
Yang Haoming's new single "Starry Sky Summer" was surprised online, looking for the sweetest breath in the notes


Today, the new generation of actors and singers Yang Haoming's new single "Starry Sky Summer" is sweetly launched, when the lazy notes collide with the sweet heartbeat, when the gentle air crosses the misty starry sky, it may be time to rush to this romantic appointment on the last day of summer. The boy in the music incarnates as the male protagonist and wanders freely in this sweet love, while Future Bass's encounter with the R&B style is destined to immerse people in the plot of the note story.

Yang Haoming's new single "Starry Sky Summer" was surprised online, looking for the sweetest breath in the notes

Sweet love will run through the changing seasons, but only the summer night starry sky gives the freedom to remember. The memories of the smirks and every hand-holding are like dramas that make people look forward to the infinite future. The secret belonging to the two people is quietly hidden, and the heart-pounding emotion hits the chest cavity -- if there is one more beautiful thing than this, it must be the eternal stay of this starry sky. In this short and long moment, let you and I indulge in the most sincere heartbeat.

Yang Haoming's new single "Starry Sky Summer" was surprised online, looking for the sweetest breath in the notes

Like the name of the song, the arrangement of the whole song carries the gentleness of the starry sky on a summer night. The carbonated Future Bass drum beats, paired with the keyboard's wind-like dotted notes, depict the relaxation and freedom of teenagers and lovers under the stars. The undulating emotions and sweet feelings in love evolve into the most brilliant moments of summer in the melody, as the song sings, "The distance that slowly approaches / The smile that hides the corners of the mouth / The fantasy will be me and you / Tomorrow there will be good emotions", when all the complicated moods are left behind, at this moment there is only me and you under the beautiful starry sky.

■ The blessing of the starry sky, love makes people transform

Yang Haoming's new single "Starry Sky Summer" was surprised online, looking for the sweetest breath in the notes

As a new generation of mainland actors and singers who have attracted much attention, Yang Haoming is transforming and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Refreshing rhythms and melodies, more comfortable expressions in music, all interpret the teenager's firm choice of love in a more self-ego posture. The steps towards the future, because of the faith in love and fearless forward, and the starry sky of the summer night in the memory will lead you and me to find the purest touch.

In the evolution and precipitation again and again, in the gentle and sweet melody of the summer night starry sky, I believe that Yang Haoming will continue to bring us more surprises!

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