulation of the hair cells of the inner ear by sound waves, resulting in different degrees of hearing loss, and may even induce noisy deafness.

Long-term wearing of headphones can bring such serious harm

How should people use headphones scientifically and healthily?

We can pay attention to the following three aspects:

1, time control: pay attention to control the time of using headphones, each use of headphones time does not exceed 60 minutes, it is best to let the ear rest for fifteen minutes per hour. Do not fatigue the ear, because the ear also needs to rest, such as: avoid wearing headphones to sleep, cooking telephone porridge, because of the need for long-term telephone business transactions.

2, volume: the volume does not exceed 60% of the total volume, avoid long-term noise environment or long-term wear of headphones in a noisy environment, due to the noisy external environment, people will unconsciously increase the volume of headphones, resulting in serious hearing damage.

3, cleaning: whether it is earbuds or ear canal headphones, we must pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene. Before wearing, observe whether there is a foreign body or dirt contamination, please clean it up and then wear it, so as to avoid foreign objects entering the ear canal or bacteria bringing in and causing bacterial infection. After bathing, you must wait for the ears to dry naturally before wearing ear canal headphones, once there is water vapor in the ear canal, wearing headphones will cause a closed environment, easy to mold breeding, causing fungal otitis, serious cases can affect hearing.

The hearing of the ear is precious, and its damage is irreversible.

When you have hearing problems,

Early diagnosis, early intervention, and early rehabilitation should be made!

March 3, 2022, is the 23rd National Ear Day, and the theme of this year's publicity and education activities has been determined as "To hear for life, listen with care - care for hearing health, listen to the wonderful future".

In daily life, you need to pay attention to hearing care, and pay attention to the new Xiangya ear, nose and throat video number to take you to interpret ear health exercises. Let us take care of our ears, pay attention to hearing, take care of it with our hearts, and it will take you to listen to the beauty of the world.

Introduction to departments

Through the introduction of advanced otological hearing examination and diagnosis and treatment equipment, the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck of Xiangya Third Hospital has innovated comprehensive diagnosis and treatment measures for otological diseases, so that various middle ear mastoid lesions can be diagnosed and treated, and various tympanic molding, artificial listening bone chain reconstruction, stirrup bone surgery, endolymphatic sac decompression, labyrinth resection, facial nerve surgery, eustachian tube balloon expansion are widely carried out.

In the past 7 years, cochlear implants have been widely carried out to restore the hearing of congenital and acquired patients with severe deafness, so that deaf patients can return from the silent world to the sound world. For patients with refractory peripheral vertigo, this discipline carries out surgery such as endolymphatic sac decompression, semicircular canal obstruction, gentamicin perfusion in the tympanic chamber, and lateral lymph streptomycin perfusion, so that patients can get rid of the problem of vertigo and return to normal life and work.

Expert introduction

What did you say? I can't hear you......

Liu Guohui

Clinical Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Deputy Chief Physician.


(1) Ear microsurgery: surgical treatment of chronic purulent otitis media (including modified mastoid surgery, tympanoplasty, osteogenic chain reconstruction, etc.); facial neurosurgery; surgical treatment of refractory vertigo; surgical treatment of tumor lesions of the external ear canal and middle ear.

(2) Endoscopic middle ear surgery, including tympanic membrane repair, excision of cholesteatoma of the external auditory canal and middle ear, tympanic exploration and hearing reconstruction.

(3) Tonsil and adenoidal surgery.

Author / Li Rong Li Wei

Editor / Junqing Yang

Audit / Kai Jiang

Editor-in-Charge / Shan Li

Source / Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Party Branch Of the Third Party

Produced / New Xiangya WeChat Creative Circle

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