
From the king of kings to the tragic death on the street, how crazy was Gaddafi, and how did he dig his own grave?

He was originally a poor shepherd, but eventually became the president of Libya and made Libya the number one power in Africa. He was loved by the people, but he dug his own grave, died in a trick, and was eventually overthrown by the people and died tragically on the street. He is the Madman of the Middle East, Gaddafi, and today we will look at his magnificent life.

Libya is a very poor country in Africa, where most of its land is desert. Therefore, not to mention the development of the economy, in this vast desert, even survival is a problem. However, Heaven has not given up on this country, which has a large amount of oil underground and the reserves rank first in Africa.

Having so much oil should have been very rich, and the people should have eaten meat every day and sang and danced, but this kind of scene can only be seen in the homes of the rich. The money for the oil that the working people have worked so hard to extract has gone into the hands of the state's top brass, and these rich government officials live in bustling metropolises, while the ordinary people do not even have houses to live in, but have to sleep on the streets.

From the king of kings to the tragic death on the street, how crazy was Gaddafi, and how did he dig his own grave?

Gaddafi was born in such a dilapidated country, and when he was very young, he needed to go out to herd sheep to supplement his family, and his family was destitute. But his parents realized the importance of going to school and insisted on sending him to education. However, school life was not happy, and because Gaddafi was the worst in the class and the oldest, he was ridiculed by his classmates. Perhaps it is because he suffers more than children of the same age, and under the pressure of his family, Gaddafi has always been the hardest one in school. Gaddafi also became the only person in the family to be educated.

After Qaddafi became an adult, he became more and more dissatisfied with the corrupt government in the society at that time, and although he was full of enthusiasm for serving the country, he was helpless to be just a nobody, no status, no background, no power, just like a three-no-youth. At this time, an important turning point in his life quietly arrived. He met Al-Falih, who was captivated at the sight of this beautiful woman, and after learning that she was the daughter of a great general, he began a frantic pursuit of her, and soon the two fell in love.

After a period of love, it was time to meet his parents, and when Gaddafi met Falih's father, he was humble and confident, telling his ideals to his father-in-law. The general looked at the young man in front of him and thought that he would become a great instrument in the future, so he agreed to the marriage and sent him to the Royal Sandhes College in the United Kingdom to study, which is one of the top four military schools in the world.

From the king of kings to the tragic death on the street, how crazy was Gaddafi, and how did he dig his own grave?

Gaddafi, who had returned from school, was no longer what he used to be, and he began to secretly plan and set up the Freedom Army organization. The toiling masses were already very dissatisfied with the government, and it only took a little bit of Mars to trigger the largest outbreak, and fortunately, Gaddafi became the key fuse. In 1969, Gaddafi led the Free Army organization into the dynasty, the vast number of people quickly responded, even the dynasty's doorman uncle came to take the initiative to open the door to the Free Army organization, Qaddafi successfully overthrew the hopeless dynasty, his time came.

When Gaddafi was 27 years old, he became the president of Libya, all said that the new official took office three fires, Gaddafi's first fire came as promised, but the first fire was not others but himself, he chose to divorce his current wife Falih, and cut off contact with the general, this kind of revenge, crossing the river and demolishing the bridge is really a bit infuriating, but from another point of view, Gaddafi is a bit of a Wu qi to kill his wife and ask for a general. The oppression of the people in the old government was too severe, and at this time Gaddafi's practice was actually telling the people that they would not have any contact with the old government, and that Libya would usher in a new era under his rule. After this practice, Gaddafi gained a lot of popularity. From this point of view, Gaddafi is a very politically minded man.

After Qaddafi took office, he did not renege on his word, he very strictly controlled corruption, severely punished those corrupt officials, and the atmosphere in the official field became much fresher.

From the king of kings to the tragic death on the street, how crazy was Gaddafi, and how did he dig his own grave?

He drove the U.S. and British troops stationed in Libya out of his territory, and from them regained the sovereignty of the oil companies and banks that belonged to his country, which completely offended Britain and the United States, and his situation began to change a little less ominously, and it was only a matter of time before Britain and the United States retaliated against him; on the other hand, this incident greatly increased libya's economy, Libya quickly became rich, and Gaddafi did not forget to return to the people, spending a large amount of money on education and medical care. Education coverage in Libya has risen rapidly to 85 per cent, and people no longer have to pay for surgery in hospitals.

Under his leadership, Libya became the richest man in Africa, and in September 2008, chiefs from more than two hundred countries in Africa gathered to give Gaddafi the title of King of Kings and claim to be willing to follow Himaddafi. Everything went so smoothly, Gaddafi became richer and richer, and Gaddafi went to the peak of his life. In the face of great wealth, it is difficult for anyone to keep sane all the time, and gradually, wealth loses Gaddafi's mind, and he begins to become the person he hated at first, ambitious and corrupt.

Gaddafi, who had money, also began to become arrogant, and he began to buy a large amount of weapons and equipment from the Soviet Union, hoping to take Libya out of the Middle East. He told his idol, Egypt's president, Nasser, that he would be his little brother, and Nasser was naturally happy.

From the king of kings to the tragic death on the street, how crazy was Gaddafi, and how did he dig his own grave?

Egyptian President Al-Nasser

But as the contact deepened, Nasser found that Gaddafi always seemed to be missing roots in doing things. Gaddafi actually told Nasser to attack Israel, and then the land was owned by Al-Ser, which frightened Nasser, and this kind of thing is not allowed in the current international situation, even if it is really done, the developed countries such as the United States will not stand by and stand by.

Gaddafi is rather unpopular with the United States, perhaps because it once oppressed Libya. Gaddafi once let soldiers walk past three American flags, all of which the United States wrote down in small books. In the early morning of April 15, 1986, in retaliation for Gaddafi, the United States dispatched a large-scale military force, including 3 aircraft carriers, 34 other ships and hundreds of aircraft, and the US military carried out air strikes on Libya, causing hundreds of casualties among Libyan residents.

Although Gaddafi was lucky enough to avoid the disaster, his daughter died and his two sons were injured. In retaliation, Gaddafi carried out an air bomb attack in Lobik, England, which killed 270 people, 189 of whom were Americans. All the evidence pointed to Gaddafi, and Gaddafi came to his death.

From the king of kings to the tragic death on the street, how crazy was Gaddafi, and how did he dig his own grave?

At this point, Qaddafi has completely offended the two great powers of the United States and Britain, and there is no room for turning back. Gaddafi, who was also afraid of the military forces of the two countries, took the initiative to bow his head and apologize, and took the initiative to pay compensation. On the surface, this matter is in the past, but the death of so many people is definitely not an apology, and a compensation can be solved.

When the United States chose to attack Iraq, it simply described a small bottle of laundry detergent as a liquid bomb and attacked Iraq without any reason at all. Gaddafi is also deeply aware of the face of the United States, so he took the lead in turning the other cheek at the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly, pointing out the shady things that the United States has done in recent years, and also criticizing the secretary-general of the United Nations, and finally teaching the five permanent members a lesson and shaking the five powers. Each delegate had only 15 minutes to speak, but Qaddafi insisted on speaking for more than two hours, and when he finished his speech, he threw the UN charter to the ground with great disdain.

Gaddafi's casual, arrogant behavior is really incredible. But this ushered in another turning point for him, and from then on, Gaddafi's power shifted from the peak of the wave to the trough. If you are strong, you will have to listen to others if you teach others, and if you are weak, you will have to be beaten yourself if you teach others. After offending all these powerful countries, Gaddafi's good days are over.

From the king of kings to the tragic death on the street, how crazy was Gaddafi, and how did he dig his own grave?

Qaddafi ruled for a total of 42 years, perhaps this is the law of history, all those rulers who have been in power for many years will faint in their old age, and Gaddafi is no exception, he is becoming more and more dictatorial, directly abusing power, and the people's lives are no longer as happy as in their early years. At the same time, Libya has spawned an opposition. With American involvement and brainwashing, these opponents came forward and overthrew Gaddafi's rule just as they had overthrown the previous dynasty.

The defeated Gaddafi was eventually found by the people from the sewers. People beat and insulted him directly, and a person of high power fell into the streets. Today's Libya has lost the leadership of Gaddafi, the dragons are leaderless, the major forces are divided, the wars are raging, and people have once again lost their peaceful lives and lived even more impoverished and difficult lives. This may be a happy thing for the United States, they want to see the world in chaos, the more chaotic the world, they can get more benefits, and the chaos in Libya is a great opportunity for the United States to enter Libya again to grab resources.

Gaddafi's life is really ups and downs, very wonderful, from a poor little fart child to marry the daughter of a national general, flying yellow Tengda may be the dream of many men, which can indeed be less than many years of struggle.

From the king of kings to the tragic death on the street, how crazy was Gaddafi, and how did he dig his own grave?

Since then, Gaddafi has successfully become the president of the country, above one person, under ten thousand people, like the male protagonist in the novel.

However, everyone has shortcomings, and it is his shortcomings that destroyed Gaddafi. Qaddafi is impulsive, arrogant, and completely does not care about the overall situation, in the face of many developed countries in the West, Libya only relies on oil, is not enough to challenge all Western countries. He even educated them one by one in the United Nations General Assembly, which was nothing more than hitting a pebble.

If Gaddafi could resist the temptation of money, not lose his mind by wealth, have no external ambitions, concentrate on governing Libya without offending the United States, perhaps he would be able to enjoy his old age in peace and eventually retire as a legendary President of Libya. Unfortunately, history has no ifs.

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