
A dollar a pound of oranges, three months of profit of 800,000, the smart boss's business is worth learning

author:Business is profitable in reverse

The case brought to you today is: a small fruit shop in Henan, the boss used two tricks, and made a profit of more than 800,000 yuan in three months.

Case Background:

My wife seems to have been caught in the evil recently, and she doesn't know what evil she has been caught, and the oranges in the house are bought in piles. There are more than a dozen bags of oranges in the living room alone, and each bag has three or five pounds.

I asked her, do you want money for oranges now? Or are you rich now, and the money is stupid for many people? Buy so many oranges, eat and eat them all. It's a pity to throw it away, aren't you okay with finding something?

But my wife excitedly told me that this orange was indeed the same as not wanting money. All the oranges, oranges bigger than your fist, people do activities, only sell for one dollar, this is not the same as not wanting money.

As soon as I heard this, I came to the spirit. A dollar orange, and the size is also particularly large, the sweetness and sourness can also be delicious, such a good orange sells for a dollar, can this boss make money? Then with my questions, I went to the small fruit shop on the edge of the neighborhood and prepared to find out.

A dollar a pound of oranges, three months of profit of 800,000, the smart boss's business is worth learning

The owner of this fruit shop was a young man in his thirties, who looked very energetic, at least when talking to me, did not show the slightest symptom of mental problems, so I wondered at the time.

I said: Boss, you sell so cheaply, are you doing charity, or is your orange harvest abundant, can't sell it, and is shelved for welfare?

The boss mysteriously told me that this is actually a business model, this is a routine. Don't you look at me for a dollar to sell oranges, but I made more than 800,000 yuan in three months, do you want to know how I did it?

Event Description:

Selling oranges for a dollar, if you look at the content of our reverse profit course, this is basically a strategy that belongs to the "low price" drainage. It is a way to tear open the traffic entrance and obtain more traffic with very low price products.

The logic of this activity is also very simple, that is, the oranges sold for a dollar, in fact, this dollar is basically his cost. So a dollar to sell, although it is true that no money is made, but it will never lose, even if the loss is almost negligible, it has no impact on the overall situation.

A dollar a pound of oranges, three months of profit of 800,000, the smart boss's business is worth learning

However, with this product, it has attracted many, many customers. Then as long as some lock-in action is carried out in the later stage, the boss still makes a lot of money.

For the lock-up activities of this store, it is actually very simple, there are two of them.

There are more than 340 sets in the column below, if you think it is OK, you can directly click on the card below to unlock

One: increase the repurchase rate

First of all, the first activity, a dollar to buy oranges is not unlimited, but all the customers who enter the store, as long as the consumption is full of ten dollars, you can spend a dollar to buy a pound of oranges, every ten dollars is a hurdle There are a total of 30 purchase opportunities. This is equivalent to locking in the customer 30 times into the store to consume, that is, 300 yuan of consumption.

A dollar a pound of oranges, three months of profit of 800,000, the smart boss's business is worth learning

For the fruit shop, a customer spends 300 yuan, which may be less than half a month's pocket money, so this activity is not enough to lock in customers, more continuous repeated consumption in the store, and can make more money on this customer, so there is a second lock-in activity.

Two: Keep locking customers

The second activity is also relatively simple and not very complicated, that is, when the customer buys the 30 times to buy a low-priced orange offer, after using it, the boss will tell the customer that you have participated in our activities before, so you have a second benefit, that is, we will give you a stored value card worth 500 yuan.

This 500 yuan stored value card can be used later when you come to the store to buy fruit. However, the way of deduction is not a one-time deduction, but a deduction of 15% each time.

You see, it is with such a simple two activities, the customers who continue to lock in, for a long time in the store repeated consumption, especially the last 500 yuan membership card.

Each consumption is deducted by 15%, and I want to deduct the 500 yuan. Then the money that the customer needs to spend is about 7500 yuan. How much profit there is, you don't have to say that you can figure it out.

A dollar a pound of oranges, three months of profit of 800,000, the smart boss's business is worth learning

And when this stored value membership card is used up, we can still send a bigger discount. For example, send a larger stored value card and give a higher discount, so as to lock in customers to spend in the store.

Profit Logic:

For a physical store, whether it is drainage or profit, it is actually relatively simple. You just need to remember the logic here, such as low price is the best means of customer acquisition, setting thresholds is an effective means of sharing costs, and spin-off is the best means of profit.

After memorizing these three means, it is actually very simple to do any activity in your store and want to make more money than your peers.

The above content is excerpted from my column below, specific practice and activities and several other profit points, after reading you will know how "thief" the boss is. And there are more than 340 sets of practical cases in the column, from how to attract more than 10,000 customers at low prices, to how to transform the 0 profit dilemma, and finally get millions of profits methods and logic. The method is simple, the content is intuitive, the practical is strong, and it is easy to understand and easy to learn.